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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

I didn't say ANY, but LB's with the speed of Kelson can cover any back, and a reverse by a wideout such as Ginn or Gonzales against our LB's will get you a five yard loss every time.

You need to seek some help for your dillusions of gradure. Kelson is not as fast as Bush, Never was, never will be PERIOD. If you think otherwise you just plain stupid.
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The UT secondary plays alot of man coverage. The reason T. Ginn was not a threat at receiver last year is because 5 minutes into the game he knew one thing, he could not get seperation from his man. He's facing the same situation this year, and so is Gonzales. The loss of S. Holmes as far as yardage and TD production will be felt as much as the loss of VY. 11 TD's will be hard to make up.

now I know your an idiot.... Ginn was still learing to play WR he didnt run good routes.

Oh hell with it, your too stupid to get it anyway....
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now I know your an idiot.... Ginn was still learing to play WR he didnt run good routes.

Oh hell with it, your too stupid to get it anyway....

now hang on before you go using excuses ginn i dont think is a wr period he is more of a pure athlete i dont think his route running has gotter better i think however he is more comfortable in that position now. while i do think he will do better against us this year i think we will be able to hold him to less than 30 yard plays.................hopefully
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now hang on before you go using excuses ginn i dont think is a wr period he is more of a pure athlete i dont think his route running has gotter better i think however he is more comfortable in that position now. while i do think he will do better against us this year i think we will be able to hold him to less than 30 yard plays.................hopefully

Step away from the crack pipe...

Did you even watch the Fiesta Bowl??????

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.
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