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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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bukIpower said:
I agree highlonesome..

The reason I view Penn State and Michigan State as two of our toughest opponents this year is because we SHOULD beat them, and these two teams seem to always give us problems. I have a question for you highlonesome and I'm sure its been asked before (maybe even by me, but I'm not about to read the whole thread) Does a night game at OSU make you un-easy at all? Because honestly WHENEVER we play a night game AWAY it makes me uneasy for an upset.
You're point's well taken and the fact that it's a night game does make me uneasy, but fortunately this team has been in a game like this before. Last season we played Arkansas early in the season in Fayetteville at night in one of the most rowdy environments I've ever seen. Granted, you're obviously a better team than Arkansas but whenever Texas comes to town, the pigs play us like it's a national championship so coming away with a 'W' was huge for us. (we needed a late fumble to win the game, but it was a W nonetheless)

My point is that I agree with HighLonsome that this team is confident enough to go into a night game on the road and get a win... and that confidence starts with our QB. The guy has ice water in his veins come crunch time. If Vince isn't on the field... I'd be singing a much different tune.
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I can respect your high opinion of Vince Young. I only saw him play in last year's Rose Bowl, so I can't argue one way or the other. But all this talk about how he's going to beat the Bucks sounds too much like people talking about Phillip Rivers, Cody Pickett, Cliff Kingsbury.. who am I forgetting? That Washington State guy.. no, not Ryan Lief. The other guy.

I'm not saying that Vince Young is just like those guys. I'm just saying that this all sounds too familiar.
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Zurp said:
I can respect your high opinion of Vince Young. I only saw him play in last year's Rose Bowl, so I can't argue one way or the other. But all this talk about how he's going to beat the Bucks sounds too much like people talking about Phillip Rivers, Cody Pickett, Cliff Kingsbury.. who am I forgetting? That Washington State guy.. no, not Ryan Lief. The other guy.

I'm not saying that Vince Young is just like those guys. I'm just saying that this all sounds too familiar.
In no way do I think Vince is going to beat the Buckeyes by himself. No one's that good. Every player on the team is going to have to have their best game and plays are going to have to be made on both sides of the ball if we want to win this one. My point about Vince is that the team feeds off of his confidence.... that's something that didn't happen when we've had previous QB's such as Simms running the show. It just seems like the team has a swagger with Vince as the QB that we haven't seen in Austin for a while.
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"That Washington State guy.. no, not Ryan Lief. The other guy."

Jason Gesser

as orangeblood said, its not that vy makes us think this is a lock for a W, its just that he gives us more faith that it is possible. Make no mistake Texas EARNED its reputation for choaking over the last five years, Big 12 championships, ou games, and holliday bowls all come to mind; however, last year VY seemed to give our team something that they had been missing for a long time. Who knows what it is, but for the first time in years many hornfans find themselves thinking,"I wonder how we'll win this one" when we are down instead of "shit, here we go again". Teams take the identity of their leader and this Texas team is lead by a guy who hates to lose.
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for the first time in years many hornfans find themselves thinking,"I wonder how we'll win this one"
I had that feeling with Major Applewhite and was only let down once, but I agree that Vince gives us that confidence. At the halftime of last year's Oklahoma State game, down 35-14 my brother and I were trying to figure out how we were going to win. We were confident we would win but just didn't know how we were going to do it. Without Vince Young I don't have the confidence that we can come back late and win. If it's crunchtime he's the type of player that exudes "we're not gonna lose" and I think that spills over to the rest of the team.
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"I'm glad VY had a great game against scUM... our guys got to see what he is capable of."

As a regular practice watcher I cannot stress how much Vince improved during the spring, and the word is after working with Norm Chow over the summer he has taken another leap forward. It has been said that comparing the way he was last year to now is like night and day. (Whatever that means in this context) I cannot wait for fall practice to start, and get a first hand look at him and the rest of the team.

In the mean time your coaches and team should be preparing for a much better player and leader than what they saw in the Rose Bowl.

