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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

If a receiver gets blanket coverage the way Ginn was last year, it would not have made a difference who your QB was. What upsets tOSU fans is the fact that Texas is the ONE team that can do just that.

Your stay here is getting dangerously close to being over. Keep in mind that Texas was one dropped pass from having a loss and not even playing for the national title.
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Your stay here is getting dangerously close to being over. Keep in mind that Texas was one dropped pass from having a loss and not even playing for the national title.

Where is the absurdity in saying Texas was able to shut Ginn down as a receiver(not a K/R) when the stats back that up, and yes UT is one of the few IF any that can handle the matchup problems Ginn and Gonzales present. Call me out on some other things no problem, but this is one argument that so far holds validity.

Will the 2006 results for Ginn be the same, NO, but I do think Texas will control him as a receiver. Yes the dropped pass was huge, but so was the Kelson dropped int, ect. ect. this years game will be the same, more than one big play will decide this one.
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Where is the absurdity in saying Texas was able to shut Ginn down as a receiver(not a K/R) when the stats back that up,
Stats don't lie about production but they can easily mislead as to the cause.
With route running issues, east-west running and such, Ginn did more of a job shutting Ginn down in that game than anyone else. (And trust us when I and others tell you those signs were there for all to see in the weeeks prior game vs Miami of Ohio. So please, save us by not coming back with a treatise on how it was Texas that done gone got Ginn done in.)
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Stats don't lie about production but they can easily mislead as to the cause.
With route running issues, east-west running and such, Ginn did more of a job shutting Ginn down in that game than anyone else. (And trust us when I and others tell you those signs were there for all to see in the weeeks prior game vs Miami of Ohio. So please, save us by not coming back with a treatise on how it was Texas that done gone got Ginn done in.)

fact of the matter is billy pittman had more yards receiving than holmes and ginn combined
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news flash notre dame was slow and overated because they are media darlings!!!!!! if you really think we are the same as notre dame then God have mercy on your soul

You are right ND was slow, and ran un-disciplined coverage. By the same token, the ND offence ran rough-shod over your Rose Bowl victim's defensive backfield, yet were effectively shut-down in the Fiesta against our secondary and living on short field and running game for the most part.

Besides which it was our balance that made the biggest difference vs ND. They could shut down nothing in the Buckeye's arsenal.

Anyhow, I don't believe anyone really has ND's secondary confused with UT's (unless by that they mean University of Tennessee 2005).
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You are right ND was slow, and ran un-disciplined coverage. By the same token, the ND offence ran rough-shod over your Rose Bowl victim's defensive backfield, yet were effectively shut-down in the Fiesta against our secondary and living on short field and running game for the most part.

Besides which it was our balance that made the biggest difference vs ND. They could shut down nothing in the Buckeye's arsenal.

Anyhow, I don't believe anyone really has ND's secondary confused with UT's (unless by that they mean University of Tennessee 2005).

yes nd did a number on usc's defense good thing they had that knee length speed killing grass though :biggrin:
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Stats don't lie about production but they can easily mislead as to the cause.
With route running issues, east-west running and such, Ginn did more of a job shutting Ginn down in that game than anyone else. (And trust us when I and others tell you those signs were there for all to see in the weeeks prior game vs Miami of Ohio. So please, save us by not coming back with a treatise on how it was Texas that done gone got Ginn done in.)

If Ginns improvement over the course of the 2005 season carries over and his ability to run routes has improved, it should be very evident, and if so I will be the first to give him his props.
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news flash notre dame was slow and overated because they are media darlings!!!!!! if you really think we are the same as notre dame then God have mercy on your soul

Others have already smacked you down for this, but since it was my post that you quoted; here we go.
  1. Yes, God will have mercy on my soul, but this has nothing to do with you.
  2. Notre Dame being media darlings has nothing to do with the routes that Ted Ginn was running.
  3. No one said you're the same as Notre Dame. Again, this has nothing to do with you.
  4. My point is that it was obvious by the end of the year that Ted Ginn was running better routes to anyone who actually bothered watching.
  5. You had stated that his route running had not improved.
  6. You were wrong. This is not an opinion, but a fact. Look at any preseason mag. Look on any cfb web-site. They ALL say that Ted Ginn's route running improved.
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Others have already smacked you down for this, but since it was my post that you quoted; here we go.
  1. Yes, God will have mercy on my soul, but this has nothing to do with you.
  2. Notre Dame being media darlings has nothing to do with the routes that Ted Ginn was running.
  3. No one said you're the same as Notre Dame. Again, this has nothing to do with you.
  4. My point is that it was obvious by the end of the year that Ted Ginn was running better routes to anyone who actually bothered watching.
  5. You had stated that his route running had not improved.
  6. You were wrong. This is not an opinion, but a fact. Look at any preseason mag. Look on any cfb web-site. They ALL say that Ted Ginn's route running improved.

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I sense the torch of "Most Optimistic and Enthusiastic" Longhorn fan being yanked from my firm grasp even as I read this post.:(
Not to worry, you still have your "biggest dipshit" award to fall back on.

edit: May have pulled the trigger on that one a bit too early. Longhorn fever is quickly making a case for himself in the "biggest dipshit" category. UTMNC has put out some pretty staggering remarks, though, and with his time advantage he remains in the lead.
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