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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

I'd still take the number one golfer of all-time over both MM and Snoop. I think you people may be a little harsh on Snoop, after all he is helping coach youth football in inner-city LA. And he announced publicly he is not smoking weed anymore, which is more than can be said about MM.
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I'd still take the number one golfer of all-time over both MM and Snoop. I think you people may be a little harsh on Snoop, after all he is helping coach youth football in inner-city LA. And he announced publicly he is not smoking weed anymore, which is more than can be said about MM.

Nicklaus went to OSU? I didn't know that.

As for Snoop, good for him. Seriously. But I don't believe the weed claim for a second. That's like Walter and The Dude saying they're never bowling again. And despite his good intentions, he'll always have a certain image for reasons I shouldn't have to explain.

Man, now look at what we're discussing. Someone needs to post a GOTP.
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I'd still take the number one golfer of all-time over both MM and Snoop. I think you people may be a little harsh on Snoop, after all he is helping coach youth football in inner-city LA. And he announced publicly he is not smoking weed anymore, which is more than can be said about MM.

Snoop is coaching football, and the parents from the older, more established league are pissed. He lured all the best players away with free cds and rides in limos. His son's team is dominant--he takes them down to Florida every year to play the best Pop Warner team there in the "Snooper Bowl." Look for his son to continue to progress and possibly play college football somewhere.
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You allow Matthew McConaughey such close access to the team as being at field level on team photo day, then act surprised when Ramonce gets busted with dope?

Shit, the whole Texas team would fail a drug test just from being within 50 yards of him!

MM continues to bring shame upon the state of Texas. Everything about him is annoying--his stupid expressions, his rotten movies, his idiotic sideline comments, his druggy way of doing the "hook em horns" sign--he must be stopped.
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MM continues to bring shame upon the state of Texas. Everything about him is annoying--his stupid expressions, his rotten movies, his idiotic sideline comments, his druggy way of doing the "hook em horns" sign--he must be stopped.

I was only joking about this - but man I had no idea some UT fans felt so badly about their most "ahem" telegenic booster.
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owens, nicklaus, and griffin

yep, anyone remember the exact line which talked about how OSU can claim Nicklaus in golf, Owens in track, Griffin in football, etc?
Owens was a Buckeye when he went to the 1936 olympic games in Berlin Germany. He showed Hilter just how "superior" the arian race was, nicklaus was great during the time i was just out of the Service. And Archie, well what can I say?

:oh: :io:
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yep, anyone remember the exact line which talked about how OSU can claim Nicklaus in golf, Owens in track, Griffin in football, etc?
This isn't exactly what you are talking about but all 3 were named to NCAA's top 100 athlete list back in April...


Three former Buckeyes named to NCAA's top-100 list

April 3, 2006
COLUMBUS, Ohio: Former Ohio State greats Jesse Owens, Jack Nicklaus and Archie Griffin have been selected as three of the NCAA's 100 Most Influential Student-Athletes as part of the NCAA's current centennial celebration.
A total of 68 colleges and universities had student-athletes selected. Ohio State and UCLA were the only two schools to have two finishers in the top 10.
The list was compiled by a panel of college and university presidents, athletics directors, NCAA committee members, conference office representatives, SAAC representatives and NCAA staff.
Griffin, college football's only two-time Heisman Trophy winner and now President of The Ohio State University Alumni Association, was 87th in the voting. Even though he completed his college career in 1975, he remains Ohio State's all-time leading rusher with 5,589 yards.
Nicklaus, the winner of 18 major championships during his amazing professional career and one of golf's most respected golf course designers, finished eighth in the balloting. The Columbus native is generally regarded as the greatest golfer of all time. No one in the game is held in higher esteem.
Owens, who set three world records and tied a fourth in the span of 75 minutes at the 1935 Big Ten track championships and then went on to win four gold medals at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, was third. His showing in the former is regarded as one of the greatest athletic accomplishments of all time. His performance in the latter gave the world hope at a time when war clouds were hovering on the horizon.
"We are enormously proud of our program and the tremendous success our student-athletes have enjoyed over the years," said Gene Smith, Ohio State's Director of Athletics. "What a great honor to have three student-athletes selected to this list. And to have two finishers in the top 10 is extra special. Jack and Jesse are in with some very impressive company.
"Congratulations to Archie and Jack and to the Owens family. They have been, are and will continue to be, terrific ambassadors for The Ohio State University."
Top Ten Finishers
1.) Jackie Robinson - UCLA
2.) Arthur Ashe - UCLA
3.) Jesse Owens - The Ohio State University
4.) Dwight David Eisenhower - United States Military Academy
5.) John Wooden - Purdue University
6.) Althea Gibson - Florida A&M University
7.) Madeline Albright - Wellesley College
8.) Jack Nicklaus - The Ohio State University
9.) Eunice Kennedy Shriver - Stanford
10.) Eddie Robinson - Grambling

For a complete listing of the top 100 go to the NCAA.org
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