As with other posters I agree that he cannot do it alone. There are many things that could happen to swing this game one way or the other, and who knows what he will do in any given game. I can tell you to expect him to have some pretty spectacular plays and games during the season.
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Texas fans, how much does this affect your D-line?

Texas junior defensive end Mike Williams, who had six sacks as a sophomore but missed last season because of academic issues, has again run into academic difficulty and is preparing to transfer, according to three sources familiar with the situation.

According to one source, Williams took an unofficial visit to Stephen F. Austin last weekend, along with former UT linebacker Garnet Smith and former Longhorns receiver Robert Timmons of Flower Mound. Williams has also looked into transferring to Sam Houston State, according to the source.

Both schools are members of Division I-AA, which means Williams could transfer and play immediately.

Texas coach Mack Brown and Williams couldn't be reached for comment Monday.

Williams was listed as a backup on the most recent Texas depth chart, but coaches had plans to use Williams in obvious pass-rushing situations this season.

Williams started one game as a sophomore in 2003, when he ranked second on the team with six sacks. He also recorded 23 tackles, seven behind the line of scrimmage, with 15 quarterback pressures, five batted passes and three forced fumbles in 2003.

Two of his sacks and a forced fumble were against then-No. 12 Nebraska that season.

Williams' place on the team will most likely be taken by redshirt freshman Brian Orakpo, who had a strong spring and is considered an up-and-coming speed rusher for the Longhorns. Brian Robison and Tim Crowder were listed as the starting defensive ends for UT coming out of spring practice. UT hasn't had a double-digit sacker since 1999 (Aaron Humphrey, 10).

Smith, of Arlington Lamar, decided to transfer after last season, and Timmons, who caught six passes for 44 yards in 2002, left the team after that season.
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it hurts us in 3rd and long situations but really not much more. He was going to be a pass rush specialist. He missed all of last year as well. Texas fans would have loved to see him play this year as he left us with a wonderfull taste in our mouths two years ago. Truth is that it is hard to miss something you never really had. As the artical says Orakpo is expected to step in and from what I have heard it will not be much of a difference. If anything it allows us to get a younger player some pt without throwing him into the fire.

Good article about the 10th, I really can't see anything in there that i don't agree with or that hasn't already been said but its good never the less.

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The article is not accurate. Williams was third string behind Orakpo coming out of spring practice. It will hurt our depth a little as he may have had 10-15 plays a game, mostly in pass rushing situations.

It does mean that we will look at a couple linebackers and true Freshman Aaron Lewis as possible 3rd string backups in his place.
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BP Ohio State/Texas Tailgate


With only 9 days left until the Buckeyes cook up some Longhorn, I guess today is just as good as any to start up the BUCKEYE PLANET OHIO STATE vs. TEXAS TAILGATE. I promised a lot of people I would get this started so here it goes. Hopefully we will get some better weather for this go around.

Once again I will need people to help take up space. These people will have to be some extra dedicated Buckeyes because this game is gonna be huge. People will be there early and in numbers. (Probably near the numbers of when we kicked some Fighting Irish ass some years ago.) I am hoping to double the number of people that were supposed to attend the Spring Game tailgate so we are gonna need a lot of room. Any one that can get there hands on a tent, please do so and let me know asap. You can pick one up for about $200.00 or so and I use mine all the time, not just at tailgates. Also I am gonna start a list for food. I want to make this unforgetable and if all goes well, at least once a year. I am working on some cool ideas and maybe a surprise guest or two. More on that later.

So...... Lets get this list started...

gost8 (tent - generator - grill)
BB73 - Chips & Salsa
Trslfan - (1 & 1/2 tents)
scarletandgrey - (portable garage:biggrin:)
scooter1369 - (parking:) )
jwinslow (hopefully bringing my OSU vs. Ill. bball dvd)
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Any idea where this is gonna be? The spring game let you park just about anywhere, but this will be different. Where are the game-day public parking areas on campus? I can park free in any of those with my university parking pass.

It's be sweet if somebody had a generator to hook up a couple TV's to watch the early games

edit: Guess I answered my own question. 2005 Football parking map:


Looks like the red area next to Fawcett would be best.
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