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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Mililani's point is well made. What stats do you have that show that your brand new qb's are already all pro ??
Aren't you paying attention? They're from Texas for crying out loud!
<pre>7 Jevan Snead QB 6-3 215 Fr. Stephenville, TX<br>12 Colt McCoy QB 6-3 195 Fr. Tuscola, TX</pre>Our secondary can't defend these guys, because they scrimmage against the best defense in college football every day and are coached by that offensive genius Greg Davis, who has never in history called a questionable game without the benefit of Vince Young to bail him out.

Don't you remember all those big games Texas won with Applewhite and Simms when they were rookies? :roll1:
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Top 5 Texas Freshman QBs (In terms of yards)

1,000-yard seasons​

1. 2,453 ______^Major Applewhite (159-of-273) ____________1998

2. 2,341 ______^Shea Morenz (183-of-335) ________________1993
3. 1,511 ______^Peter Gardere (107-of-186) ________________1989
4. 1,189 ______^Mark Murdock (98-of-202) ________________1988
5. 1,155 ______^Vince Young (84-143) ____________________2003
6. 1,047 ______^James Brown (80-of-115) ________________1994​

Top 10 yards (single season)

1. Major Applewhite ____________________________3,357 (1999)

2. Chris Simms ________________________________3,207 (2002)
3. Chris Simms ________________________________2,603 (2001)
4. James Brown ________________________________2,468 (1996)
5. Major Applewhite ____________________________2,453 (1998)
6. James Brown ________________________________2,447 (1995)
7. Peter Gardere________________________________2,364 (1992)
8. Shea Morenz ________________________________2,341 (1993)
9. Bret Stafford ________________________________2,233 (1986)
10. Major Applewhite ____________________________2,164 (2000)​

Top 10 yards (single season)​

1. Kwame Cavil ________________________________1,188 (1999)

2. Roy Williams ________________________________1,142 (2002)
3. Wane McGarity ______________________________1,087 (1998)
4. Roy Williams ________________________________1,079 (2003)
5. Mike Adams__________________________________942 (1996)
6. Mike Adams__________________________________908 (1993)
7. Mike Adams__________________________________876 (1995)
8. Tony Jones __________________________________838 (1988)
9. Roy Williams ________________________________836 (2001)
10. Roy Williams ________________________________809 (2000)​


I sure do see how you're so confident in the passing game at Texas with one of two possible Frosh slingin the ball around to a WR corps that is full of guys simply "paying their dues" until the NFL makes them Top 5 picks.​
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Both Snead and McCoy are more accurate than V. Young
You are nucking futs! Vince Young's 2005 campaign was the single best passing season by a QB under the current staff, and I'll venture a guess that condition is true in regards to Texas history.
<pre>YEAR NAME G C-ATT PCT YDS TD INT RATING<br>1998 M. Applewhite 11 159-273 58.2 2453 18 11 147.42<br>1999 M. Applewhite 13 271-467 58.0 3357 21 9 129.40<br>2000 M. Applewhite 9 152-279 54.5 2164 18 7 135.91<br>2001 M. Applewhite 10 29-46 63.0 379 3 1 149.43<br><br>1999 C. Simms 6 19-36 52.8 223 2 1 117.59<br>2000 C. Simms 10 67-117 57.3 1064 8 7 144.25<br>2001 C. Simms 12 214-362 59.1 2603 22 11 133.50<br>2002 C. Simms 13 235-396 59.3 3207 26 12 143.00<br><br>2003 C. Mock 13 100-183 54.6 1469 16 2 148.74<br>2004 C. Mock 6 9-21 42.9 79 0 0 74.46<br><br>2003 V. Young 12 84-143 58.7 1155 6 7 130.64<br>2004 V. Young 12 148-250 59.2 1849 12 11 128.37<br>2005 V. Young 13 212-325 65.2 3036 26 10 163.9</pre>Are you honestly suggesting that both QBs heading into 2006 are more accurate than all of these former Longhorns?
BuckeyeNation27 said:
Do admins have the ability to disable specific smilies from specific users? Just a random thought I had...
Well, I don't want to beat a dead horse, but we could just ding the offender into submission.
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Oh my bad about the point mix-up, but my point is that I think we will be able to score 30 on Texas.

