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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

My comment about Robiskie or Hartline enjoying a big day was based solely on the suggestion, taking Chizik's words into account, that Ginn is the focus of the defense.

So, if the UT D does indeed commit to shutting down Ginn, what do you think the OSU O will do? Just abandon the forward pass?

Gonzo can stretch the field and make the clutch grab, but if there's so much as a hint of a doubleteam on Ginn, that means somebody else is open. The fact that Chizik cites Ginn, Gonzo, and Hall (who didn't even play against NIU) is evidence that Hartline and Robo are well under the UT radar in the grand scheme of things.

Robo has every bit the opportunity to use the OSU/UT game as a showcase for his talent like Limas Sweed did a year ago.

I don't know where in my post you inferred that I was predicting, nay guaranteeing, an OSU victory, disrespecting UT, or for us to have freshmen WRs going for 150 yards and two TDs.

Fair enough...but I doubt anything completely gets well under the radar of Chizik. I didn't say you were predicting victory, but predicting a coming out party against a defense this talented is pretty...well over confident.
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Fair enough...but I doubt anything completely gets well under the radar of Chizik. I didn't say you were predicting victory, but predicting a coming out party against a defense this talented is pretty...well over confident.
Not over confident, but I am excited to see this game already.

It's pick your poison. Does UT flawlessly defend every single play? Are there no creases in UT's zone packages? Are all UT defensive backs shutdown CBs in man coverage? Do you not spy Smith? Do you not respect Pittman and Wells and Wells in the backfield? Do the laws of physics cease to exist on your stove?!?! :wink2:

Somebody has to make a play at receiver, and if Chizik's scheme is to bottle up Ginn, somebody else will have to step up. I think we've got the WRs capable of doing it, and odds are it won't be a name you've heard much of in the previous 200-some odd days this thread has been around.
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Fair enough...but I doubt anything completely gets well under the radar of Chizik. I didn't say you were predicting victory, but predicting a coming out party against a defense this talented is pretty...well over confident.

don't forget though...TS has that same X factor that VY had last year to pull a win out of nowhere. And we just lost our top cornerback. Those factors combined could very well contribute to the receivers having a coming out party. I hope not but it is certainly very possible.
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Fair enough...but I doubt anything completely gets well under the radar of Chizik. I didn't say you were predicting victory, but predicting a coming out party against a defense this talented is pretty...well over confident.

I don't see it as over-confident. Maybe it is, though. Maybe it all depends one what some people consider a "coming out party." If Hartline or Robiskie ends with 6 catches for 90 yards and a touchdown, in a 17-14 win, I think that that might be a "coming out party." Especially if that touchdown reception came in the last 5 minutes of the game. Even if that happens in a 17-14 loss, it's still pretty stellar numbers for a guy who hadn't played a snap until last week.

I'm predicting that this game will be very even on the field. The scores will be either made by or because of big plays, so whichever team can get more big plays will win the game. Which defense will give up more big plays? Which defense will force more turnovers? I think that Ohio State needs to improve on the red zone scoring from last year. If they expect 5 field goals will win the game, then it'll be a long flight home. They also need to fix their flippin' turnover issues. They're already at -1 for the season. Improving that to +50 against Texas will help.

I'm sticking with my Ohio State 31 - Texas 20 prediction.
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Fair enough...but I doubt anything completely gets well under the radar of Chizik. I didn't say you were predicting victory, but predicting a coming out party against a defense this talented is pretty...well over confident.

Wouldn't it also be considered overconfident for you to assume that your defense is going to be lights out? Talent doesn't necessarily equal performance when crunch time arrives. Some may say that the loss of Brown won't hurt much, and you can simpy reload...ect. But Brown also was a fantastic hitter, and a good tackler in the secondary. From what I see, his replacements won't carry his jock in that compartment. So, the way I see it...........I find it a bit cocky of you to think that your defense will be lights out when your pair of corners have a combined 4 starts.....and you have a former walk-on starting at one of the safety spots.
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Wouldn't it also be considered overconfident for you to assume that your defense is going to be lights out? Talent doesn't necessarily equal performance when crunch time arrives. Some may say that the loss of Brown won't hurt much, and you can simpy reload...ect. But Brown also was a fantastic hitter, and a good tackler in the secondary. From what I see, his replacements won't carry his jock in that compartment. So, the way I see it...........I find it a bit cocky of you to think that your defense will be lights out when your pair of corners have a combined 4 starts.....and you have a former walk-on starting at one of the safety spots.

Where did I say they would be lights out?

I actually think OSU has the advantage this year coming into this game. That doesn't mean I don't think Texas can win this game but before the game on paper OSU definately has the advantage. Our strengths and weaknesses match up against each other though so it will be very interesting to see...i.e...OSU's greatest strength - Offense UT's greatest strength Defense...OSU's greatest weakness (although not that weak) Defense - UT's Greatest weakness (although not that weak) Offense (because of the new QB.) Weakness may be a bad choice of words there maybe question would be a better word.
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And theres no talent on our offense that could possibly match all that talent on your defense...
yes, exactly what i'm saying..


i guess one would expect fans of the number one team in the country to not be confident? as we expect you, the fans of the number 2 team in the country to be equally unconfident (is that even a word?)

fans are fans, we are both 1 and 2, of course we are confident, and if you were to re-read you would see that you are indeed nitpicking a tad by saying we are over-confident.. this is an Ohio State message board last time i checked, and by the way.. most people here (myself not included) are incredibly well versed and have great insights that are mostly objective
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yes, exactly what i'm saying..


i guess one would expect fans of the number one team in the country to not be confident? as we expect you, the fans of the number 2 team in the country to be equally unconfident (is that even a word?)

fans are fans, we are both 1 and 2, of course we are confident, and if you were to re-read you would see that you are indeed nitpicking a tad by saying we are over-confident.. this is an Ohio State message board last time i checked, and by the way.. most people here (myself not included) are incredibly well versed and have great insights that are mostly objective


I guess it is getting closer to game time and I have been trying to hold it all in to this point. You are right that both sets of fans should be confident and proud.

I guess part of my rant comes from years of getting really no respect nationally for so long that I haven't yet let that go even though we won a National Championship last year. I guess I am still being defensive even though there is no need. Sorry for that.
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