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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

If you can name me one other defense that held Ginn anywhere close to 2 catches, 9 yards, and most importantly 4.5 yds/comp., I will be impressed. The Texas coaches should be proud of what they were able to do last year. I know I am impressed.

Well, it's easy to impress a moron. You know, I'm getting sick and fucking tired of all these bandwagon Texas "fans" and their incessant chest-thumping. Your defense and coaches didn't hold shit. We had two essentially green QBs and a resulting conservative game plan which rotated them. Tell you what, if your coaches are so great, then let's see how they hold our offense this year at your place. I can't wait to see Ginn totally torch your secondary and Smith run around and through your LBs.
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I attended the Texas win at Ohio Stadium last September. Ginn, for all he was contained by the Horns, did not lose the game for us Bucks. A dropped ezone pass and a FG wide by a couple of feet did us in, all else being equal. The inability of our qb (either one), to take advantage of opportunities must be credited to their relative inexperience (TS's self-imposed no-playing penalty for previous 2 games), as much as the stalward Texas defense.

This year, I'm hoping Ohio State can take advantage of similar Texas weaknesses (qb inexperience {not talent}. in game snaps), to win in Austin. I think otherwise, both teams are well-matched going into the game.
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Well, it's easy to impress a moron. You know, I'm getting sick and fucking tired of all these bandwagon Texas "fans" and their incessant chest-thumping. Your defense and coaches didn't hold shit. We had two essentially green QBs and a resulting conservative game plan which rotated them. Tell you what, if your coaches are so great, then let's see how they hold our offense this year at your place. I can't wait to see Ginn totally torch your secondary and Smith run around and through your LBs.
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Well, it's easy to impress a moron. You know, I'm getting sick and fucking tired of all these bandwagon Texas "fans" and their incessant chest-thumping. Your defense and coaches didn't hold shit. We had two essentially green QBs and a resulting conservative game plan which rotated them. Tell you what, if your coaches are so great, then let's see how they hold our offense this year at your place. I can't wait to see Ginn totally torch your secondary and Smith run around and through your LBs.

Wow Mililani...

Why don't you ever actually argue against the facts instead of resulting to useless personal attacks. Let's look at actual results and how well Ginn performed early in the season:

1.) Miami(OH)- 5 catches, 75 yards, 15.0 yds/comp.
2.) Texas- 2 catches, 9 yards, 4.5 yds/comp.
3.) San Diego State- 3 catches, 37 yards, 12.3 yds/comp.
4.) Iowa- 3 catches, 31 yards, 10.3 yds/comp.
5.) Penn State- 3 catches, 40 yards, 13.3 yds/comp.

I can keep going if you want...

Your "green" QBs appeared to have problems getting the ball to Ginn even after the Texas game, which can be attributed to the conservative game plan. However, what you fail to understand is the yds/comp. number. Why is that Ginn was able to do so little the few times he got the ball against Texas, while doing much better against the other teams despite getting the ball approximately the same number of times? Why? This is a question that you appear to either not have the mental capacity to understand (which I doubt) or something that do not wish to understand...

How in the world am I chest thumping by actually looking the at results? I will gladly admit that VY was not able to run against your defense. I will admit that our RBs did shit against your defense. I will also admit that VY made some critical passes throughout the game, and that he also made some costly mistakes. I say these things based on actual events that have happened. Not to chest thump on an opponent's message board. Also, I would cordially request that you stop calling me a bandwagon fan, as you have no means to back it up that outside my name. I mean, I guess I could have named my AustinLonghorn:roll2:...
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inVINCEable said:
Wow Mililani...

Why don't you ever actually argue against the facts instead of resulting to useless personal attacks. Let's look at actual results and how well Ginn performed early in the season:

1.) Miami(OH)- 5 catches, 75 yards, 15.0 yds/comp.
2.) Texas- 2 catches, 9 yards, 4.5 yds/comp.
3.) San Diego State- 3 catches, 37 yards, 12.3 yds/comp.
4.) Iowa- 3 catches, 31 yards, 10.3 yds/comp.
5.) Penn State- 3 catches, 40 yards, 13.3 yds/comp.

