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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Chris my cousin and I will be there as early as you need us. Anything to return the wonderful hospitality you showed us during the Spring Game. Just let me know what time you want us there. Looking forward to seeing everyone again. Let me know when you would like to meet up and I'll be there too.

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Why will tOSUs defense be superior than Michigans. I looked up your stats, last year (keeping in mind that your defensive personel are essentially unchanged).

Total D
#30 tOSU 332 yards
#33 Mich 336 yards

Rushing D
#35 tOSU 130
#39 Mich 133

Passing D
#41 tOSU 202
#42 Mich 203
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xrayrandy said:
Why will tOSUs defense be superior than Michigans. I looked up your stats, last year (keeping in mind that your defensive personel are essentially unchanged).

Total D
#30 tOSU 332 yards
#33 Mich 336 yards

Rushing D
#35 tOSU 130
#39 Mich 133

Passing D
#41 tOSU 202
#42 Mich 203
Oh, how stats can be misleading...!
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xrayrandy said:
Why will tOSUs defense be superior than Michigans. I looked up your stats, last year (keeping in mind that your defensive personel are essentially unchanged).

Total D
#30 tOSU 332 yards
#33 Mich 336 yards

Rushing D
#35 tOSU 130
#39 Mich 133

Passing D
#41 tOSU 202
#42 Mich 203

Returning 9 starters helps. But the fact that the offense will let the defense rest on occassion this year, they will be much improved. Last year, our offense's propencity for 3 and outs left our defense on the field for almost three quarters. This year, will be much different.
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Oh the days are ticking away; 45 and counting until the season opener.
Any of the Horns on here, do you have any approximate numbers as to how many texans will be making the trip? I'd presume with a large alumni base similar to ours, and that Big Texas $$ that you travel very well.

I don't think a day goes by without the matchup entering a conversation of mine.

Which aspect do ya'll think will be most exciting.

Special teams play?

Our Offense vs. their defense?

Our defense vs. their offense?

Coaching vs coaching?
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xrayrandy said:
Why will tOSUs defense be superior than Michigans. I looked up your stats, last year (keeping in mind that your defensive personel are essentially unchanged).

We had lost 14 players to the NFL in the 2004 draft, many of them from our world-class defense that gave us a 25-2 record 2002-2003, including the national title in 2002 and #4 ranking in 2003. We also lost our defensive coordinator who ran that defense. On top of that, we lost our starting middle linebacker to a season-ending injury early in the season, and lost our starting corner for four weeks mid-season to a broken arm. Still more, our early offense was not very productive, which kept our defense on the field for a disproportionate amount of time. Needless to say, it took our defense a long time to find its identity. When Snyder (our new DC, who coincidently was hired away from us after the 2004 season to become the HC at his alma mater, Marshall) turned the defense loose and didn't play conservative, we flat out shut down three very potent offenses (on the road at Purdue, at home against Michigan, and the bowl game against Oklahoma State) in our final three games. The only times those offense got anything going was when Snyder played a soft defense...when he had them attack, they didn't give up a single point. Lastly, the Oklahoma State staff called our defense the best they faced all year last year, including the Oklahoma defense which totally shut down Vince Young. The season stats are not indicative at all of how solid they became as a unit at the end of the year.
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crzykillernut said:
Oh the days are ticking away; 45 and counting until the season opener.
Any of the Horns on here, do you have any approximate numbers as to how many texans will be making the trip? I'd presume with a large alumni base similar to ours, and that Big Texas $$ that you travel very well.

I don't think a day goes by without the matchup entering a conversation of mine.

Which aspect do ya'll think will be most exciting.

Special teams play?

Our Offense vs. their defense?

Our defense vs. their offense?

Coaching vs coaching?
is there any doubt that the biggest subplot of this game is our offense vs. your defense. RE: VY vs. Aj hawk
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From the perspective of your offense I would think Tressel's first concern would be establishing the running game, which could be real tough. We held opponents to 60 yards below their average last year, and with the improvement to our DL it should be worse this year. To be honest I would be surprised if you broke 100 yards rushing (145-60=85). Of course a long run on a gadget play by Ginn could inflate your numbers.

As for our DBs, our best corner Huff is a first round prospect, and Cedric Griffin has spent the summer going against Roy Williams and is reported to be a lot better. He is trying to jump from a second round prospect to a first rounder, and may do it. The WR-CB matchups in this game will be as big as any game in the country next season, but it really comes down to your QBs delivering the ball. Given their 53% completion percentage last year, that still has to be a concern, particularly if it turns out that you can't move the ball on the ground.
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X-ray - I was under the impression that Huff was almost certainly going to end up back at saftey. Have you seen otherwise? If you are like me you are not worried so much about tOSU sustaining drives but rather getting great field possision and Hitting a shot or two down field. They have big play written all over them.
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