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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

While we may not have Bush and White in the backfield, we'll have Pittman and Wells (not that far off).

catching up from over the weekend.....How was this not called out? Wells and Pittman not far off from White and Bush? One is is a heisman trophy winning highlight waiting to happen and THE OTHER just happens to be the all time leader in touchdowns at Tailback U.......its not close....not at this point
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catching up from over the weekend.....How was this not called out? Wells and Pittman not far off from White and Bush? One is is a heisman trophy winning highlight waiting to happen and THE OTHER just happens to be the all time leader in touchdowns at Tailback U.......its not close....not at this point

I guess you probably haven't seen this:

4<SUP>th</SUP> and One – Shhhh, no one knows – You know how you feel when you have a secret. Just a big, fat juicy one. People around you talk and gossip about a certain situation, but you’re the only one who knows the real deal. As a Buckeye fan, is that how you feel about being a fan of RB Antonio Pittman? Most of the nation heralds Adrian Peterson, Marshawn Lynch or Michael Bush, but would you trade the explosive Pittman for any of those other guys? He’s quicker to the hole than any of the three. His breakaway speed is breathtaking. If he gets a seam, he’s gone. Now, you can’t question how good that trio is, but most people are missing the boat on Pittman. Think DeAngelo Williams without the injuries. He still has to prove that he can run between the tackles week in and week out and not be a bounce runner or just a guy who flourishes outside the numbers. But, you don’t run for over 1,300 yards and seven touchdowns at a place like Ohio State and remain a secret for too long. So, go ahead, Buckeye fans, tell everyone, let everyone know now – Antonio Pittman, it’s a name to remember.

But since he didn't mention Charles you probably will discount it anyway.
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1. Nothing in that article compares Pittman to Reggie Bush (Or LenDale White)
2. I don't think you're going to find it's HL who's all homer (with respect to your comments about what he'll believe since Charles isn't listed)

Go ahead and try and make an argument that Pittman and Wells (I'm assuming Chris) are anywhere near the calibur of Bush and White. Wells, as you recall, is a Freshman with not a single College carry. While I'd love it if Pitt and Wells do end up as good (or even better) if you intend to make such an argument you're going up hill... no... You're going up a mountain. Good luck with that.
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Funny when you look back to mid 2004 right around the Missouri game that VY as a QB idea was almost a laughing stock to those outside of Austin, and the only reason those of us in town had not given up hope was because we'd seen his greatness and weren't quite ready to lose faith. But it was tempting at times. So much ability, so little execution it seemed. I wondered if he had the foundation to grow alongside his instincts and talent. Following a brutal honesty session with the coaches, and a little compromise between each party, somehow, Vince Young went on to become what many here and around the country have labeled as the "greatest college quarterback in recent memory."

Now, I just have some questions regarding the circumstances that allowed that phenomenon to take place. I tend to feel Vince Young was going to have his day either at this level or the next regardless of how he interacted with the Texas coaches. However, the fact that he did it here is spectacularly significant in my mind. Many have said that the Vince Young demeanor relaxed the coaches and "changed" their approach to the team. This is huge, to take a mega-talented star in the waiting from dual-threat QB flop to dual-threat QB definition; the quintessential competitor and winner, wrapped in perhaps the most dominating and athletic physical dimensions the college game has seen. VY did his part, but the coaches had something to do with it. Maybe these Texas coaches do have both more responsibility, but also POWER, in seeing their team succeed than even they could be accused of. We all saw the days of Chris Simms and the mega-talented Longhorns that wrote the book on choking and underachieving. Is it possible that a VY-induced change of attitude back then would have been just as benefitial with those talented players as it was for these? Well, since we cannot go back in time, but we can learn from the past, judging by what we know, which is that VY was a transcendent player for the game and his team (though he didn't start off like that), who's to say these talented, new players, though Vince Young they are not, won't have a success similar to what might have been if Mack and Greg had had a heart-to-heart with Chris and Major? Only Mack and Greg hold the keys, but even they have shown the ability to be great drivers when they apply themselves. Don't think they just forgot what happened this year. Just some food for thought.
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catching up from over the weekend.....How was this not called out? Wells and Pittman not far off from White and Bush? One is is a heisman trophy winning highlight waiting to happen and THE OTHER just happens to be the all time leader in touchdowns at Tailback U.......its not close....not at this point

Maybe it's all relative. Compared to me and, say, a bucket of wet gravel, I'd say that there's probably very little difference between White & Bush and Pittman & Wells.
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1. No it doesn't compare Pittman to Bush directly but it is putting him at the elite level of tailbacks for this year one of the very best in CFB.
2. HL wasn't the one that was necessarily meant for. I was just sure it was going to come up.
I guess you probably haven't seen this:


But since he didn't mention Charles you probably will discount it anyway.

You understand my confusion, yes?

Anyway, I don't think HL was suggesting Pittman is wrongfully considered "elite" I think he was saying that Pittman and Wells are surely NOT Bush and White. A point to which I must agree. Hopefully by seasons end, I will be able to show otherwise... but right now.. Pittman and Wells cannot be seriously compared to White and Bush.
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I guess you probably haven't seen this:


But since he didn't mention Charles you probably will discount it anyway.

First of all, why would I discount a preview of Ohio State that fails to mention the running back for Texas?

Second, if we are assuming that all of those guys will be healthy then it is Peterson hands down 10 times out of 10 (im not sure we are assuming no injuries after the deangelo williams comment)

third....lets be generous here, hell screw generous....lets be outlandish. Pittman is now BETTER than Reggie Bush....That would mean that for this statement to be true Wells would have to be close to Lendale White. As of right now, chris wells can only pray he has half the career that Lendale white did.

Its not close
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First of all, why would I discount a preview of Ohio State that fails to mention the running back for Texas?

Second, if we are assuming that all of those guys will be healthy then it is Peterson hands down 10 times out of 10 (im not sure we are assuming no injuries after the deangelo williams comment)

third....lets be generous here, hell screw generous....lets be outlandish. Pittman is now BETTER than Reggie Bush....That would mean that for this statement to be true Wells would have to be close to Lendale White. As of right now, chris wells can only pray he has half the career that Lendale white did.

Its not close

I am sorry. You are right. I have to agree. And you aren't discounting their ability overall. Forgive me.
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You is also a collective pro-noun. It's my fault though I was ambiguous.

I am aware... I was showing you what lead to my being confused by your comment.

HL - I think intuitively you're correct about Peterson... but honestly, what has he really done at the college level. Yeah, he had a spectacular Freshman year... I mean Spectacular. But, he also had a boat-load of talent around him and a Heisman winning QB (Albeit possibly the worst Heisman winner)... In short, a Freshman Back (Even Peterson) was not the highest of worries for opposing DCs. Then, year 2, when he's the focus, he does bubkis... except get injured.

That said, I agree that Peterson is a stud when healthy. I don't want my comments to say otherwise... and then, on the injury front, one does have to wonder... is it chronic? I can't say. But, we'll see. I mean, Clarett's a good example.. great when healthy.... not ever healthy for the season.
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HL - I think intuitively you're correct about Peterson... but honestly, what has he really done at the college level

Chalk it up to a Texas fan still pissed he shunned us for the other state up north....
other than his 1800 yards as a freshman, i really have nothing other than the eyeball test and his highschool career to go on
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