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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

way to many longhorn fans on this board, they seem to be like cockroaches once you have one you know there is more coming.
I disagree, totally.
95% of the posts from Texas fans on this thread are intelligent....although recently that percentage may have gone down slightly.
If there weren't any Texas fans, what the hell would we be talking about 2 months before the game?
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Where is the absurdity in saying Texas was able to shut Ginn down as a receiver(not a K/R) when the stats back that up, and yes UT is one of the few IF any that can handle the matchup problems Ginn and Gonzales present. Call me out on some other things no problem, but this is one argument that so far holds validity.

Texas didn't "shut down" Ginn...we threw more to our #1 WR (Holmes) more than any other WR and didn't open up the offense as much because we had two essentially "cold" QBs (Zwick was in only his third game as a starter since the middle of the previous season, whilst Smith hadn't played in nine months, along with missing practice reps). In fact, entering the Texas game, Zwick's only siginificant playing time was the Alamo Bowl (in which he was hobbled almost the entire game with a pulled hamstring) and the Miami (Oh) game the week before Texas. We distributed the ball to six receivers (five of whom, in cluding Ginn, had two receptions). It was our QB situation, and not the Texas defense, that hampered us more than anything else.
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Texas didn't "shut down" Ginn...we threw more to our #1 WR (Holmes) more than any other WR and didn't open up the offense as much because we had two essentially "cold" QBs (Zwick was in only his third game as a starter since the middle of the previous season, whilst Smith hadn't played in nine months, along with missing practice reps). In fact, entering the Texas game, Zwick's only siginificant playing time was the Alamo Bowl (in which he was hobbled almost the entire game with a pulled hamstring) and the Miami (Oh) game the week before Texas. We distributed the ball to six receivers (five of whom, in cluding Ginn, had two receptions). It was our QB situation, and not the Texas defense, that hampered us more than anything else.

I find these disagreements regarding winning or losing, shutting down or not, to be best resolved by looking at the situation through the teams' or coaches' view point. Based on your assement, it looks like Ohio State certainly went into the game looking to NOT emphasize Ted Ginn as much as possible, and basically conceded their 2 QB rotation would be largely be rusty and ineffective, hence it better to stick with 1 primary wideout to run through. And then the Texas defense, of course, anticipating this through excellent scouting reports, played into this strategy by deflecting attention from Ginn who was being used as a decoy and focused on others, yet was still burned by the big play to the main man Santonio Holmes. Wow, Mililani, you really nailed it. If you throw out actual outcome or team strategies at the point of attack, I think you might be on to something. :roll2:
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OK, deep breaths everybody. Take a break, enjoy a beautiful Saturday afternoon on the 4th of July weekend, and come back a little later when cooler heads can prevail.

Nobody should be hurling out personal insults, that goes for Texas fans, Ohio State fans, and even the moderators on this board.

We're all confident that we'll have the better team come September, and there are homers on both sides of the argument. Deal with this or move on to another thread.
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Good idea on the thread split. How about we keep this thread on the topic of UT/OSU football, and have a great big "anything goes" smack thread in the Romper Room or the Reference Locker?
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Good idea on the thread split. How about we keep this thread on the topic of UT/OSU football, and have a great big "anything goes" smack thread in the Romper Room or the Reference Locker?

Possible if folks are into that...but we've always had a good mix of people who were able to keep heated discussion as a debate without the recent hyperbole and absurd proclamations that have made this thread basically a waste of time lately.

I'd suggest just holding people accountable...tOSU fans, keep one another in line. Horns who have been here for a few years now, keep these new guys in line and let them know how we operate.

Either way, let's get back to what we do best around here...
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Back to the game. Question: Was T. Ginn ever given a serious look at DB his frosh year, I mean he was the Nations No.1 CB/DB out of H.S. I realize to utilize his talent you want him touching the ball as much as possible, and thats on offense, but you are talking about someone who is capable of defending 1/2 of the field, much like Deion did at Fla. St. He could still get his 5-6 offensive plays in as well as p/k return. Figure in also the possibilty that DB is where he might play in the NFL.
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Back to the game. Question: Was T. Ginn ever given a serious look at DB his frosh year, I mean he was the Nations No.1 CB/DB out of H.S. I realize to utilize his talent you want him touching the ball as much as possible, and thats on offense, but you are talking about someone who is capable of defending 1/2 of the field, much like Deion did at Fla. St. He could still get his 5-6 offensive plays in as well as p/k return. Figure in also the possibilty that DB is where he might play in the NFL.
The question the coaching staff had to consider was where was he more valuable? Ohio State has had a run of great DBs since the mid-90s (Springs, Plummer, Clements, Winfield, Gamble, etc ...) and there is a log jam of talent waiting in the wings now. Ginn was more valuable as a PR/KR and a #2 WR on the other side of Holmes, so that's what he was groomed for. He was a very raw WR in 2004, and got by entirely on his feet. He grew (literally and figuratively) in 2005 and was very polished by the end of the year. Musburger and Danielson made several comments to that effect in the Fiesta Bowl -- they should know, they did probably four or five OSU games for ABC every year.

This year Ginn has finally filled out his frame, and was drawing raves in the spring. Expectations are very high, and I think there is 0% chance that he is considered for DB now.

EDIT: In regards to the "get his 5-6 offensive plays in": I think it was a conscious decision by the staff that Ginn wasn't valuable either as just a decoy or in a set where everybody knew he would be getting the ball.
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Wow, Mililani, you really nailed it. If you throw out actual outcome or team strategies at the point of attack, I think you might be on to something. :roll2:

You know what, why should the University of Texas ever have to play another football game again, ever? Why, it's so obvious from astute football minds like you, UTMNC, and xrayrandy that your coaching staff knows and plans for everything, that every player at every spot is faster than Ted Ginn and is better than the guy that started ahead of him last year, and that Texas gets the best recruiting classes every year...blah blah blah. Just give Texas the national title every year, because Lord knows that there's no team like Texas. :roll1:
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Musburger and Danielson made several comments to that effect in the Fiesta Bowl -- they should know, they did probably four or five OSU games for ABC every year.

Not too many people like Musburger, but I think he is one of the best, mabey because he does 1-2 UT games per year. I could do without Danielson.
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Musburger and Danielson made several comments to that effect in the Fiesta Bowl -- they should know, they did probably four or five OSU games for ABC every year.

Not too many people like Musburger, but I think he is one of the best, mabey because he does 1-2 UT games per year. I could do without Danielson.

Well now, I guess that about settles it, if Musberger and Danielson said it...:shake:

I'll bet that A J Hawk is also happy that they gave his girlfriend a rousing endorsement in a ten minute distraction during that game.

By the way, I'm sure that the fact Musberger and Danielson graduated from Big Ten schools and were attacked as Big Ten homers had nothing to do with their comments. I mean, after all, everything in those sportscasts is entirely in the spirit of the moment, it's not like anything is scripted or directed at them through those earphones or that the networks do any marketing research on audience perceptions of sportscasters! :roll1:
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Well now, I guess that about settles it, if Musberger and Danielson said it...:shake:

I'll bet that A J Hawk is also happy that they gave his girlfriend a rousing endorsement in a ten minute distraction during that game.

By the way, I'm sure that the fact Musberger and Danielson graduated from Big Ten schools and were attacked as Big Ten homers had nothing to do with their comments. I mean, after all, everything in those sportscasts is entirely in the spirit of the moment, it's not like anything is scripted or directed at them through those earphones or that the networks do any marketing research on audience perceptions of sportscasters! :roll1:

Yeah Dryden :lol:
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