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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Put me on record as saying UT shut down Ted Ginn last year. I don't care if was learning you need your #2 reciever to have more than 2 catches for 9 yards in that game.

However, also put me on record as saying the Ted Ginn UT will see on 9 Sep will not be the same Ted Ginn UT saw last year.
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inVINCEable said:
30 would be quite an anomaly, however it appears that there were only 2 incompletions to Ginn that can be attributed to either bad passes or drops. Once again, not enough to take into account to either credit the defense or offense for those mistakes.

You are still missing the point. Why is it that with those 2 completions, he was only able to gain a measely 4.5 yds/comp. against Texas and at least 10 yds/comp vs. all other teams. That is the real question at hand. I really don't understand why it is so hard for Buckeyes to say the Texas secondary (composed of Thorpe Award winner Michael Huff) did a good job containing Ginn. Is it really that difficult?
Is it really that difficult to understand my question? I even said "just wondering" to state that I wasn't talking about the Texas game last year.

The reason is YPC was down was because (and I'm going off of memory here) the passes that were thrown to him were screens. Is that difficult to understand?
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The reason is YPC was down was because (and I'm going off of memory here) the passes that were thrown to him were screens. Is that difficult to understand?

This actually works in perfectly with what I'm saying. I'm also recalling off of memory so bear with me. In Alamo Bowl, I remember this play where Ginn was thrown a screen against Okie St., where the tacklers missed completely and then Ginn turned it all the way around to the other side of the field and scored a TD. Pretty unbelievable play. Might have been something like a 40 yd. gain. There were no such missed tackles against Texas. Against other teams with poor pass defenses, Ginn might have broken one or two tacklers for a 10-15 yd. gain. But against Texas, he was tackled immediately. That is all I'm saying.
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I'm not sure why they have to get all mad about the handle.

Edit: Seems childish. But it wouldn't be the first time.

I don't believe I'm being childish at all. I'm simply defending myself after someone has called me a "moron", called me out for "incessant chest thumping", called me a "bandwagon fan" etc. etc.

The way I have been brought up teaches me to at least defend myself without reacting in the same way. I think childish would be if I had responded by calling others "idiots", "morons", etc. If you don't believe the same thing, than that is fine...but I would appreciate if you would at least respect the fact that I am only defending myself and my team. Keep in mind, this entire "discussion" was actually started by what Mililani stated on pg. 188, NOT by the Texas fans.
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It speaks volumes that they read 2 screens well? I wouldn't go that far. It just means they did what they were supposed to do.

You may not have brought up anything in regards to how good or bad Ginn is, but your buddies have used his Texas game stat line to state that somehow he's just not good enough to be a factor against the immovable object that is the Texas D.
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It speaks volumes that they read 2 screens well? I wouldn't go that far. It just means they did what they were supposed to do.

You may not have brought up anything in regards to how good or bad Ginn is, but your buddies have used his Texas game stat line to state that somehow he's just not good enough to be a factor against the immovable object that is the Texas D.

What the secondary did in reading those two screens(I don't think that both were screens, although this is once again off of memory) is above and beyond what any other team was able to do (once again, 4.5 yds/comp...no team comes anywhere close).

I disagree only slightly with my "Texas buddies" on how Ginn will perform next year. I know he'll perform much better, however he won't be much of an impact as a WR. I think he will burn us on the punt/kick returns. It has been my belief(whether true or false) that the Texas defense does pretty well shutting down the main target of a team. I'd say examples of this would be Ginn last year, and also slightly Reggie Bush in Rose Bowl (despite getting quite a few yards, he wasn't too much of a factor). What the Texas defense will be susceptible to is other players that can step up. In Rose Bowl...Lendale White was unstoppable up the middle, the USC TE's had a pretty good game in the 2nd half, etc. I think if we lose next year to tOSU, it will be because of players like Pittman, Gonzalez, Roy Hall (WR,?), Wells the freshman phenom stepping up. Of course, these other options will be open because of our extra attention on Ginn and Smith.
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inVINCEable said:
I don't believe I'm being childish at all. I'm simply defending myself after someone has called me a "moron", called me out for "incessant chest thumping", called me a "bandwagon fan" etc. etc.

