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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Man, oh man, I hope I don't jinx things up here, but the last day or two I've been having the same feelings I did back during the 2002 season...like it's just meant to be all ours this season.
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Man, oh man, I hope I don't jinx things up here, but the last day or two I've been having the same feelings I did back during the 2002 season...like it's just meant to be all ours this season.

If OSU wins this game, I don't see them losing another game the rest of the season.

I have half a mind to think the reason Wolfe ran all over OSU is because the Bucks didn't show a lot of what they're going to do on defense.

One thing is for sure - with a new starting QB, the defense is going to do everything they can to confuse him. That means some creative blitz packages and bringing a lot of pressure.

I like OSU in this game.

- Rip
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Man, oh man, I hope I don't jinx things up here, but the last day or two I've been having the same feelings I did back during the 2002 season...like it's just meant to be all ours this season.

Shit man, I've been jittery the past few days everytime I read or watch anything related to our Buckeyes! I'm going to be a wreck in Austin! Saturday can't come sooner, and it doesn't help that every sports news outlet is hyping this up like crazy!
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Ok, a few pages late but I just gotta say this...What the fuck is with all this "now it's official, it's a #1 vs. #2 match up" bullshit??!!...It was "official" before the AP poll...These media douchebags pulled themselves out of the BCS formula, making nothing about their poll "official", but now they want to sell everyone on how relevant their opinions/polls are? Fuck them...I've seen that word "official" too many times now since the latest AP poll. And ESPiN pisses me off the most with this. They had their own god damned name on the coaches poll last year, the only "official" poll out there right now BTW, but now they want to pimp the AP poll??...Fuck them. Fuck the rest of the brain dead, "we protest the BCS by not allowing you to use our poll" dickheads in the media. YOUR POLL IS NOT RELEVANT...IT WAS ALREADY #1 vs. #2 BEFORE YOU GAVE YOUR APPROVAL!!...fucking douchebags...

This rant may seem misplaced, but go back and read it again while picturing, say, Skip Brainless, Screamin' A. Smith, and Jay Marriotti in your head...Here I'll help...


Anyway, sorry about that, but I needed to get that off my chest before I did something rash...:biggrin:
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[SIZE=+2]Ohio State fears damage a loss can do

[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]To players, it's personal; to Tressel, it would mean no BCS ending
[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]12:25 PM CDT on Wednesday, September 6, 2006

[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]By CHUCK CARLTON and CHIP BROWN / The Dallas Morning News [/SIZE] For Ohio State, it's not just No. 1 vs. No. 2.
It's bigger than that.
The Buckeyes worry that one loss, even to second-ranked Texas on Saturday, will dash their national title hopes.
"This game means everything for the season," offensive tackle Kirk Barton told Ohio State beat writers Tuesday.

Coach Jim Tressel acknowledged that one loss would probably eliminate the Buckeyes from the BCS title chase.
To some of the players, it's personal.
They don't want disappointment like the kind that followed Vince Young's toss to Limas Sweed for the game-winning touchdown with 2:37 left on the clock last season.
"I remember that feeling I got on the bench, watching them complete the pass and looking at the scoreboard," Barton said.
"It was just disbelief in the locker room. All the work faded.
"There was a lot of climbing to do after dropping that game."
No alternating kickers: Ohio State's kicking game remains a potential weak spot.
Aaron Pettrey and Ryan Pretorius each missed field goal attempts against Northern Illinois.
Tressel said Pettrey would handle all kickoffs and "probably" field goal duties against Texas.
For my next imitation: When asked by Ohio State's sports information director to speed up his Tuesday news conference, Tressel invoked the name of a certain NFL coach.
"I'm going to do a Bill Parcells. 'Nope. Yep. Because I want to,' " Tressel said.
Ohio State wants more from Ginn: Tressel touched on some obvious keys to the game, including getting receiver Ted Ginn Jr. more involved than last year, when the Heisman hopeful was a nonfactor.
Quarterback Troy Smith said that Ginn has put in a lot of time in the film room since last year and understands his role as a receiver much better.
Austin a little hotter than Columbus: Ohio State is also very aware of the Texas heat, particularly in a week when the temperature has had trouble breaking the 70-degree mark in Columbus.
Tressel said that his team will just hydrate and that he'll rotate players more frequently.
Texas to test OSU with the run: The Buckeyes defense was carved up like a basted turkey by tailback Garrett Wolfe, who rushed 26 times for 171 yards – the most by an OSU foe since Penn State's Eric McCoo tallied 211 in 1999.
Ohio State freshman kicker Aaron Pettrey will handle kickoffs and probably field goals, his coach says.

"Garrett Wolfe can play in our league, no question," Tressel said. "But we have to improve our tackling."
The Buckeye run-stuffers will be put to the test against Texas, which has three top-shelf tailbacks, including the Big 12 offensive freshman of the year last season in Jamaal Charles (878 yards, 11 TDs).
Briefly: The start time for Texas' home game against Sam Houston State on Sept. 30 has been moved from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., according to school officials.
The Austin American-Statesman and the Dayton Daily News contributed to this report.

