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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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High Lonesome said:
by the way, I feel at this time the need to express the enjoyment out of the fact that this board feels the need to have an entire thread dedicated to police/legal blottor. It is sad that it is needed but has provided me with more than a few laughs
BP covers all of sports and sad to say in sports you have a few bad guys that do draw the attention of the media. Sorry That Hornfans isn't up to par so you have to come and join BP.
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"i gotta be honest, I am still a little confused where the contract for 227? passing yards came from. Also how was that number settled on"

227 yards is the number produced by Michigan's "dominating" wide recivers in the Rose Bowl. It happens to be only 15 more than our defensive average for the year. And, while I don't think tOSU will throw for that many yards, since they don't have a QB as good as Henne, it seems fair enough. They won't break 100 rushing.

Sorry about all the stats but I'm a physcists/mathematician/chemist. It is what I do. In this case the perception of dominance was not nearly as great as the reality.

"The last OOC team to score 30+ in regulation in The Shoe was USC in 1990."

Now that is an irrelevant stat. At least mine have some bearing on the game.
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xrayrandy said:
227 yards is the number produced by Michigan's "dominating" wide recivers in the Rose Bowl. It happens to be only 15 more than our defensive average for the year. And, while I don't think tOSU will throw for that many yards, since they don't have a QB as good as Henne, it seems fair enough. They won't break 100 rushing.

Sorry about all the stats but I'm a physcists/mathematician/chemist. It is what I do. In this case the perception of dominance was not nearly as great as the reality.

Yeah, and I'm sure your DC was estatic at the great accomplishment of holding Michigan to "only 15 yards more than our defensive average for the year". Did your defense also give up an average of four TD passes a game? :roll1:

So, let me get this straight. You're saying we won't crack 100 yards rushing or crack 227 yards passing. I have another $100 real money that says we crack 100 yards rushing (counting QB rushes) and another $100 real money that says we crack 200 yards passing (I rounded it down to 200 since we don't have any QBs as good as Henne :roll1: ).

As far as my stat of no OOC team scoring 30+ regulation points at The Shoe in 15 years being irrelevent, it is indeed relevent in that it shows how the team consistantly rises to the occasion defensively at home. Your stats mean squat as to how Texas will actually fare against our particular defense.

I suggest you apply your stats background to areas in which they actually matter (physics, math, chemistry).
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scarletandgrey said:
BP covers all of sports and sad to say in sports you have a few bad guys that do draw the attention of the media. Sorry That Hornfans isn't up to par so you have to come and join BP.
I don't need an internet forum to discuss Texas football. I have plenty of friends, coworkers, random people at sports bars around here to do that with. I'll read it to follow any stories but I enjoy posting with our bigtime opponents to help get a perspective on upcomming games. I am sure that in a year or so after we finish the second game in Austin I will move on to greener pastures, till then your stuck with me. I guess you could block me?
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MililaniBuckeye said:
Yeah, and I'm sure your DC was estatic at the great accomplishment of holding Michigan to "only 15 yards more than our defensive average for the year". Did your defense also give up an average of four TD passes a game? :roll1:

So, let me get this straight. You're saying we won't crack 100 yards rushing or crack 227 yards passing. I have another $100 real money that says we crack 100 yards rushing (counting QB rushes) and another $100 real money that says we crack 200 yards passing (I rounded it down to 200 since we don't have any QBs as good as Henne :roll1: ).

As far as my stat of no OOC team scoring 30+ regulation points at The Shoe in 15 years being irrelevent, it is indeed relevent in that it shows how the team consistantly rises to the occasion defensively at home. Your stats mean squat as to how Texas will actually fare against our particular defense.

I suggest you apply your stats background to areas in which they actually matter (physics, math, chemistry).
Please, what you did 15 years ago has no bearing on what happens in 2 months. Different players, times, coaches, etc. Maybe if you have had the same coach over the last 15 years, you have grounds for an argument, but there is nothing a decade ago that is the same now.
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The 4 TD catches were more a function of field position, and that will be more difficult for you to duplicate.

As for all these gambling offers, I am sorry but I don't put money at stake on anyone who has not been out of school a while.
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So since your offense is on topic, I will repeat what I wrote earlier in my write-up defending the horns...And since you are saying that the past DOES matter.


"How about the fact that Ohio State needs to develop a consistent and productive offense? How about some of these numbers: 1st Downs: 105th out of 117; 11th out of 11 in the Big Ten; Points per Game: 113th out of 117; 11th out of 11 in the Big Ten; 3rd Down Conversion Rate: 74th out of 117; 10th out of 11 in the Big Ten."

You guys have a worse offense then SMU....SMU!!!!
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xrayrandy said:
The 4 TD catches were more a function of field position, and that will be more difficult for you to duplicate.

As for all these gambling offers, I am sorry but I don't put money at stake on anyone who has not been out of school a while.

So, you all are saying your special teams aren't really that bad, but now you insinuate Michigan's 4 TDs were "more a function of field position". If that's the case and Texas had only on turnover in the game, pure common sense, and not stats, tells me:

1. Texas special teams were indeed poor in giving up so much field position.

2. We will be able to at least duplicate, if not exceed, Michigan's field position gains, with Ginn (by far the best returner in the country) and Holmes (also had a punt return TD last year) returning kicks.

As for my being one "who has not been out of school a while", I'm 48 years old, with a BSCS and three Associates degrees, not to mention 26 years military service. I'd say that makes me one well-prepared mofo. But, if you don't want to risk your pocket protector budget, I can understand.
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hookemhorns2004 said:
So since your offense is on topic, I will repeat what I wrote earlier in my write-up defending the horns...And since you are saying that the past DOES matter.