The way I have been brought up teaches me to at least defend myself without reacting in the same way. I think childish would be if I had responded by calling others "idiots", "morons", etc. If you don't believe the same thing, than that is fine...but I would appreciate if you would at least respect the fact that I am only defending myself and my team. Keep in mind, this entire "discussion" was actually started by what Mililani stated on pg. 188, NOT by the Texas fans.
I was saying I'm not sure why they have to get mad about your name(handle).
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Reggie Bush was not neutralized, he was merely kept from dominating. The defense did a good job matching his speed, which typically allows him to toy with defenses... especially laterally. Also, his touches were lowered while White, Jarrett and Byrd were putting up big yardage.

I do agree that this game will not be about Ginn. I don't expect him to dominate as a WR against UT's talented D (otoh... KR :groove:), but rather put in a solid game (I can see 5 catches for 70 yds, maybe a score).

The ball stopped coming Ginn's way when he dropped two easy passes.


For all of the talk about Troy, I don't think the dropoff in QB draws has been discussed enough. The draws were rarely effective last year unless the competition was outmatched (poor talent, or our OL was dominating).

Troy had a ridiculous amount of QB keepers against texas, and also took off too much when his first read was not open. UT's D was excellent that night either way, but I believe that made their job a lot easier. Pittman needed more carries that night.

By the end of the year, he was staying in the pocket a lot more... and running a more diverse offense, making it harder for the defense to stop.

I don't believe OSU will be an elite offense. I do think they will be very efficient, with gamebreaking ability from a number of positions.
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Sorry, but your OL, RB, WR, or TE don't call the plays, make the audibles, and throw the ball. I don't care if you have your entire offense aside from the QBs back this year...your offensive production will suffer. If Texas cracks 20 offensive points I'll be stunned.

it sounds like tosu is hanging their hat on the fact our young qbs will make mistakes funny but tosu's plans against us involve HOPE last year it was force vince to throw and hope he cant this year it's HOPE the freshman qb's make alot of mistakes. and i must say if you dont think we get 20 you are arrogant
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Funny thing is...most of the Buckeye fans (me included) were saying these same things about Vince Young last year.

I had huge admiration/respect for VY before the game last year...and even more after his performance in the 'Shoe.

I have a feeling most of the Horns will feel that way after this game...focus on Ginn please. Take him out of the equation...

That just leaves a seam for Gonzo or a fade zone for Hall or a slower step from your LB while Pitt or Wells slides into the 2nd level.

Wait, I didn't even mention Troy Smith...well, no need to do so I guess.

Please, really, I'm serious here...focus on Ginn. Gameplan for him.
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it sounds like tosu is hanging their hat on the fact our young qbs will make mistakes funny but tosu's plans against us involve HOPE last year it was force vince to throw and hope he cant this year it's HOPE the freshman qb's make alot of mistakes. and i must say if you dont think we get 20 you are arrogant

Isn't that the same thing you are doing? The only difference is you see truth in your faith...we do as well. However, you are calling our faith "hope."

Be a homer though...I certainly am...but don't be so shortsighted that you don't see the same thing from your opponents.
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Funny thing is...most of the Buckeye fans (me included) were saying these same things about Vince Young last year.

I had huge admiration/respect for VY before the game last year...and even more after his performance in the 'Shoe.

I have a feeling most of the Horns will feel that way after this game...focus on Ginn please. Take him out of the equation...

That just leaves a seam for Gonzo or a fade zone for Hall or a slower step from your LB while Pitt or Wells slides into the 2nd level.

Wait, I didn't even mention Troy Smith...well, no need to do so I guess.

Please, really, I'm serious here...focus on Ginn. Gameplan for him.

dont worry coach chizik wont be dumb enough to overlook the others. he hasnt won the last 28 games he's coached in (coached the screwed auburn in 2004) for being dumb. i expect it to be a great game and i say whoever turns over least will probably win
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