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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Just hearing people say things on this thread about "I have feelings like 2002 like it's just mean't to be ours this season"


Talking about coming out parties in Austin for recievers.

I am not trying to flame at all...REALLY...I just hope that this Texas team is showed respect. I think one of the main reasons we won last year is because we respected the hell out of OSU. More so than I get the feeling we are being respected right now.

Please don't think I am trying to talk trash at all because it is not my intent and maybe I am misunderstanding the posts in this thread but that is just the feeling I am getting.

BTW - I don't think along the smae lines as XRAY RANDY...I don't know any true Texas fans that do.
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Just hearing people say things on this thread about "I have feelings like 2002 like it's just mean't to be ours this season"


Talking about coming out parties in Austin for recievers.

I am not trying to flame at all...REALLY...I just hope that this Texas team is showed respect. I think one of the main reasons we won last year is because we respected the hell out of OSU. More so than I get the feeling we are being respected right now.

Please don't think I am trying to talk trash at all because it is not my intent and maybe I am misunderstanding the posts in this thread but that is just the feeling I am getting.

BTW - I don't think along the smae lines as XRAY RANDY...I don't know any true Texas fans that do.
Well your starting to sound like him and thats the last thing we need.
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please read hornfans for a few minutes and get back to me on the 'respect' topic. 'Mudhole' is popping up left and right... alongside more restrained posts.

As for Robiskie, many were excited for him this season independent of UT. Combine some losses in the secondary (both graduation & brown), and some potential size mismatches (6'3" robo) on your replacement CB (5'9" listed, 5'7" according to randy)... and we're just being optimistic buckeyes. On HF, I can't count the number of times I've read about how OSU has no answer for Finley.

Fans will be fans.

I respect the heck out of texas. Our defense will have to play a lot better to stop the awesome rushing attack at Texas. Colt looks to have some real promise... we'll have to put him on his back regularly to keep his talented, experienced teammates from beating us.

This will be an epic matchup. The smack talk will likely continue to build up on both sides as we get closer to the game.
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Just hearing people say things on this thread about "I have feelings like 2002 like it's just mean't to be ours this season"


Talking about coming out parties in Austin for recievers.

I am not trying to flame at all...REALLY...I just hope that this Texas team is showed respect. I think one of the main reasons we won last year is because we respected the hell out of OSU. More so than I get the feeling we are being respected right now.

Please don't think I am trying to talk trash at all because it is not my intent and maybe I am misunderstanding the posts in this thread but that is just the feeling I am getting.

BTW - I don't think along the smae lines as XRAY RANDY...I don't know any true Texas fans that do.

The only thing I would say is that it will be somebody's coming out party...Someone, on one team or the other will shine, to be sure. I think that can be said about nearly every game of this magnitude. Making predictions about who that might end up being doesn't seem to me to be disrespectful...JMHO.
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please read hornfans for a few minutes and get back to me on the 'respect' topic. 'Mudhole' is popping up left and right... alongside more restrained posts.

As for Robiskie, many were excited for him this season independent of UT. Combine some losses in the secondary (both graduation & brown), and some potential size mismatches (6'3" robo) on your replacement CB (5'9" listed, 5'7" according to randy)... and we're just being optimistic buckeyes. On HF, I can't count the number of times I've read about how OSU has no answer for Finley.

Fans will be fans.

I respect the heck out of texas. Our defense will have to play a lot better to stop the awesome rushing attack at Texas. Colt looks to have some real promise... we'll have to put him on his back regularly to keep his talented, experienced teammates from beating us.

This will be an epic matchup. The smack talk will likely continue to build up on both sides as we get closer to the game.

Which is why I HATE hornfans.com.
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I don't agree with his post at all... but I fail to see how it compares to xray in any way, other than you dislike it. I don't see him using brain-dead logic or shoving stats down our throats until we gag.
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Just hearing people say things on this thread about "I have feelings like 2002 like it's just mean't to be ours this season"


Talking about coming out parties in Austin for recievers.
My comment about Robiskie or Hartline enjoying a big day was based solely on the suggestion, taking Chizik's words into account, that Ginn is the focus of the defense.

So, if the UT D does indeed commit to shutting down Ginn, what do you think the OSU O will do? Just abandon the forward pass?

Gonzo can stretch the field and make the clutch grab, but if there's so much as a hint of a doubleteam on Ginn, that means somebody else is open. The fact that Chizik cites Ginn, Gonzo, and Hall (who didn't even play against NIU) is evidence that Hartline and Robo are well under the UT radar in the grand scheme of things.

Robo has every bit the opportunity to use the OSU/UT game as a showcase for his talent like Limas Sweed did a year ago.

I don't know where in my post you inferred that I was predicting, nay guaranteeing, an OSU victory, disrespecting UT, or for us to have freshmen WRs going for 150 yards and two TDs.
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edhookem said:
Just hearing people say things on this thread about "I have feelings like 2002 like it's just mean't to be ours this season"


Talking about coming out parties in Austin for recievers.

I am not trying to flame at all...REALLY...I just hope that this Texas team is showed respect. I think one of the main reasons we won last year is because we respected the hell out of OSU. More so than I get the feeling we are being respected right now.

Please don't think I am trying to talk trash at all because it is not my intent and maybe I am misunderstanding the posts in this thread but that is just the feeling I am getting.

BTW - I don't think along the smae lines as XRAY RANDY...I don't know any true Texas fans that do.
and you consider that as people counting this as a win? get a grip.
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My comment about Robiskie or Hartline enjoying a big day was based solely on the suggestion, taking Chizik's words into account, that Ginn is the focus of the defense.

So, if the UT D does indeed commit to shutting down Ginn, what do you think the OSU O will do? Just abandon the forward pass?

Gonzo can stretch the field and make the clutch grab, but if there's so much as a hint of a doubleteam on Ginn, that means somebody else is open. The fact that Chizik cites Ginn, Gonzo, and Hall (who didn't even play against NIU) is evidence that Hartline and Robo are well under the UT radar in the grand scheme of things.

Robo has every bit the opportunity to use the OSU/UT game as a showcase for his talent like Limas Sweed did a year ago.

I don't know where in my post you inferred that I was predicting, nay guaranteeing, an OSU victory, disrespecting UT, or for us to have freshmen WRs going for 150 yards and two TDs.

Double teaming or bracketing Ginn doesn't really mean that someone has to be open....just means that more than likely everone else is manned up, your point still holds that yall will continue to throw the ball but its not like basketball where someone must be open....remember the defense has an extra player due to the QB possition. Which is why a qb with wheels is so valuable, he evens the numbers out
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