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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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This was the point I was making with decision making by VY. Not a reference to IQ. The facts are this will be the most hostile environment he has played in and has caused many heisman signal callers to go away from their game. VY is a strong Heisman candidate which means extra pressure on him and also more focus from a very good defense. OSU will be the underdog at their own stadium. If VY plays a close to perfect game with his decisions we are in trouble because he is that talented. I am personally less concerned with the Texas offense and VY decision making as I am with Zwick and OSU's offense committing too many turnovers. We have no proven running game and also no proven QB against a very good defense that will make the right decisions. Like Texas, OSU loves the Victory over Michigan but that was last year and not a very good defense.
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"..whereas Mack reportedly assigns a lot of ST coverage (especially KR coverage) duties to walkons or backups."

The coaching staff as stated that they are changing the way that they approach ST this year and this was specifically one of the things they mentioned. I doubt you will see walk ons as cover guys on ST this year except in blowouts

"What makes you so cocky to suggest that the running game is all that will matter, when Michigan abandoned the running game for the most part, and nearly beat you despite a performance by VY which will not be equalled this time around?"

Durring any streak there are bound to be some close calls and all streaks must end, but it is still a streak never the less and 60 somthin and 0 record is impressive at least.
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XRAYRANDY Your statement on going with the team with 299 yards last year is irrelevant to this year. That statement is saying that Benson was just an average runner behind a great line. That is an insult to one of your best RB's of All time. A top pick in the NFL. The coffee's brewing perhaps we need to wake up.
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Agreed HL, I was moreso combating xray than putting down UT. I bet they will shore up ST coverage, especially coming to see Ginn & Holmes.

And I would say that if you dominate on the ground, you have an excellent shot. I'm just unsure that your running game will emulate Benson & Williams quite yet.
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We did not have a problem with punt coverage at all last year. I have no idea where you got that. Kick coverage was the problem

Our top gunners in the spring were Huff and Michael Griffin. We will use our two best safeties, at least for this game.

Our special teams did not struggle during the spring, they were fine. If you are referring to any reports from the spring game all those plays were first team versus scrubs, and the big plays were made by the first team as one would expect.

As far as the passing games go, both of our passing offenses and defenses were essentially equivalent last year. Both will be improved this year. I expect there will be no net advantage either way. Therefor the running game will be decisive and Texas has the advantage both ways.

We have had a 1000 yard runningback for ten straight seasons and we will again this year (baring a mid-season injury). We will certainly miss Benson at times, and will pass more, but we should still average well over 200 yards a game rushing.
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xrayrandy: I'll tell you right now that Texas will be very lucky to get 200 yards rushing in The Shoe, including Young's rushes. Ohio State will force Young to throw, period. I seriously, seriously doubt that Texas cracks 20 points.
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High Lonesome said:
But the past doesn't matter right?

I'd say that in this case, it can be fairly reasonable to compare what Michigan's WRs did to Texas on a neutral field seven months ago to what our WRs can do to them at home in less than eight weeks from now, seeing as Texas' defense is essentially the same (per Texas fans here).
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Oh it certainly is possible for tOSU to score 30+ the way Michigan did, by being +2 in turnovers and getting great field position due to big kick returns. But, if turnovers and field postion are neutral tOSU will not score 20 points.

On the other hand I don't see you holding UT to less than 30. While I know everyone hates stats when they're not in their favor, based on last year one team averaged a net ~10 points point more per game, and I think that is a good number for the espected margin of victory. With the stipulations that there are 0 net turnovers and even field position.
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MililaniBuckeye said:
I'd say that in this case, it can be fairly reasonable to compare what Michigan's WRs did to Texas on a neutral field seven months ago to what our WRs can do to them at home in less than eight weeks from now, seeing as Texas' defense is essentially the same (per Texas fans here).

I am actually perfectly fine with using the past at this point in the season. I was just givin you hell for earlier comments made on the subject.
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xrayrandy said:
Oh it certainly is possible for tOSU to score 30+ the way Michigan did, by being +2 in turnovers and getting great field position due to big kick returns. But, if turnovers and field postion are neutral tOSU will not score 20 points.

