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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

UTMNC-Yeah I'm with you.. I had to sprint to use the bathrooms last year in Columbus at half time!! I can't imagine what it'll be like next year when I go to a game!

As for this years game... What I want to know is this. Are ANY of you Texas fans worried AT ALL about moving the ball against our defense?? I mean Yes we lost a lot, but you lost 3 of your best offensive threats (Young/Taylor/Thomas). Remember it always takes offenses longer to jeal than it does a defense. A young Defense against a young Offense... hmm That doesn't sound like that much of a potent offensive attack as some of you Texans' may think...Not Debating talent cuz Teams like Texas/tosu don't have an sortage in that department, but experience in KEY positions.

On the other Hand a Better tosu offense against about the same level defense as last year...This will be the best matchup of the game IMO..

What Texas did last year to Teddy was not so much Texas as it was Ted Ginn.Teddy to be honest, struggled all year besides in the last 4 games.. He did better as the year went but for the most part he might have let the hype get to him. Yes, Texas did some things to take him out of his game but so did the rest of the teams. Look at how that game started last year and you'll know it wasn't what Texas did. When your best home run threat drops the ball on a simple swing pass in the biggest game of the year (including michigan/ND) that should tell you he's not all there.

However you put Teddy on any kick off team where he has space, the ball, and he can pick holes to run through (as you saw in the Texas game) that's where you'll see his true threatning ability. Because before you get the ball as a reciever you have to A) Get ride of the Defensive Back, B) Run the Route and C) finally Catch the ball... It's alot more technical than just getting the ball and running. A strong finish last year, and a great off season thus far would venture me to say that I would be SHOCKED if Teddy doesn't come out and perform better than last year.

Can't wait for September 9th! Great Matchups on both sides of the ball

yes we took a huge blow however it's a good think we have the bulk of the offensive line returning that allowed only 4 sacks last year our receivers are actually a strength and also remember the name jermichael finley while he's not as good a blocker as david thomas was he's a freak of a receiver this is just me saying this but from what ive heard and seen he may be on his way to being an all american. i think he might be an unsung hero in this game if the horns win
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So? My points are regarding "if" those Texas running backs were shut down last year. I could care less what your comments are directed to other than your logic is as flawed as mine. If you cant see that then perhaps you have issues with your mental facalties.

So?? What do you mean "so?" My comments are regarding last year's game, and last year's alone. An accurate analysis of past events is in no way a prediction of what will happen for future events, despite your perception of such. For all objective purposes, the Texas running backs WERE shut down last year. Did I miss something? How is this relavent to anything else I said? Or is it just an example that you too can provide accurate analysis of past events? Well, since we're in agreement about that fact, I'm not sure exactly where you're trying to go with that.

And speaking of logic, well, lets follow this progression: 1) Campies responds to a Mililani post asserting why Ted Ginn was not shut down last year by providing a logical framework for analysis that challenges this, 2) BuckeyeRob responds to Campies in jest, claiming his logic is flawed in assesing production, offers example why, and asserts that last year being last year will have no effect on this year's game. 3) Campies in response to BuckeyeRob agrees with him regarding his rebutal example, continues to remind that his analysis of last year's game was neither a prediction nor indictment of what will be this year's results, and remains confused about 2 things: a) what exactly this adament post is challenging, b) what is wrong with my mental "facalties," assuming I know what that is.
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OK, I'll try to stay calm; but you guys are working my last good nerve.

I never claimed that Ginn wasn't shut down last year. Hell, teams that didn't crack the top 50 in defense shut Ginn down in the first half of the season. So you shut him down. Congratulations. I was never one of the people that said you didn't; so why would I address the point?????

What boggles the mind is that you still try to pat yourself on the back for shutting down the, what is it now, "most dangerous".... whatever. He was not the best, he was not the most dangerous (not even at the end of the year), and when you played him, he was being shut down by the likes of San Diego State.

Truth be told, you shouldn't have claimed anything regarding my comments on Ginn to Mililani because it was Mililani who claimed he was NOT shut down last year, and it was Mililani to whom I was responding to. The only reason we're in this discussion is because of the semantics in word choice about whether Ginn is in fact a gamebreaker. Now I guess you're saying he's not? Those games in which your superstar was less than stellar are enough for you to jump on the "Cool the Teddy hype" bandwagon? I didn't think so.