I can keep going if you want...

Your "green" QBs appeared to have problems getting the ball to Ginn even after the Texas game, which can be attributed to the conservative game plan. However, what you fail to understand is the yds/comp. number. Why is that Ginn was able to do so little the few times he got the ball against Texas, while doing much better against the other teams despite getting the ball approximately the same number of times? Why? This is a question that you appear to either not have the mental capacity to understand (which I doubt) or something that do not wish to understand...

How in the world am I chest thumping by actually looking the at results? I will gladly admit that VY was not able to run against your defense. I will admit that our RBs did shit against your defense. I will also admit that VY made some critical passes throughout the game, and that he also made some costly mistakes. I say these things based on actual events that have happened. Not to chest thump on an opponent's message board. Also, I would cordially request that you stop calling me a bandwagon fan, as you have no means to back it up that outside my name. I mean, I guess I could have named my AustinLonghorn:roll2:...
So if Ginn dropped 30 passes, would that be because of the defense or because of Ginn? I'm just wondering.
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So if Ginn dropped 30 passes, would that be because of the defense or because of Ginn? I'm just wondering.

30 would be quite an anomaly, however it appears that there were only 2 incompletions to Ginn that can be attributed to either bad passes or drops. Once again, not enough to take into account to either credit the defense or offense for those mistakes.

You are still missing the point. Why is it that with those 2 completions, he was only able to gain a measely 4.5 yds/comp. against Texas and at least 10 yds/comp vs. all other teams. That is the real question at hand. I really don't understand why it is so hard for Buckeyes to say the Texas secondary (composed of Thorpe Award winner Michael Huff) did a good job containing Ginn. Is it really that difficult?
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Wow Mililani...

Why don't you ever actually argue against the facts instead of resulting to useless personal attacks. Let's look at actual results and how well Ginn performed early in the season:

1.) Miami(OH)- 5 catches, 75 yards, 15.0 yds/comp.
2.) Texas- 2 catches, 9 yards, 4.5 yds/comp.
3.) San Diego State- 3 catches, 37 yards, 12.3 yds/comp.
4.) Iowa- 3 catches, 31 yards, 10.3 yds/comp.
5.) Penn State- 3 catches, 40 yards, 13.3 yds/comp.


Also, I would cordially request that you stop calling me a bandwagon fan, as you have no means to back it up that outside my name. I mean, I guess I could have named my AustinLonghorn:roll2:...

OK, what is you point, xrayrandy Jr.? That because we decided not to throw the ball as much because of green QBs means your secondary is dominant? Ever hear of a game plan? Ginn was still growing into his roll as a WR and Holmes was, and remained, our primary target all year. If you want to brag on how your secondary "shut down" Ginn more than other teams, let's look at the facts:

1.) Miami(OH)- 5 catches, 75 yards, 15.0 yds/comp. (Miami pass defense: #41, also Zwick at QB)
2.) Texas- 2 catches, 9 yards, 4.5 yds/comp.
3.) San Diego State- 3 catches, 37 yards, 12.3 yds/comp. (SDSU pass defense: #61)
4.) Iowa- 3 catches, 31 yards, 10.3 yds/comp. (Iowa pass defense: #96)
5.) Penn State- 3 catches, 40 yards, 13.3 yds/comp. (PSU pass defense: #50)

Ginn had better stats in those other games because he was against mediocre pass defenses. Now if Ginn had an immediate and significant increase in production against pass defenses that were in the top 20 or so, then you could say that your coaching and defense stepped it up. You really think the #96 pass defense in the country (Iowa) "held" Ginn to just 3 catches for 10 yards a pop? No. We just didn't choose to throw to him much because of the game plan. Same with the Texas game.

Also, since Smith was now firmly entrenched as the starter, the passing game markedly improved as the season progressed. You insist on pointing to an anomaly (OSU rotating two green QBs) rather than the norm.