On the other hand I don't see you holding UT to less than 30. While I know everyone hates stats when they're not in their favor, based on last year one team averaged a net ~10 points point more per game, and I think that is a good number for the espected margin of victory. With the stipulations that there are 0 net turnovers and even field position.

I think you've had a serious overdose of x-ray exposure to the brain. You can pull obscure, meaningless stats out of your trousers all day, but that doesn't show how the game will be played on the field. Hawk and Carpenter (our OLBs) will contain the outside on Young, and Young will either have to run the ball inside or will be forced to throw.

As for Texas cracking 30 points, I have $100 real cash that says they don't. The last OOC team to score 30+ in regulation in The Shoe was USC in 1990.
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jwinslow said:
Again you are hung up on stats. Apparently there was another game besides teh Rose Bowl where you had trouble on special teams coverage.

How can you claim you are going to be just fine on PR coverage, when you got obliterated in your last game by a returner who is talented but still not Ginn-like?

Plus Tressel always puts his future stars at gunners on ST... whereas Mack reportedly assigns a lot of ST coverage (especially KR coverage) duties to walkons or backups.

There is a definite edge in special teams. Your kicking game struggled this spring apparently, whereas we look like we have a pretty solid replacement for Nuge (tho no one can fill his shoes). And we dedicate multiple days (in the limited spring session) just to special teams all day long, we even have a ST scrimmage. There is no comparison between the way JT and MB prepare for ST.

It's very possible you guys could do fine. But looking at the strengths of the Tressel ST units vs. Mack's occasional woes on ST, and you'll understand why we talk the way we do. Do you guys spend multiple schollies on kickers/punters?

Keep in mind that JT's special teams have always been very good, and now last year we've added two dynamic PR's... and Ginn will be on KR unlike last year (where we were using our solid but not flashy KR Hall).

Since you're hung up on stats, look at it this way.

Let's assume that VY is going to be similar to his RB performance, but that we aren't quite as stupid in our scheming and incapable of stopping VY. He gets 3 TDs on the ground and one more thru the air.

OSU should have similar firepower thru the air to Michigan, and should be able to beat Michigan's prowess on ST.

What makes you so cocky to suggest that the running game is all that will matter, when Michigan abandoned the running game for the most part, and nearly beat you despite a performance by VY which will not be equalled this time around?

VY may go nuts, but there's no way our safeties are gonna be 12 yards off of the line and our guys are going to miss 18,000 open field tackles.
When is the last time you guys scored 4 TD's in a game again?
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jwinslow said:
Again you are hung up on stats. Apparently there was another game besides teh Rose Bowl where you had trouble on special teams coverage.

How can you claim you are going to be just fine on PR coverage, when you got obliterated in your last game by a returner who is talented but still not Ginn-like?

Plus Tressel always puts his future stars at gunners on ST... whereas Mack reportedly assigns a lot of ST coverage (especially KR coverage) duties to walkons or backups.

There is a definite edge in special teams. Your kicking game struggled this spring apparently, whereas we look like we have a pretty solid replacement for Nuge (tho no one can fill his shoes). And we dedicate multiple days (in the limited spring session) just to special teams all day long, we even have a ST scrimmage. There is no comparison between the way JT and MB prepare for ST.

It's very possible you guys could do fine. But looking at the strengths of the Tressel ST units vs. Mack's occasional woes on ST, and you'll understand why we talk the way we do. Do you guys spend multiple schollies on kickers/punters?

Keep in mind that JT's special teams have always been very good, and now last year we've added two dynamic PR's... and Ginn will be on KR unlike last year (where we were using our solid but not flashy KR Hall).

Since you're hung up on stats, look at it this way.

Let's assume that VY is going to be similar to his RB performance, but that we aren't quite as stupid in our scheming and incapable of stopping VY. He gets 3 TDs on the ground and one more thru the air.

OSU should have similar firepower thru the air to Michigan, and should be able to beat Michigan's prowess on ST.

What makes you so cocky to suggest that the running game is all that will matter, when Michigan abandoned the running game for the most part, and nearly beat you despite a performance by VY which will not be equalled this time around?

VY may go nuts, but there's no way our safeties are gonna be 12 yards off of the line and our guys are going to miss 18,000 open field tackles.
When is the last time you guys scored 4 TD's in a game again?
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