I will pat myself on the back for the job our D did against Ginn, because as I pointed out, I guarentee you that the Texas coaches are patting themselves on the back for the job their planning and emphasizing for Ted Ginn did on the results of the game. That to me is significant, and the only way to be truly objective, in tallying who won and lost what in a game. Don't you agree?
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Truth be told, you shouldn't have claimed anything regarding my comments on Ginn to Mililani because it was Mililani who claimed he was NOT shut down last year, and it was Mililani to whom I was responding to. The only reason we're in this discussion is because of the semantics in word choice about whether Ginn is in fact a gamebreaker. Now I guess you're saying he's not? Those games in which your superstar was less than stellar are enough for you to jump on the "Cool the Teddy hype" bandwagon? I didn't think so.

I will pat myself on the back for the job our D did against Ginn, because as I pointed out, I guarentee you that the Texas coaches are patting themselves on the back for the job their planning and emphasizing for Ted Ginn did on the results of the game. That to me is significant, and the only way to be truly objective, in tallying who won and lost what in a game. Don't you agree?

uh... WOW

First, I only took exception to calling Ginn our "best" or "most dangerous" as of game 2 last year. You said he was; the fact is he wasn't. You are entitled to your own opinion, not your own facts.

Second, if the Texas coaches want to pat themselves on the back for holding down TG's production from his previous year (something every other team on the schedule did until the Illinois game) then they must be contortionists from all the patting they're doing.

Finally, when you base your arguments on Ginn being something that not one other person here believe he is, then you are the last person on earth that I will take advice from about objectivity.
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As for this years game... What I want to know is this. Are ANY of you Texas fans worried AT ALL about moving the ball against our defense?? I mean Yes we lost a lot, but you lost 3 of your best offensive threats (Young/Taylor/Thomas). Remember it always takes offenses longer to jeal than it does a defense. A young Defense against a young Offense... hmm That doesn't sound like that much of a potent offensive attack as some of you Texans' may think...Not Debating talent cuz Teams like Texas/tosu don't have an sortage in that department, but experience in KEY positions.

I'll try to answer this since noone has responded yet. The first and most significant error is considering the entire Texas offense young, the QBs yes, but for the rest no.

7 starters return from last year, and the coaches consider Hills to be our best OL at this point meaning that 8 of the 11 starters are better than last year. If Finley plays like he practices it could end up being 9 of 11, and as for the 10th, RG, The dropoff from Will Allen is entirely experience not talent. There is no debating that the drop-off at the last spot is huge, but that is the only spot where there is a significant drop-off.

The reason we think the offense will perform well is that 4 of the 5 best OLs are back and in the same spots, so the line chemistry will be excellent from game one. The development of the line is the one thing that takes longest to "jeal," and UT won't have that problem. The runningbacks were very inexperinced going into last season, and Selvin was coming off a severe injury, so the runningbacks will be way ahead of where the were last year. The wide receivers are also playing at a much higher level than at the beginning of last year.

It also helps that 6 of the 11 backup spots (considering Tweedie as a backup) are better than at this time last year, and it could be 8 of 11 once Ulatoski and Hall (both RS freshman) get some time in on the line as Ulatoski is better than Winston and Hall is ahead of where Dockery was last year.

Given all that experience, many UT fans feel that the offense will be successful against the rebuilt tOSU defense.
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Given all that experience, many UT fans feel that the offense will be successful against the rebuilt tOSU defense.

Sorry, but your OL, RB, WR, or TE don't call the plays, make the audibles, and throw the ball. I don't care if you have your entire offense aside from the QBs back this year...your offensive production will suffer. If Texas cracks 20 offensive points I'll be stunned.
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Second, if the Texas coaches want to pat themselves on the back for holding down TG's production from his previous year (something every other team on the schedule did until the Illinois game) then they must be contortionists from all the patting they're doing.

If you can name me one other defense that held Ginn anywhere close to 2 catches, 9 yards, and most importantly 4.5 yds/comp., I will be impressed. The Texas coaches should be proud of what they were able to do last year. I know I am impressed.

Just for reference, this post is a discussion of the events that occurred in last year's game. I am in no way, shape, or form implying what will happen in this year's game.
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