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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Where did I say that?

Fair enough...but I doubt anything completely gets well under the radar of Chizik. I didn't say you were predicting victory, but predicting a coming out party against a defense this talented is pretty...well over confident.

You didn't outright say it but it felt implied to me, I was probably reading too much into it, but thats part of the fun of message boards. Theres talent out the wazoo on both sides here but with Brown's suspension denting what I feel was already the weakest link on the defense I think someone will be open and I fell confident that Troy Smith can find that someone.
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But after seeing the defensive display they had against NIU there are a lot of questions that remain unanswered and the answers are not "we didn't want to show what we would do on defense"...WHAT? Like tackle? Not give up 300+ yards to one player.

Maybe you should watch games instead of relying on box scores. Wolfe's four biggest plays were not a result of poor/missed tackles but rather a result of great play calls against the specific defense and solid blocking by NIU. Look at his highlight clips in the clips forum. Now, this is not to say that Wolfe isn't a fantastic back...he is in fact one of the best backs to face us under Tressel. That, combined with NIU making more than a few great play calls were the main reasons why Wolfe did so well. By the way, despite all those fireworks by him, they still only managed 12 points. I would bet real money that Wolfe would have similar success against Texas.
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To further Mili's comments, I remember seeing OSU blitz two men on the same side of the field and NIU threw a screen pass to that side of the field for a huge gain. I was thinking right as that play was unfolding "Damn, this is going to hurt. We have a double-blitz going that side and they just threw a screen pass to it."

I think OSU was holding some coverages and blitz packages back during the NIU game and that's another reason they were able to audible into some of those plays.

Let's face it, McCoy is a first-year starter going up against the #1 ranked team in the name in his 2nd collegiate start on national tv prime time. The kid is definitely going to be nervous. As a defensive coordinator, how do you deal with such a situation as a rookie at QB? You send a ton of pressure at him, knowing he's nervous as hell and liable to make a mistake. You disguise your coverages and blitz packages and you throw some new wrinkles at him that he's probably not seen on film.

I'd be very, very surprised if OSU doesn't have at least 3 sacks Saturday and I'd be very, very surprised if the defense doesn't bottle up UT's running game.

- Rip
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I'd be very, very surprised if the defense doesn't bottle up UT's running game.
really? even though our defensive packages were vanilla, substandard open field tackling and an inability to shed blockers are not a result of defensive sets. i'm not saying that we can't limit ut's ground yardage, but i would be surprised if we "bottle up" their running game. oddly enough, i'm less concerned about our pass coverage than our run defense... and that's a statement made independent of ut's playing a green quarterback.

then again, you did add a second "very." one "very" is one thing. a second is quite another.
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I actually agree with rip to some degree. I think that we will have a hard time running the ball....I don't know if we will be totally shut down but it will not be easy as you are sure to have 8 and 9 in the box....I believe that last years game is a great indicator of what tOSU will try to do, pressure an "unproven" qb. I think that the backs out of the backfield could be huge for us again as the heat is sure to be put on McCoy
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Let's face it, McCoy is a first-year starter going up against the #1 ranked team in the name in his 2nd collegiate start on national tv prime time. The kid is definitely going to be nervous. As a defensive coordinator, how do you deal with such a situation as a rookie at QB? You send a ton of pressure at him, knowing he's nervous as hell and liable to make a mistake. You disguise your coverages and blitz packages and you throw some new wrinkles at him that he's probably not seen on film.

I'm not so sure he'll be nervous. From all his interviews this week, Colt doesn't sound like he's intimidated or nervous about this week's game. A lot of orangeblood's seem to think he learned a lesson or two from VY last year on how to be calm and cool during big games.
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Texas has a completely different running attack than NIU... the Horns rarely pull the guard, and mostly use a zone blcoking scheme... NIU was pulling a guard, a tackle and the tight end... i don't know if i've ever seen that many guys pulling before... and when the DE is over-aggressive and doesn't keep contain, the LBs get caught in the wash, and that's a recipe for a big play...
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Maybe you should watch games instead of relying on box scores. Wolfe's four biggest plays were not a result of poor/missed tackles but rather a result of great play calls against the specific defense and solid blocking by NIU. Look at his highlight clips in the clips forum. Now, this is not to say that Wolfe isn't a fantastic back...he is in fact one of the best backs to face us under Tressel. That, combined with NIU making more than a few great play calls were the main reasons why Wolfe did so well. By the way, despite all those fireworks by him, they still only managed 12 points. I would bet real money that Wolfe would have similar success against Texas.
As I mentioned earlier in the thread, it was the middle of the 1st quarter and Ohio State was already up 21-0, having held NIU to 25 total yards of offense on their first three possessions. The first drive, where Garrett Wolfe took the screen pass for 31 yards on the first play, still amounted to a net gain of 28 yards for the drive.

OSU was substituting liberally at this point -- experimenting with personel groups and so on. On NIU's fourth possession, OSU was trotting people in and out of the game four at a time.

I am not too concerned about the defense right now, regardless of Wolfe's output. Garrett Wolfe had 285 yards, everybody else combined netted 58.

This wasn't some 2-9 Sun Belt bottom dweller either. NIU was in the MAC championship game last year, and by most everyones estimation will be in the MAC championship game again this year. They're a solid team.
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Question regarding the North Texas game: The scramble I caught on the hightlights aside, did Colt McCoy even need to have his jersey washed after the game? I'm assuming the UT O-Line had their way all day?
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