By the way, if you don't want folks to think you're a bandwagon fan, you could choose a moniker that was a little more original and a little less idolizing than "inVINCEable" (like no one had thought of that one before)...
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  1. Ohio State did not move the ball well against anyone until Troy Smith caught his stride mid-year. It is silly to say that his suspension prior to the Texas game was not an issue, especially given the need to work an offense around Justin Zwick the preceding game. Zwick is a quarterback with very different skills and an almost opposite style of play, which has implications for the offensive line etc.
  2. Ginn's performance against Texas was not good, but that was not unique. This was the talk of about every sports magazine and Internet news site last season, until the last games of the year.
  3. Ginn's 4.5 yard average is an indication of the bricks that Smith was throwing as well. Something happened during the Michigan State game last year and Smith finally started being patient and started using his arm well.
  4. Vince Young was a very special talent that made the Texas offense work. Few people would not attribute the win last year to his efforts.
Now, with all due respect, who really cares what happened in the past and why are you guys from Texas so focused on it? I think it possibly is because you saw the Fiesta Bowl and you knew when you saw it exactly what we knew. America's best football team at the end of the year did not play in the national championship game, it played in the Fiesta Bowl. I don't take anything away from you guys, it is your national championship and you deserved it, but just look at how Notre Dame took USC to the wire and what Ohio State did to Notre Dame.

In my opinion, and I honor your right to disagree, Ohio State would have beaten Texas or USC as easily as it did Notre Dame in January. Furthermore, I think they will beat Texas despite being the away team, and I think the game will not be as close as it was in the Shoe.
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OK, what is you point, xrayrandy Jr.? That because we decided not to throw the ball as much because of green QBs means your secondary is dominant? Ever hear of a game plan? Ginn was still growing into his roll as a WR and Holmes was, and remained, our primary target all year. If you want to brag on how your secondary "shut down" Ginn more than other teams, let's look at the facts:

1.) Miami(OH)- 5 catches, 75 yards, 15.0 yds/comp. (Miami pass defense: #41, also Zwick at QB)
2.) Texas- 2 catches, 9 yards, 4.5 yds/comp.
3.) San Diego State- 3 catches, 37 yards, 12.3 yds/comp. (SDSU pass defense: #61)
4.) Iowa- 3 catches, 31 yards, 10.3 yds/comp. (Iowa pass defense: #96)
5.) Penn State- 3 catches, 40 yards, 13.3 yds/comp. (PSU pass defense: #50)

Ginn had better stats in those other games because he was against mediocre pass defenses. Now if Ginn had an immediate and significant increase in production against pass defenses that were in the top 20 or so, then you could say that your coaching and defense stepped it up. You really think the #96 pass defense in the country (Iowa) "held" Ginn to just 3 catches for 10 yards a pop? No. We just didn't choose to throw to him much because of the game plan. Same with the Texas game.

Also, since Smith was now firmly entrenched as the starter, the passing game markedly improved as the season progressed. You insist on pointing to an anomaly (OSU rotating two green QBs) rather than the norm.

By the way, if you don't want folks to think you're a bandwagon fan, you could choose a moniker that was a little more original and a little less idolizing than "inVINCEable" (like no one had thought of that one before)...

I see it in a different way. His 4.5 yds/comp. against Texas is directly related to the fact that as soon as he caught it he was immediately tackled (b/c of our stout pass defense). There was no space or time for Ginn to get to his top speed and gain any yards after the catch.

Let me ask you another question. Would you still be making the same argument had Ginn side-stepped a Texas defender and taken it back to house for a 40 yd. TD. Keep the same number of throws and completions to him. Instead, he side-steps Griffin and takes it to the house on one of his completions. In that case, his stats would have been 2 catches, 40-50 yds., 20-25 yds/comp., and 1 TD. Would you still argue that his production was b/c of your "green" QBs not throwing to him enough (keep in mind it would have been the exact same passes)? I know I would say that bad pass defense and poor gameplanning on behalf of the Texas coaches allowed Ginn to have a successful night.

As far as my name, have you ever thought for even a second that maybe there might be someone else in the world whose birth name is actually Vince and might use their actual real name as part of their username for a message board? I can think of a couple people right off the top of my head...Vince Vaughn, Vince Lombardi, Vince Carter, etc. along with Vince Young. Don't be so quick to label me a "bandwagon fan" without actually getting a chance to know me...
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