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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

A little biased don't you think? You fail to mention run-up-the-score games of OSU...specifically against Indiana, Illinois, and Northwestern.

comparing stats like that is dicey at best. USC faced some "interesting" defenses. I realize these are my standards but I dont think that there will be too much angst at this...

I look ONLY at scoring defense after all, thats what matters.

If an opponent is ranked 1-10 nationally in scoring defense that defense IMHO is exceptional
11-30 is a good defense
30-50 is decent
50-75 is poor
75 and beyond is bad

I DO realize that there is a difference between a defense that is ranked 31st and one that is 51st


Hawaii 110
Arkansas 54
Oregon 38
ASU 86
Notre D 53
Washington 89
WSU 97
Stanford 89
Cal 26
Fresno St 32
UCLA 108
Texas 8

Ohio State:

Miami (oh) 42
Texas 8
Iowa 22
PSU 10
MSU 77
IU 104
Minn 80
Illinois 115
NW 106
Michigan 24
Notre Lame 53


ULL 72
Ohio State 5
Rice 116
Missouri 81
Oklahoma 37
Colorado 45
Texas Tech 18
Okla St 95
Baylor 65
Kansas 28
Tex A&M 94
Colorado 45
USC 35

As far as schedule AVERAGE Texas had the lowest average defense followed by OSU and USC a distant 3rd. The Buckeyes faced 4 top 25 scoring defenses and 2 top ten scoring defense. Texas faced 2 top 25 defenses, USC 1.
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You are correct that I didn't watch all the games, but that doesn't necessarily mean that my observations were off. You brought up two games for USC in WSU and UCLA.

In WSU game for the most part, backups played the entire 4th quarter. When the subs were brought out, the score was 41-6; a differential of 35 points. Like you stated, your backups came at the 8:00 left in the 4th quarter of the Illinois game. The score at this point was 40-2, a differential of 38 points. Keep in mind you have a much better defense than USC and can protect leads better. The fact that USC ended the game 55-13, attests more to the greatness of USC's past recruiting classes compared to everyone else in the country.

USC passed the ball very similarly to the # of times that you did once the backups came in. Booty passed only 6 times completing 5. Zwick attempted 4 completing 3. Booty had 13.8 yds/comp. while Zwick had a 8.67 yds./comp. Obviously, the rest was off rushing.

In the Northwestern game, backups came in when the score was 38-7, a differential of 31 points. Zwick passed 3 times completing 2, for a 14 yds./comp. The final score was 48-7.

I didn't do Indiana because I will take your word that it was a close game and the fact that I am too lazy. However, if you would like me to do that one too, I will gladly add it in at a later time. I will concede that the UCLA was an ass-whopping of epic proportions by USC in which the dogs were not called off. I figure it's because they are rivals. However, Illinois and Northwestern are very similiar to WSU.

HEHE this will REALLY piss you off.....

I think that Ohio State would have beat both USC or Texas if they played the way the did in the Feista....
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I'd say more likely the difference in Points and ypg is due more to USC's defense giving up 40+ points to Fresno State forcing the offense to go insane.

tOSU doesn't play too many offenseive shootouts.
Excellent point. It's insane that the Bucks avoided the shootouts considering the offenses on the schedule included Texas (3), Northwestern (4), Michigan State (5), Minnesota (7) and Notre Dame (10).
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HEHE this will REALLY piss you off.....

I think that Ohio State would have beat both USC or Texas if they played the way the did in the Feista....

Actually it doesn't make me mad at all. I am more intrigued than anything. That is one reason why I would love to see a playoff in college football. To see matchups like that would be amazing. Although I would like to add this, our corners are nowhere near as slow as Notre Dame's.:biggrin:
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HEHE this will REALLY piss you off.....

I think that Ohio State would have beat both USC or Texas if they played the way the did in the Feista....

Crap - with the exception of Mr. Boxing-Gloves, that was a pretty slow defense. It made me feel pretty good, seeing athletes who are my caliber out on the field.

I think that if you take the 2006 Fiesta Bowl Buckeye team against the September 10, 2005 Texas team, Ohio State would win. But that's pretty unfair. If you take the 2006 Fiesta Bowl Buckeye team, you should have to also take the Texas team that played in the Rose Bowl. Both teams improved throughout the year. And I think that, if they played at a neutral site, it would have been a great game. Vince Young would have done what he could to get his team the win, and Troy Smith would have done what he could to get his team the win. In 10 games, I think neither team would win more than 6.
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If you take the 2006 Fiesta Bowl Buckeye team, you should have to also take the Texas team that played in the Rose Bowl. Both teams improved throughout the year. And I think that, if they played at a neutral site, it would have been a great game. Vince Young would have done what he could to get his team the win, and Troy Smith would have done what he could to get his team the win. In 10 games, I think neither team would win more than 6.
In that comparison, the advantage goes to Texas, since OSU would be without Bobby Carpenter.
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In that comparison, the advantage goes to Texas, since OSU would be without Bobby Carpenter.

Yeah, but Bobby C wasn't really all that good. I mean, he was only the second best linebacker on that team. Certainly not "irreplaceable."

Just kidding. Maybe this magical game is played a couple weeks after the Rose Bowl was played. Carpenter is healed. And everyone is healthy. How about that? And maybe all the Texas players are hungover because they thought that the game with USC was for the national championship, when, in fact, there's a make-believe national championship game with Ohio State. Or.. more precisely, TEN make-believe games with Ohio State. I think it would be 6-4, in favor of Texas.
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