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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

I'd still take the number one golfer of all-time over both MM and Snoop. I think you people may be a little harsh on Snoop, after all he is helping coach youth football in inner-city LA.

and using ringers... my roomate's cousin coaches the top pop Warner team in Las Vegas... they got crushed by Snoop's team...because Snoop was using 8th graders in a 3rd and 4th grade league...
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2A is the second smallest division in High School footbal in Texas...in other words not very impressive. Sneed played at a 5A high school which is the largest division in Texas High School football...look for Sneed to eventually get the nod over McCoy....They are both very talented but Sneed is a much better athlete.
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In response to my "Hello Buckeyes" thread when I was asked about a prediction for the upcoming game...I am not sure I am ready to give one yet. Of course a homer pick would be to go with Texas but I really think I will have to wait and see what we look like against North Texas in Week 1 before I can make that prediciton.
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Sneed played at a 5A high school which is the largest division in Texas High School football...look for Sneed to eventually get the nod over McCoy....They are both very talented but Sneed is a much better athlete.
SneAd played at Stephenville, which is 4A. Welcome to the board, please read UTMNC's posts to determine how not to act around here as a UT fan, and you will find this board informative and enjoyable.
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Also, if your enrollment drops then it is your choice to stay in the higher classification if you like. However, I believe this is only true to a point....and I have no clue what that point would be. This has been your completely pointless update for the day
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Here's a CFN comment like xray usually uses. Too bad it's from the national media--let's just say there's a little more credibility behind it than there is behind xray's fantasy-world predictions

2. Ohio State LB Marcus Freeman for A.J. Hawk
The superstar recruit of a few years ago appeared ready to make a huge impact even with all the stars in last year's linebacking corps, but he suffered a knee injury and missed the season. He's 230 pounds and fast, fast, fast on the weakside. This might sound like blasphemy, but if he's 100% healthy, he might be almost, almost, as good as Hawk. He has that kind of talent.
[FONT=verdana, arial,
sans serif]
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[FONT=verdana, arial,
sans serif]http://www.collegefootballnews.com/Big_Ten/2006_Previews/2006_Big10_Top5s.htm
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How do they know Freeman has the kind of football abaility as Hawk. I hope that it is true but the fact is we hav an entire LB core that has not proved they can do anything yet. Do they have the measurables, the speed, etc sure, but there is no evidence they are good players yet. The only LB with good expeirence is James. L and he was not the most productive given his 2 starts. That is not saying he will not be good or anything, but it is hard to replace 9 starters on any unit.
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Also, if your enrollment drops then it is your choice to stay in the higher classification if you like. However, I believe this is only true to a point....and I have no clue what that point would be. This has been your completely pointless update for the day

I think this is true. My old high school recently dropped below the 5A limit but remained a 5A. Probably not a good idea, if we'd switch we'd quit losing to Westlake.
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I find this interesting. I don't believe Ohio's highschools have to be that big to be in Division 1. I can tell you mine was D1 and was not that big. Those are some big schools.

I went to h.s. in arizona and they had the same classes as Texas when I was there. Recently, however they added a 5A1 which is over 3000 or something. the schools are getting bigger than some colleges out there.
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