Key matchup
Ohio State QB Troy Smith vs. Texas MLB Rashad Bobino: Smith ran all over the Texas defense in the second quarter of last season's game, leading the Buckeyes to 16 unanswered points. He should be even better with another year's experience. Bobino is a great quote but can prove he's a great football player with a star-making performance Saturday. Edge: Smith
Chip Brown

Will Jamaal Charles replace Selvin Young as the starting tailback or at least get more of the workload this week after averaging 5.5 yards per carry (on 14 carries) compared with Young's 3.7 yards per carry (on 12 carries) against North Texas?
Don't count on it. I posed that question to Mack Brown, and he sounded like a guy who was going to the mat for Young. "Selvin's a really good player and team leader, so we do need him to have a big role on our team," Brown said.
Chip Brown

OSU tradition
Of all the Heisman winners since Jay Berwanger in 1935, only Archie Griffin can claim two trophies.
He won the Heisman by overwhelming margins in 1974 and '75. Though not a spectacular runner, he was productive, consistent and played in a high-profile program. Griffin finished his OSU career with 5,589 yards rushing.
Eight years in the NFL followed, and Griffin was most effective as a receiver.
More than 30 years later, he is fondly remembered. Griffin, now Ohio State's alumni director, will speak to Buckeyes fans at an Erwin Center pep rally Saturday.
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Gonzo is as clutch as they come, but if Chizik is truly committed to shutting down Ginn, than either Brian Robiske (aka: "Robo") or Brian Hartline will celebrate their coming out party in Austin on Sept 9. Mark it down. Tell your friends. One of those two will have a huge game if Chizik sells out to eliminate Ginn.

He's been a little bit forgotten over the past couple of years, but I still like Roy Hall. I heard that he was hurt and "might not" play against Northern Illinois. I'm mostly sure that he didn't play against Northern Illinois. (If he did, it was very few plays and didn't do anything that got my attention.) Has that situation improved? Maybe he's fallen on the depth chart, due to guys like Hartline and Robiske (and others) playing so well? Does anyone know?
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Key matchup
Ohio State QB Troy Smith vs. Texas MLB Rashad Bobino: Smith ran all over the Texas defense in the second quarter of last season's game, leading the Buckeyes to 16 unanswered points. He should be even better with another year's experience. Bobino is a great quote but can prove he's a great football player with a star-making performance Saturday.
Edge: Smith
Grammar nazi time ... I hate it when writers use the cliche "unanswered points" wrongly to describe a scoring outbust in the middle of a game. True, they were "unanswered," uh, until Texas answered them. :roll1:
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He's been a little bit forgotten over the past couple of years, but I still like Roy Hall. I heard that he was hurt and "might not" play against Northern Illinois. I'm mostly sure that he didn't play against Northern Illinois. (If he did, it was very few plays and didn't do anything that got my attention.) Has that situation improved? Maybe he's fallen on the depth chart, due to guys like Hartline and Robiske (and others) playing so well? Does anyone know?
Ankle sprain. He was DNP against NIU.
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He's been a little bit forgotten over the past couple of years, but I still like Roy Hall. I heard that he was hurt and "might not" play against Northern Illinois. I'm mostly sure that he didn't play against Northern Illinois. (If he did, it was very few plays and didn't do anything that got my attention.) Has that situation improved? Maybe he's fallen on the depth chart, due to guys like Hartline and Robiske (and others) playing so well? Does anyone know?

Sounds like he's still questionable for the game, but who knows. Maybe he's our secret weapon!
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I sure hope the OSU players think they already have this game won as it seems a lot of you do when they get to Austin. Make no mistake, OSU has a great team especially offensively and they deserve to be a top ranked football team this year. But after seeing the defensive display they had against NIU there are a lot of questions that remain unanswered and the answers are not "we didn't want to show what we would do on defense"...WHAT? Like tackle? Not give up 300+ yards to one player.

On the other hand Texas also deserves to be a top ranked team this year. We are the defending champs, we have a great defense (even without Brown) let me guarantee you we were not depending solely on Brown to win this game. Our questions are obviously at QB but our QB doesn't have to win the game he just has to manage it and not lose it. We still have a ton of weapons on offense.

I am not saying that Texas will win, they may very well lose, but I don't think Buckeye fans should count this one in the win column just yet. I am all for being cautiously optimistic but this will be no easy game to win. Texas has a great home winning percentage, longest winning streak in the nation and HEART. I am not saying we can't lose at home, you guys know great home teams can lose at home if you just look back to last year.

Truth is we are one week in to the season and nobody...NOBODY knows just how good either one of these teams really is yet...if this was week 10 that would be a different story....but it's week 2 and we should know much more after Saturday.
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