"How about the fact that Ohio State needs to develop a consistent and productive offense? How about some of these numbers: 1st Downs: 105th out of 117; 11th out of 11 in the Big Ten; Points per Game: 113th out of 117; 11th out of 11 in the Big Ten; 3rd Down Conversion Rate: 74th out of 117; 10th out of 11 in the Big Ten."

You guys have a worse offense then SMU....SMU!!!!

Man, you need to lay off the crack. Where the hell did you pull those numbers out of? (I can take a guess...)

OSU was 71st in ppg, not 113. Still not great, but when you consider the transition we underwent in the beginning of the year, it's not too bad. Averaged almost 29 ppg over the second half of the season.
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hookemhorns2004 said:
So since your offense is on topic, I will repeat what I wrote earlier in my write-up defending the horns...And since you are saying that the past DOES matter.


"How about the fact that Ohio State needs to develop a consistent and productive offense? How about some of these numbers: 1st Downs: 105th out of 117; 11th out of 11 in the Big Ten; Points per Game: 113th out of 117; 11th out of 11 in the Big Ten; 3rd Down Conversion Rate: 74th out of 117; 10th out of 11 in the Big Ten."

You guys have a worse offense then SMU....SMU!!!!

As a newbie, you obviously haven't been able to read all the posts in this huge thread. Our offensive stats reflect a poor early first half of the season where we had two QBs who had a grand total of about 20 snaps combined in their careers. We had lost 14 players to the NFL draft. While it took awhile for the offense to finally gel, it did big time. When we took the field against Michigan, we were 108th in total offense, with 300.2 ypg. We proceeded to put up 337 yards on them in one half. We then put up 33 points on Oklahoma State, despite not having our starting QB and our backup QB playing on a pulled hamstring. Our offense on Sept 10th will in no way resemble the offense we had early last season, but rather the offense the ran roughshod over Michigan and Oklahoma State.

By the way, we were 71st in scoring (24.17 ppg), not 113th. We also finished 36 places ahead of SMU (71st vice 107th). At least use accurate stats.
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I wasn't talking about your age, I never put money at stake on the performance of students, or in this case student/athletes.

Field position wise a turnover or kick off return was a factor in 5 of Michigan's 7 scoring drives. Our kick coverage was decent in 10 of the 12 games last year, so it is difficult to know how big of an anomaly this game was. I expect we will be better against tOSU than Michigan, since it is such a statistical outlier, but we won't really know until we play.

Turnovers is another issue. We generally had more takeaways than give aways last year, but that was not the case in every game. Interestingly enough tOSU lost more turnovers then they forced. Still it is best not to base expectations on an assumed turnover advantage.
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hookemhorns2004 said:
This is what I've heard. I hate to be the messenger of bad news, but there will be 5 players who won't play in the Miami or Texas games. The biggest name is Marcel Frost.
I've heard nothing of the sort about Frost, am I missing something? Can you give any sort of source on this Hookem?
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X ray, your heart is in the right place, I can see that but you really should ease up on the statistical analysis. You sound like a student that took stats last semester and couldn't wait to apply it towards real world situations. You say that the mich. game was an outlier, others say that we didn't have a large enough sample size, that the study was biased from the start, and that teams like north texas were the real outliers. The truth is if you insist on using stats to justify sports arguements then you should stick to baseball. A very smart man once told me to quit thinking so damn much. I use to disect football to the point of insanity before games. Eventually you have to call a spade a spade and believe what you see. Mack Brown has never been a good ST's coach. He allowed his walk ons and backups to get on the field and experience big time college football(he should be commended to a point for this). Sure there were games that we dominated on ST but many(most/all) of those teams were not on tOSU's level and our bench players were more athletic and more agressive than their starters. You say that our coverage was decent in 10 of 12 games, well two things bother me about that: 1) we should be at very worst "decent" in every game and 2) How did we allow ourselves to think that "decent" was worth a shit for a top program. Kicking is still 1/3 of the game and Mack has neglected it. It almost cost us the rosebowl. The longhorn team has said that they are going to adjust and use better players on sp. teams and this should really help us. Now if we could just get a place kicker.

I have agreed with many of your other posts, but in this case I think you are wrong in your assumptions. We may very well do better agianst tOSU than we did against mich, but it will not be because mich was just an outlier. It will be because we adjusted, practiced for, and respected one of the best teams in the country when it comes to the "3rd" part of the game.
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xrayrandy said:
...Our kick coverage was decent in 10 of the 12 games last year, so it is difficult to know how big of an anomaly this game was. I expect we will be better against tOSU than Michigan, since it is such a statistical outlier, but we won't really know until we play...

You keep proving my point about stats being irrelevent...the Michigan return game wasn't a "statistical outlier" but rather the reality of having a dangerous returner in Steve Breaston. You will be facing a much bigger return threat in Teddy Ginn and Santonio Holmes. Ginn led the country in punt return average (25.6 ypr) and had 4 TDs (NCAA record until Chad Owens broke it later that season), and Holmes had a very respectable 10.7 ypr average and a TD. Ohio State was 4th in the country overall as a team in punt return yardage, while Michigan was 21st, and we were tied for 2nd in punt TDs with five (Michigan had two). Our return game is clearly superior to that of Michigan, which had so much success against you in the Rose Bowl. Add the fact that we're playing at home under the lights in a supercharged atmosphere, and I'm about 85-90% certain we bust at least one punt or kickoff back for a TD against your special teams.
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