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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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High Lonesome said:
"It should be obvious that it's an advantage to have a proven track record at home against top-notch players..."

I don't think that its an advantage but rather a comforting fact. You can take comfort that in the past you have done well against heisman candidates but wouldnt you rather have the heisman candidate on your team? Advantage implies that you have the better players. In this case you may believe that you do, which is why i will never discount a,"AJ Hawk will stop VY" comment. While i disagree it is surely a valid oppinion. I am also of the oppinion that Kingsburry and Pickett had nothing on VY, Gesser was very good at Washington state but I would still rather have VY. Johnson(i am assuming Larry) was a great back for Penn State but thats an all together different possision. I would be much more interested to see how the buck teams of the past did against mike vick. Unfortunatly I will just have to wait for the 10th


Got it...
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scooter1369 said:

Got it...
If Ginn actually plays significant amounts at corner this year I will retract my statement. Or if your Offense begins to play our offense. I don't see either of these happening this year though

BuckeyeNation27 said:
The advantage (if there is one) lies in the coaches we have that have proven that we prepare well for Heisman QBs.
I agree you have a coaching advantage but, that is not what the statement implies. It implies that the person making the statement would rather have a history of shutting down heisman qb's than actaully have the heisman qb on his team. Maybe i am wrong but I would be willing to bet that if given the choice, in a draft like situation, most buckfans would just go ahead and take the stud qb instead of the history.
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All i know is that we have to do a better job of defending the screen plays, or that could open up some holes. That is the only weakness that got exploited in our defense last year. However, it did get better towards the end of the year.
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if there has been one thing that greg davis actually does well, its working in a screen play or a shovel pass here and there. that could be interesting as we have backs with good hands this year. I guess thats one way that people tried to take advantage of your teams speed and agresive nature on defense? would you say thats accurate?
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I agree you have a coaching advantage but, that is not what the statement implies. It implies that the person making the statement would rather have a history of shutting down heisman qb's than actaully have the heisman qb on his team. Maybe i am wrong but I would be willing to bet that if given the choice, in a draft like situation, most buckfans would just go ahead and take the stud qb instead of the history.

I didn't get that from the statement. maybe we are just interpretting it differently.
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High Lonesome said:
if there has been one thing that greg davis actually does well, its working in a screen play or a shovel pass here and there. that could be interesting as we have backs with good hands this year. I guess thats one way that people tried to take advantage of your teams speed and agresive nature on defense? would you say thats accurate?
I would say that is very accurate. Our guys have always done a good job of disguising our blitzing schemes. But the fact still remains that we are aggressive and that is one way to hurt us.
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Execution and Decision making will be the critical factors in this game. VY is a special talent physically but it will be his mental ability to really make him a heisman trophy winner. Fortunately, the game is at the shoe where there is proven history of the best signal callers/decision makers get thrown off their game. Phillip Rivers almost pulled it off and I would take him over VY as a QB anyday. On the flip side this is my biggest concern for us against a very good defense.
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people always say that vince is not smart but that is another discussion. For now though lets run with it. Could it actually be to his advantage that he doesnt think things through to much and become flat footed?. you said yourself that signal collers/decision makers get thrown off their game, does it help him that his game could be of the don't think just do variety? Again, this is just devils advocate as I actually think that vince is a much smarter qb than people give him credit for.
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I'm glad VY had a great game against scUM... our guys got to see what he is capable of.

I think the team that can establish a rushing game will win the game. As great as VY is, I don't think he alone can beat us. There must be a run threat... with a two headed monster things could get tough... Thank goodness we have (for the most part) a veteran D coming back.

I think this will be a slug fest as the teams feel each other out...

The game tape of UT/scUM will help our D imo... I hope we have two corners by game two... that could make or break us....
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I think that it gives us a lot of confidence. It doesn't prove we'll shut him down. It's just a trend to look at during the offseason. Obviously the Northwestern trend didn't hold up last year (even tho we were rebuilding, that should have never happened).

Someone said that Wisconsin doesn't own the shoe... I think that is a misnomer; they own us for the time being. This doesn't mean we can't/won't thrash them next time we play, but the way they have taken it to us does give them some serious bragging rights.

I'm sure you guys do the same thing regarding some teams, longhorn fans. For instance, a large number of OSU fans are most worried about the game at PSU at night (more than Iowa, Michigan, Texas), just due to how Paterno has played us even during down years.

If there is any team in the country that can stop your talented QB, it is OSU. Will they manage to do this? Time will tell.

I can promise you that VY will not have the same success with DE overpursuing, DL/LB missing tackles (tho they will miss some, he's just too talented physically)...
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"I can promise you that VY will not have the same success with DE overpursuing, DL/LB missing tackles (tho they will miss some, he's just too talented physically)..."

Nor would I even expect a game like that.

"I'm sure you guys do the same thing regarding some teams, longhorn fans. For instance, a large number of OSU fans are most worried about the game at PSU at night (more than Iowa, Michigan, Texas), just due to how Paterno has played us even during down years."

There are some fans that year in and out say that they are "more" worried about the tech game (especially in lubbock) but I attribute that to people expecting to win those games. Now let me be clear, Texas fans as well as tOSU fans expect to win every game but it is much more easy to stomach a loss to a powerhouse than to a penn state or tceh. This is what I believe creates the nervousness in people. Of course then there is always the super fan that is just supremely confident.
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I agree highlonesome..

The reason I view Penn State and Michigan State as two of our toughest opponents this year is because we SHOULD beat them, and these two teams seem to always give us problems. I have a question for you highlonesome and I'm sure its been asked before (maybe even by me, but I'm not about to read the whole thread) Does a night game at OSU make you un-easy at all? Because honestly WHENEVER we play a night game AWAY it makes me uneasy for an upset.
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bukIpower said:
I agree highlonesome..

The reason I view Penn State and Michigan State as two of our toughest opponents this year is because we SHOULD beat them, and these two teams seem to always give us problems. I have a question for you highlonesome and I'm sure its been asked before (maybe even by me, but I'm not about to read the whole thread) Does a night game at OSU make you un-easy at all? Because honestly WHENEVER we play a night game AWAY it makes me uneasy for an upset.
Honestly, I respect the fact that the shoe is loud and I can only expect that a night game would be even louder but I wouldn't say that it makes me any more uneasy. If this was two years ago and Simms was our qb then I would have already chalked this up as a loss. But this teams swaggar and ability to let things roll off of them is uncanny. VY has a calming affect on our team that I have never seen before. We don't have a very complicated offense with tons of audibles so that doesnt worry me, and we use silent snap counts half the time anyway. Would I rather this game be in Austin? sure I would, but I am of the opinion that home field advantage is one of the more overrated aspects of sports. I will say though that I do believe some sort of advantage does exist. That is to say that it is what the away team makes of it. If texas comes out on that first offensive possesion and looks intemidated, THEN I will be uneasy, hell I'll be flat out scared, but until that time i have confidence in our team.
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