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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

In the spring Melton was down to 255 or so. He was quicker and stronger and did a much better job picking his holes and keeping his shoulders low. He did play some DE the first week of spring, but that experiment ended when Ramonce was dismissed from the team. He is now the #3 RB and is more than just a short yardage specialist heading into summer drills.

If the kid figures out how to use that size and speed to his advantage, that is going to be scary. Hopefully he comes into his own the third week of the season :biggrin:
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I really wish our coaches would just quit the Henry Melton experiment at RB and move him full time to DE. Dude is agile and very fast for a 270 pounder.

He'll still be in the RB rotation, but it'll only be in short yardage situations and blowouts.

All that speed is worthless of you have poor technique. If he has problems getting low he will get blown off the LOS. Speed rush is nice on passing down but worthless on a running play and if the tackle is lower than you, he is going to take you where ever he wants you to go.
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under.....just fear the big play

I think this is exactly right. Very few teams, if any, will pass for >225 against tOSU.

In the 2nd game of the year though, the young secondary might end up out of position a time or 2.

It happened with a much more experienced defense once against SDSU. A greener defense against Texas is definitely at some risk.

Hopefully, the threat posed by Troy Smith / Ted Ginn Jr. et. al. against the Texas D is greater.
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Over... tOSU was exposed last year by some teams with big WR's, and that was with a veteran defensive secondary. Although this one is faster, I think that like DBD said, they will most likely be out of position once or twice, it is just a matter of how far out of position they are and whether or not they can use their speed to make up for it.

The more interesting question is does the trio of Charles/Young/Melton + the starting QB for UT rush for more than 175 yards?
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ok, either our defense is going to suck because we are just taking bums off the highway to replace the 9 starters OR it will suck because we were exposed last year and will play the same exact way this year despite losing 9 starters.

you can't have it both ways.
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Hmm, Brady Quinn, Brian Cupito, Drew Stanton, and Vince Young come to mind. :wink2:

It's a new year my friend:
  • We don't play Brady Quinn
  • We don't play Vince Young
  • Bryan Cupito and Drew Stanton had career games against us. Cupito was throwing up prayers that his receivers were snatching from well positioned DBs. Stanton was more accurate that day than in the 5 other MSU games that I saw last year. His performance against OSU was incredible; and if anybody has a good game against us this year, it'll be him.
I expect our defense to be less effective against the run than they were last year; but I guess I've tipped my hand here. I really believe they'll be better against the pass than they were last year. This is gonna make some people lose their minds, and that's ok. I really believe it. I trot out spreadsheets and stats all day long, but I still go with my gut and what I see on the field when it comes to expectations. We haven't seen much on the field yet apart from the Spring Game and mop up duty last year, so I'm not basing this on much gut-wise, and I don't have any data to go on either. Regardless, I truly believe that the '06 Buckeyes will hold teams to fewer passing yards and a lower completion percentage; and that they will snag more interceptions.
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I think now, this game will be much lower scoring than most think.
Something in the low 20s. Like 24-21.
I'm not sold on our "O" line being cohesive that early.
And I'm not sold on Texas ability early to score a lot either.

So. Special teams and kicking will tell the story. Again!

And, I wonder if we're still underestimating Ross Homan.
I think he's even better than the Spring Game showed!
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