I'm not saying my Horns are going to win. I just think it will be low scoring. Something akin to last year. 25-17, or 20-10. I know how far along the OSU skill position players are on offense, and containing them will be hard. Still, I haven't read the threads about your o-line, so I don't know if you gain from last year, or lose.
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Wow, you are coming in fast on UTMNC as the most clueless poster in this thread. You actually think that converting half the Vince Young carries to RB carries won't have an affect on your offense? You think a fast, tall, nimble QB--with a threat to throw--running around is no more of a threat than a handoff?

Last year Charles averaged 7.4 yards per carry while Vince averaged 6.8. So if Charles gets the 6 called runs that Vince used to get, the total yardage for those carries will be similar.

At this point if the QBs have net positive rushing yardage that will be OK, but they are the type who could get 20-30 a game. They certainly won't be the threat that Vince was on passing downs, or out of the zone read, but they will still get decent yardage if the defense doesn't account for them.

For the season I expect that UTs rushing offense will be +/-20 yards of last years 275 a game. If both Selvin and Jamaal are healthy I expect sigificant improvement versus what they did against tOSU last year, when Selvin was overweight and still struggling with his injury (and fumbleitis) and Jamaal was in his 2nd game.
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Are you honestly suggesting that both QBs heading into 2006 are more accurate than all of these former Longhorns?

I certainly don't think they will reach 65%, but they are much better throwing QBs than Vince was as a freshman, so 59-62% wouldn't surprise me. This is largely due to the quality of our receivers, Shipley and Finley particularly are like magicians when it comes to catching ordinarily uncatchable balls.
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I certainly don't think they will reach 65%, but they are much better throwing QBs than Vince was as a freshman, so 59-62% wouldn't surprise me. This is largely due to the quality of our receivers, Shipley and Finley particularly are like magicians when it comes to catching ordinarily uncatchable balls.

[sarcasm] Finley will obviously be an upgrade at TE over Thomas, who only caught 10 balls in the Rose Bowl against USC. [/sarcasm]
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I certainly don't think they will reach 65%, but they are much better throwing QBs than Vince was as a freshman, so 59-62% wouldn't surprise me. This is largely due to the quality of our receivers, Shipley and Finley particularly are like magicians when it comes to catching ordinarily uncatchable balls.

Wonderful...as long as they can both escape like Vince and cause Heacock to play the same containment schemes as VY did, they should be great. Snead might have a little shake in him, but Colt might have a tough day in the pocket.

The old adage goes something like, "Its tough to throw from your back..."

Something like that.
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Last year Charles averaged 7.4 yards per carry while Vince averaged 6.8. So if Charles gets the 6 called runs that Vince used to get, the total yardage for those carries will be similar.

I don't read what you write very much, but that could possibly be one of the stupidest things you've ever written. So taking Vince Young away will have no affect on your runny backs YPC even though people can load up against one guy instead of having to worry about one of the greatest rushing QBs ever in college football and the back... give me a break.
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since 30 points is not out of the question for the bucks, the question is how many will texas score with new qb's. who will play better the buckeye D or the texas offense?

I can't figure out how you are going to break 20. Looking at last years game 4 of your FGs came when you were given the ball within your kickers FG range. I don't expect a repeat of that kind of luck. Last year you had one good TD drive and on the other FG, you still got the ball on the tOSU 47.

My best estimate is tOSU scores 13-17, any more than that will require a kick return for TD or a defensive score.
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I don't know if hanging your hat on Shipley and Finley is wise, considering that neither of those guys caught even one ball last year.

Introducing Bam Childress.... Magician in practice/spring...


<TABLE class=tablehead cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=3 border=0><TBODY><TR class=colhead align=right ?><TD align=left>YEAR</TD><TD>REC</TD><TD>YDS</TD><TD>AVG</TD><TD>LNG</TD><TD>TD</TD><TD>ATT</TD><TD>YDS</TD><TD>AVG</TD><TD>LNG</TD><TD>TD</TD><TD>FUM</TD><TD>LST</TD></TR><TR class=oddrow align=right><TD align=left>2002</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>47</TD><TD>11.8</TD><TD>17</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>0.0</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>0</TD></TR><TR class=evenrow align=right><TD align=left>2003</TD><TD>11</TD><TD>133</TD><TD>12.1</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>6.0</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>0</TD></TR><TR class=oddrow align=right><TD align=left>2004</TD><TD>17</TD><TD>205</TD><TD>12.1</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>0.0</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>0</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>​
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