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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

High Lonesome said:
First of all, why would I discount a preview of Ohio State that fails to mention the running back for Texas?

Second, if we are assuming that all of those guys will be healthy then it is Peterson hands down 10 times out of 10 (im not sure we are assuming no injuries after the deangelo williams comment)

third....lets be generous here, hell screw generous....lets be outlandish. Pittman is now BETTER than Reggie Bush....That would mean that for this statement to be true Wells would have to be close to Lendale White. As of right now, chris wells can only pray he has half the career that Lendale white did.

Its not close
I think sometimes with all the hype surrounding Wells I forget that he hasn't played a down yet.
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We have over an entire page dedicated to whether Pittman/Wells can be compared to Bush/White. Enough. Let's talk about something much more important to the game on 9-9: whether Texas' Strong Safety (a guy who is so slow that I could probably pull a tractor down the field and pour him a glass of lemonade before he could get to the finish line) has any prayer to stop Ted Ginn in the open field. We all know that Ted is going to catch that slant pass early in the game, and the cornerback, who we Buckeye fans call "Elephant Man" (because he's afraid of mice) will try for the interception. Of course, Ginn will have caught the ball before Elephant Man can crap his own pants. The Strong Safety will have a great shot to lift Ginn out of his shoes, but he'll blow it. He always does. The rest of the defense will be too shell-shocked with how ugly their own uniforms are to be part of the play, and Ginn will be gone before the announcer has time to say, "Smith drops back to pass..."

Ok - I don't actually know anyone on Texas' defense. I just thought the conversation was boring, and work is slow, so I had to bore the rest of you.
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Y'all need to have this kind of banter on weekdays. That was a lot of reading.

Maybe it's all relative. Compared to me and, say, a bucket of wet gravel, I'd say that there's probably very little difference between White & Bush and Pittman & Wells.
Forgive me, but this is too good to pass up. A bucket of wet gravel......that you claim to be nothing like. Right. That's because it's not gravel in there buddy, that's a pile of Rosie O'Donnel's used tampons. With that in mind, the resemblance is uncanny.
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I don't believe I could forgive anyone for those six words. If I were a mod, those six words would get a person banned from the web site. Possibly shot. And after that, that person would probably be banned again.

Under normal circumstances, I would tend to agree. But that was a big, juicy softball you lobbed up, so somebody had to hit it out of the park.

After our Friday grudge match, that somebody is me.

So apologies for the mental imagery, but as you all can see, it was necessary.

EDIT: for some reason, I didn't see grad's post. If nothing else, my post was the catalyst for that beauty. Holy hell that's funny.
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So apologies for the mental imagery, but as you all can see, it was necessary.

I am of the belief that it is rarely necessary to bring Rosie O'Donnell into a conversation, and never on a football forum. Maybe if the conversation was "what's the grossest thing you can think of?" it would be ok. But even then, I'd probably deduct points for the "mental imagery."
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A little biased don't you think? You fail to mention run-up-the-score games of OSU...specifically against Indiana, Illinois, and Northwestern.

If you didn't watch any of the games (which you obviously didn't), shut your pie hole.
  • In the Indiana game, we were only up 17-10 early in the third quarter. Once we scored a couple times to put the game out of reach, we subbed liberally in the fourth quarter.
  • In the Illinois game, our backup offense took possession with 8:00 left in the fourth and promptly ran a 15-play drive (11 runs, with our 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th string RBs getting carries) to run out the clock without scoring (drove from the OSU 20 to the UI 10).
  • In the Northwestern game, our second string offense played the last 20 minutes of the game, and ran the ball on 17 of the last 20 plays.
Tressel called off the dogs once the game was no longer in doubt in all three games. It's clear that you know zilch about any of these games and are going solely by the final score.
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A little biased don't you think? You fail to mention run-up-the-score games of OSU...specifically against Indiana, Illinois, and Northwestern.


absolutely laughable

W.r.t. the Illinois and NW games; comparing Pete Carrol's Modus Operandi to Jim Tressel's 3rd string laying a pounding on people is just ridiculous.

As for the Indiana game, OSU played very badly that day. How is that even a run-up-the-score game???
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If you didn't watch any of the games (which you obviously didn't), shut your pie hole.
  • In the Indiana game, we were only up 17-10 early in the third quarter. Once we scored a couple times to put the game out of reach, we subbed liberally in the fourth quarter.
  • In the Illinois game, our backup offense took possession with 8:00 left in the fourth and promptly ran a 15-play drive (11 runs, with our 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th string RBs getting carries) to run out the clock without scoring (drove from the OSU 20 to the UI 10).
  • In the Northwestern game, our second string offense played the last 20 minutes of the game, and ran the ball on 17 of the last 20 plays.
Tressel called off the dogs once the game was no longer in doubt in all three games. It's clear that you know zilch about any of these games and are going solely by the final score.
You are correct that I didn't watch all the games, but that doesn't necessarily mean that my observations were off. You brought up two games for USC in WSU and UCLA.

In WSU game for the most part, backups played the entire 4th quarter. When the subs were brought out, the score was 41-6; a differential of 35 points. Like you stated, your backups came at the 8:00 left in the 4th quarter of the Illinois game. The score at this point was 40-2, a differential of 38 points. Keep in mind you have a much better defense than USC and can protect leads better. The fact that USC ended the game 55-13, attests more to the greatness of USC's past recruiting classes compared to everyone else in the country.

USC passed the ball very similarly to the # of times that you did once the backups came in. Booty passed only 6 times completing 5. Zwick attempted 4 completing 3. Booty had 13.8 yds/comp. while Zwick had a 8.67 yds./comp. Obviously, the rest was off rushing.

In the Northwestern game, backups came in when the score was 38-7, a differential of 31 points. Zwick passed 3 times completing 2, for a 14 yds./comp. The final score was 48-7.

I didn't do Indiana because I will take your word that it was a close game and the fact that I am too lazy. However, if you would like me to do that one too, I will gladly add it in at a later time. I will concede that the UCLA was an ass-whopping of epic proportions by USC in which the dogs were not called off. I figure it's because they are rivals. However, Illinois and Northwestern are very similiar to WSU.
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