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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

FYI, the highest rated prep QB in the nation last year, Mathew Stafford, from Dallas, will be playing for Georgia next year. One of the two highest rated rated prep backs, Emmanuel Moody, from East Texas, will be playing for USC.

Yeah but Stafford going to Georgia was an anomaly due to the fact that he has family ties and a girlfriend there. Georgia is not typically a player in Texas
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3 plays later, Vince threw the pick to Hawk.

Momentum back, I'd say.

Still a huge difference in the state of the game...giving up the safety (and the corresonding two points) is a bigger mental blow to Texas. Even though Young threw a suqsequent interception, the fact they avoided the disasater softened the mental blow of the pick ("Hey, at least we didn't give up the safety")...
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More progress this week on the jumbotron. To give you a better perspective, there's at least 50 yards between the goal post and the scoreboard. I heard we're going to show live video of the student section when the opposing team kicks FG's and PAT's

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p><o:p>


  • Scoreboard.JPG
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Just keep this surly cuss's mug of that thing, and you can show all the cheerleaders you want.
You allow Matthew McConaughey such close access to the team as being at field level on team photo day, then act surprised when Ramonce gets busted with dope?

Shit, the whole Texas team would fail a drug test just from being within 50 yards of him!
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