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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

While most people who even only occasionally follow recruiting know who Chris Wells is, I would bet they have no idea who Finley is.

I must say your wrong jermichael finley was a higly recruited tight end that decommited from arizona to join us he is very athletic and can really jump problem is his blocking game is kind of weak alot of preseason annuals have neale tweedie who is our blocker ahead of him but if he is as great as i hear people say he is he might be starting before you know it
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Thats what this forum is for. I said most, not all, I for one have gone on the record saying tOSU wins this game late in the fourth qtr in a fairly low scoring game.

heres my deal if the qb's play well we win if they dont we lose. personally i think greg davis shouldnt be conservative with them at all call plays like you would if vince was still here last thing we need is him babying him like he did simms we have roy williams and he is throwing three yard out patterns. We need to get our qb ready for ou we must establish conference dominance and prove we can beat ou without vy so i say go all out on tosu.
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I must say your wrong jermichael finley was a higly recruited tight end that decommited from arizona to join us he is very athletic and can really jump problem is his blocking game is kind of weak alot of preseason annuals have neale tweedie who is our blocker ahead of him but if he is as great as i hear people say he is he might be starting before you know it
Breathe Man! I know you're excited and all, but stick some punctuation in there. If you don't know how to use punctuation, then use my rule. When in doubt, add a comma. :biggrin:
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While most people who even only occasionally follow recruiting know who Chris Wells is, I would bet they have no idea who Finley is.

Well the point is, J. Finley's hype is based on on-the-field production within the team (as far as redshirted or incoming freshmen with no game-experience can go), as opposed to Wells who's notoriety is subject to being a bluechip high schooler, the spring game notwithstanding.

Odds are on Wells to be a successful player following his status as a top recruit but the point is, Jermichael Finley's name was made by being a stud basketball/football player hybrid that came to Texas under the radar and still legitimized himself as a player among the big boys, as opposed to Wells who's college success is being predicated not yet on his D-1 experience but on his anecdotal recognition as a high school all-star.

How much experience did he get with the team this last spring? I know he played in the spring game but was he an early enrollee? How'd he look at other times along the way? Jermichael himself has been in the program a full year, and has been impressive at every stage of his development; Physically, he's been very impressive. Came in at 6'4 around 215; has since grown to 6'5 238, still sub 4.6, with 40 inch vertical. His role demands it, and his ability supports it. Jermichael WILL be a factor this year.
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heres my deal if the qb's play well we win if they dont we lose.

And as I've said several times in this thread (I think) the analysis of this game begins and ends with the new Texas QB's...There is no more important position on the field...

Hell our linebacker can run step for step with Ginn.

And BTW, no quote in this thread comes anywhere near beating this Scotch induced post...:lol:
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i think greg davis shouldnt be conservative with them at all call plays like you would if vince was still here

That's a tall order. I like your defense, especially the speed in the corners and safties. I like your O-line and you're running backs. But "call 'em as if VY was still there?" That seems to me to be predicated on having someone "there" who can take off and score, or at least scare the hell out of the other guy's defense, from anywhere on the field.

VY was NOT just a very good quarterback. VY was a certified game breaker, difference maker, with his feet... and his feet opened up passing opportunities that I don't believe you'll see in tough games this year.

Which is not to say you won't have a fine season, or that OSU will put the hurt on you, but simply to suggest that your team will play a much different offense this year.
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