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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Originally Posted by UTMNC
Hell our linebacker can run step for step with Ginn.

And BTW, no quote in this thread comes anywhere near beating this Scotch induced post...:lol:[/quote]

The linebacker comment is based on Kelson's running step for step with R. Bush in the RB then dropping the interception.
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Well the point is, J. Finley's hype is based on on-the-field production within the team (as far as redshirted or incoming freshmen with no game-experience can go), as opposed to Wells who's notoriety is subject to being a bluechip high schooler, the spring game notwithstanding.

Odds are on Wells to be a successful player following his status as a top recruit but the point is, Jermichael Finley's name was made by being a stud basketball/football player hybrid that came to Texas under the radar and still legitimized himself as a player among the big boys, as opposed to Wells who's college success is being predicated not yet on his D-1 experience but on his anecdotal recognition as a high school all-star.

How much experience did he get with the team this last spring? I know he played in the spring game but was he an early enrollee? How'd he look at other times along the way? Jermichael himself has been in the program a full year, and has been impressive at every stage of his development; Physically, he's been very impressive. Came in at 6'4 around 215; has since grown to 6'5 238, still sub 4.6, with 40 inch vertical. His role demands it, and his ability supports it. Jermichael WILL be a factor this year.

Um C Wells *starred* in our spring game. Yes, an early enrollee
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Any back running a wheel pattern out of the backfield is going full speed. My point is, reverses and plays like the Bush wheel pattern will not be successful against the Texas defense.

Give me a flaming break.

When the ball goes in the air, the pattern is run so as to not out-run the ball. When the ball is underthrown, as was the case on the play in question; a linebacker can indeed keep up with Reggie Bush.

Continuing to assert that any linebacker can run with the likes of Bush and Ginn is not helping your credibility.
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Texas won't cover anyone in man, since the defense will be in cover 2 or Tampa 2 coverage nearly all the time.

The linebacker comment almosts certainly refers to Kelson being able to cover Bush on a wheel route in the Rose Bowl, a play that should have been an INT. But as I said, a single play shouldn't be used to draw such conclusions.
that really should end this stupid debate, sadly I doubt it will. I'm guessing Kelson can backpedal and turn just as fast as teddy can change directions as well, right UTMNC? :atom: The defense can account for ginn's speed, but saying a linebacker can stay step for step with bush or ginn is unbelievably homeristic.
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Give me a flaming break.

When the ball goes in the air, the pattern is run so as to not out-run the ball. When the ball is underthrown, as was the case on the play in question; a linebacker can indeed keep up with Reggie Bush.

Continuing to assert that any linebacker can run with the likes of Bush and Ginn is not helping your credibility.

I didn't say ANY, but LB's with the speed of Kelson can cover any back, and a reverse by a wideout such as Ginn or Gonzales against our LB's will get you a five yard loss every time.
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Any back running a wheel pattern out of the backfield is going full speed. My point is, reverses and plays like the Bush wheel pattern will not be successful against the Texas defense.

because god knows if a particular play is stopped once in any game at any time, noway under any circumstances could that exact same play work for any other team regardless of lineup.
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Hell our linebacker can run step for step with Ginn.

Oh I get it.

Ok, Well, that is awfully fast, but we got this big, 400 pounds and ugly Tackle who blocks for Ginn by outrunning him down the sidelines while benchpressing the defensive end. No mean feat cause you can't hold the linebacker while doing that... and then there's Babe, the Blue Ox... you don't wanna miss with that longhorn...
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Any back running a wheel pattern out of the backfield is going full speed. My point is, reverses and plays like the Bush wheel pattern will not be successful against the Texas defense.

Nope...as we discussed earlier, a wheel involves a change of direction from lateral to vertical which allows the LB to be at full speed on the pursuit angle. In other words, when the LB reads the play early enough, advantage LB.

That does not take away from Kelson's speed...but using that example as a primary comparison is ridiculously shortsighted.
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