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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Bucknuts Free
Hawk on the Texas game and how the Buckeye defense will try and contain quarterback Vince Young: “Well, obviously Vince Young and their whole offense have a ton of talent and a lot of skill. It’s going to be tough, but we’ve got in there and watched some film on them, and Miami of Ohio, our opener. We’re going to make sure we try and shut him (Young) down because he’s a huge part of their offense and with a guy with that much speed and he’s big and he can throw the ball, it makes it tough to stop. Everyone saw against Michigan in the Rose Bowl. That was kind of his coming-out game last year and everyone saw that game and saw what he can do. He’s a great player and it’s going to be a fun game to be a part of.”
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gost8 said:
It will be in the Fawcett Center parking lot again. (Hopefully minus the hurricane force winds.) I have a generator and tv I will be bringing.

The more the merrier. Just be prepared for the ribbing. :biggrin:

Got the brats covered BB73. I am bringing enough for everyone.

Got you covered my friend. I will bring some tiestraps and we will piece your tent back together. :biggrin: I will have to get a hold of you so we can plan on getting some good real estate.

I got another tent today and it is also a 10x10. I am not sure if my other tent is usable. I tryed to open it back up and it was hard as hell to get back closed. So I guess you cant count 2 tents from me. I think its gonna be better if we use your grill. My grill is basically a George foreman grill on wheels.
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ScarletInMyVeins said:
Guys, we don't have to camp at the Fawcett Center this time. Scooter1369 works the RV lot and we've already talked about a tailgate for the Texas game. We have a spot in that lot with all of the other die hard Buckeye (and Texas) football fans. All we have to do is get there early, which I plan on being there at 6 a.m.

I'll bring something but I don't know what yet. I'll let you know though.
True Dat!!!
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Um, ok... so 1:1 TD/INT doesn't bother kiper at all. The guys dangerous no doubt, but Kiper's basing this on the 04 season I bet... which makes this far too strong of a statement. Yeah OU seems really afraid of him, and the patriots D would be real afraid of him too. Sure he's mobile, but until he proves he can avoid throwing INTs this quote is so absurd it should finalize Kiper's place in the world of web (ie tabloid) journalists.
In reply to:<hr>"He's as feared with the ball in his hands as any quarterback in the history of the game," Kiper said. "He's a righthanded Michael Vick. Had there been no Michael Vick, Vince Young would have been the greatest multidimensional quarterback to ever play college football."

Houston Chronicle article
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jwinslow said:
In reply to:<HR>"He's as feared with the ball in his hands as any quarterback in the history of the game," Kiper said. "He's a righthanded Michael Vick. Had there been no Michael Vick, Vince Young would have been the greatest multidimensional quarterback to ever play college football."<HR>
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I'd like to get everyone together that will be there early. That way we can kick some ideas around. I am going to the Big 33 game Sat. so this weekend is out. So far SIMV, trslfan, and myself. I'll get ahold of Sprag and see if he's in to be there early.
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From sporting news magazine (hand typed so the typos are mine sorry)
by Matt Hayes

Texas at Ohio State, September 10
Just when it looks as though Texas finally will clear its head of Oklahoma-induced brain freeze (makes me queasy just writing it),Ohio State could end the Longhorns' national title hopes before we even reach the Texas State FAir. Unlike Michigan, Ohio State won't be foolish enough to play its safeties 10 to 12 yards off the line and blitz from the middle instead of the outside, which is why superman Texas quarterback Vince Young was able to break containment for a gazillion yards in the Rose Bowl. Texas better get multiple turnovers or it will roll into the OU game trying to salvage the season instead of steering toward pasedena.
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"Texas better get multiple turnovers or it will roll into the OU game trying to salvage the season instead of steering toward pasedena."

I don't see how anyone with a brain could reach that conclusion. The Michigan scoreboard comparison requires tOSU be +4 in turnovers while the Okie State comparison requires a +2 to be valid. Based on those comparisons, and the usual 6 or 7 points per turnover, it is not Texas that needs the turnovers.

On the other hand Matt Hayes and brains tend to be mutually exclusive entities.
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I don't see how anyone with a brain could reach that conclusion. The Michigan scoreboard comparison requires tOSU be +4 in turnovers while the Okie State comparison requires a +2 to be valid. Based on those comparisons, and the usual 6 or 7 points per turnover, it is not Texas that needs the turnovers.

What the fuck are you talking about?

If you are comparing common oppenents from last year... Then you should just give me a couple of minutes with my "Magic 8 Ball" and I can save you the trouble. Last yrs Texas and tOSU teams do not exist anymore. If you would like to argue why Texas will win, at least use something valid as a point.
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xrayrandy said:
"Texas better get multiple turnovers or it will roll into the OU game trying to salvage the season instead of steering toward pasedena."

I don't see how anyone with a brain could reach that conclusion. The Michigan scoreboard comparison requires tOSU be +4 in turnovers while the Okie State comparison requires a +2 to be valid. Based on those comparisons, and the usual 6 or 7 points per turnover, it is not Texas that needs the turnovers.

On the other hand Matt Hayes and brains tend to be mutually exclusive entities.

I think he's saying that since Ohio State won't give up a boat-load of yardage to Young like Michigan did, Texas will instead need to rely more on getting turnovers to score points. And turnovers do not equate to 6-7 points per turnover...it's more like three, if that.
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Last I checked those teams are coming back largely intact. There must be more than 100 posts on this threads with tOSU fans making the same comparison based on those games (without mentioning turnovers), so what's the deal.
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xrayrandy said:
Last I checked those teams are coming back largely intact. There must be more than 100 posts on this threads with tOSU fans making the same comparison based on those games (without mentioning turnovers), so what's the deal.

The deal is that Ohio State's defense is far superior to Michigan's defense was in the Rose Bowl, and thus will be able to contain Young far better than Michigan did. That's why Matt Hayes said Texas will need a bunch of turnovers to score what they did in the Rose Bowl. If Ohio State doesn't turn the ball over, Texas will have to rely solely on it's offense (read Vince Young) to generate points, which will be very tough to do against the Buckeye defense.
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you guys lost me but here is my two cents

1) tOSU defense should be better than Mich. was
2) Our offense should be about the same(worse running, though still good, and better passing)
3) Our Defense should be better
4) tOSU offense should be better
5) Our SP teams should be much better(don't have any place to go but up)
6) tOSU sp teams have to withstand losing nugent but will still be better than ours

All of this to me adds up to a hell of a game. I don't see the turnover margin being much of a factor as i think it will be very tough for both teams to score even after a turnover. If Greg Robinson was still our DC then i would assume that we would force the bucks into a short passing game and keep them infront of us. I feel this would be the best way to play ya'll since on paper you look to be a big play offense. I would be lying if i said i had any clue what Chizic will do. if I am being objective i see tOSU pulling one out of their arses again due to sp teams. I just feel that this is going to be a very close game and there are so many intangibles going to the bucks. Picking from my heart I see the horns pulling one out of their arses. I truely believe that this one could go either way and I can't wait for sept.
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