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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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jwinslow said:
Also, it would be cool to get some of our hornfans.com visitors to stop by.
BOOOOO! Thats what I think about hornfans.com. I got banned for suggesting a flamer was compensating for his fear of the game on September 10th. The sad thing was, every texas fan there agreed with me the guy was a tool. I got banned by some chick. Do I lose man points or something? BOOOO hornfans.com.
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At first I was wondering how you were planning on getting your hands on some longhorn beef. I did a little searching and I found this link:


Barnesville, Ohio. How convenient.

For those who have never had longhorn before, it's a little gamey. You'll either hate it or love it.

It's a bit of a challenge trying to get burger patties to stick together because it's so lean. Grass fed even more so. Might need to throw in some lard or something. I'm no expert or anything though.

Sounds like fun. If you wouldn't mind mingling with the enemy, I'd enjoy stoppng by.
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gost8, you can put me down for brats and Guinness. I'm assuming you'll put everybody's items in one list on post #1 of this thread.

Will somebody have a TV? Gotta watch the afternoon games while we prep for the late kickoff.
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I will be their again but you can bring my portion of food :biggrin::biggrin: I still havent checked my tent from the last tornado tailgate to see if it still works. But this game I am camping out at the Fawcett. I get off at 12 and will be at the Fawcett at 12:04.
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CleveBucks said:
Any idea where this is gonna be? The spring game let you park just about anywhere, but this will be different. Where are the game-day public parking areas on campus? I can park free in any of those with my university parking pass.

It's be sweet if somebody had a generator to hook up a couple TV's to watch the early games

edit: Guess I answered my own question. 2005 Football parking map:


Looks like the red area next to Fawcett would be best.
It will be in the Fawcett Center parking lot again. (Hopefully minus the hurricane force winds.) I have a generator and tv I will be bringing.

EngineerHorn said:
Sounds like fun. If you wouldn't mind mingling with the enemy, I'd enjoy stoppng by.
The more the merrier. Just be prepared for the ribbing. :biggrin:

BB73 said:
gost8, you can put me down for brats and Guinness. I'm assuming you'll put everybody's items in one list on post #1 of this thread.

Will somebody have a TV? Gotta watch the afternoon games while we prep for the late kickoff.
Got the brats covered BB73. I am bringing enough for everyone.

Trslfan said:
I will be their again but you can bring my portion of food :biggrin::biggrin: I still havent checked my tent from the last tornado tailgate to see if it still works. But this game I am camping out at the Fawcett. I get off at 12 and will be at the Fawcett at 12:04.
Got you covered my friend. I will bring some tiestraps and we will piece your tent back together. :biggrin: I will have to get a hold of you so we can plan on getting some good real estate.
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Back to a little reality...if UT can not develop a strong run game to accent their medium pass game, hats of gray with little funny leaves will vy be a seeing amongst the night lights.................. :osu: Goodnite JohnBoy.....
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A little off topic, but I noticed a post on bucknuts offering Ginn for Heisman t-shirts, also listed on ebay. It is a violation of NCAA merchandising rules to use a players name on a T-shirt. It can cost a player his eligibility if he consents or if he is aware of it happening and fails to act to have his name removed.

We had this at Texas problem during Ricky Williams Heisman run. I suspect that someone on this board can take care of it and save Ginn the trouble.
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xrayrandy said:
A little off topic, but I noticed a post on bucknuts offering Ginn for Heisman t-shirts, also listed on ebay. It is a violation of NCAA merchandising rules to use a players name on a T-shirt. It can cost a player his eligibility if he consents or if he is aware of it happening and fails to act to have his name removed.

Uh, the NCAA can't do jack shit about me or anyone else selling "so-and-so for Heisman" stuff, as long as so-and-so isn't involved. What if so-and-so told me to stop and I told him to go pound sand? You think the NCAA will punish so-and-so? It's beyond his control.
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Guys, we don't have to camp at the Fawcett Center this time. Scooter1369 works the RV lot and we've already talked about a tailgate for the Texas game. We have a spot in that lot with all of the other die hard Buckeye (and Texas) football fans. All we have to do is get there early, which I plan on being there at 6 a.m.

I'll bring something but I don't know what yet. I'll let you know though.
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NFBuck said:
Good lookin' out Randy. Did we have any problems stem from the McNutt for Heisman campaign in '02?
no heat from the NCAA for the McNutt for Heisman campaign, but the Downtown Athletic Club threatened litigation for unauthorized use of a copyrighted name...

the kids had to pull the T-shirts and the website...

so Mili is correct in that the NCAA doesn't have any power, but the Downtown Athletic Club most certainly holds the trump cards in this situation...
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Actually, both the NCAA and OSU would have been involved if they hadn't stopped selling the shirts when the DAC forced them to. There was an article in the Lantern about it, I'll try to find it. If OSU knows about the shirts and does nothing about it, they could get in trouble with the NCAA.
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EngineerHorn said:
At first I was wondering how you were planning on getting your hands on some longhorn beef. I did a little searching and I found this link:


Barnesville, Ohio. How convenient.

For those who have never had longhorn before, it's a little gamey. You'll either hate it or love it.

It's a bit of a challenge trying to get burger patties to stick together because it's so lean. Grass fed even more so. Might need to throw in some lard or something. I'm no expert or anything though.

Sounds like fun. If you wouldn't mind mingling with the enemy, I'd enjoy stoppng by.
If the beef is ultra lean then make chili (from grind), slow cook flanks or London Broils, or make BBQ Beef.
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At Texas the university was issued a warning and they and Ricky had a press release about it. Then the uiversity had officials sweeping the tailgaite areas and confiscating t-shirts violating this rule, along with copyright infringing merchandise. I also heard of cases of people being denied entry to the stadium with the illegal T-shirts.

One enterprising designer switched to using a silhouette of a runningback with dreads, but the latest interpretations prevent even that. I dug up this link which discusses the rule http://www.vanderbilt.edu/commodores/Support/Marketing Bylaws.pdf . Check out section I do not believe they have changed in the past two years.

There is no reason for any fan to endanger a players eligibility by doing something this stupid. Even though I might not like it on September 10, I do want to watch Ted Ginn Jr. play.
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