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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

It's a new year my friend:
  • We don't play Brady Quinn
  • We don't play Vince Young
  • Bryan Cupito and Drew Stanton had career games against us. Cupito was throwing up prayers that his receivers were snatching from well positioned DBs. Stanton was more accurate that day than in the 5 other MSU games that I saw last year. His performance against OSU was incredible; and if anybody has a good game against us this year, it'll be him.
I expect our defense to be less effective against the run than they were last year; but I guess I've tipped my hand here. I really believe they'll be better against the pass than they were last year. This is gonna make some people lose their minds, and that's ok. I really believe it. I trot out spreadsheets and stats all day long, but I still go with my gut and what I see on the field when it comes to expectations. We haven't seen much on the field yet apart from the Spring Game and mop up duty last year, so I'm not basing this on much gut-wise, and I don't have any data to go on either. Regardless, I truly believe that the '06 Buckeyes will hold teams to fewer passing yards and a lower completion percentage; and that they will snag more interceptions.

I thought you meant on a year-to-year basis.
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I think now, this game will be much lower scoring than most think.
Something in the low 20s. Like 24-21.
I'm not sold on our "O" line being cohesive that early.
And I'm not sold on Texas ability early to score a lot either.

So. Special teams and kicking will tell the story. Again!

And, I wonder if we're still underestimating Ross Homan.
I think he's even better than the Spring Game showed!

Sloshed on scotch, or sober as the Pope, I have said this will be a low scoring game, and yes I think kicking game might be the deciding factor, slight advantage tOSU.
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So you're comparing three of last year's top 10 QBs in efficieny (Young, Quinn, and Stanton) and another who had his career day against us to not one but two frosh QBs who literally haven't taken a snap yet. Yeah, that's smart. :roll1:

Point out where I compared them. He said "Not many qb's if any will throw for over 225 yards on our defense" so I pointed out some last season. I personally hope Texas throws for over 225 yards because there's a good chance that means their running game isn't working well.
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Point out where I compared them. He said "Not many qb's if any will throw for over 225 yards on our defense" so I pointed out some last season. I personally hope Texas throws for over 225 yards because there's a good chance that means their running game isn't working well.

If included in those 225 passing yards are 2 TD's, It may mean G. Davis has NOT crawled back under his conservative shell, and that the UT OL is doing what we expect, and that is to control the line of scrimmage allowing the QB to make easier and safer throwing decisons.
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Point out where I compared them. He said "Not many qb's if any will throw for over 225 yards on our defense" so I pointed out some last season. I personally hope Texas throws for over 225 yards because there's a good chance that means their running game isn't working well.

If a freshman QB who has all of one game of college experience under his belt is throwing for more than 225 yards on us, that doesn't bode too well for our pass defense, regardless of how well we may be shutting down their running game.
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Texas has a group of veteran receivers which will doubtless take some of the pressure off the QB.
How much is a good question.
Maybe the loss of their TE will hurt them the most, early.
I think we'll see a lot of dump offs and controlled throws.
We just need to tackle in the open field.
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The loss of D. Thomas at TE will be missed, but the upside with J. Finley is Texas will have a TE that is a threat to take it to the house from anywhere on the field much like a Winslow or Shockey while at UM. J. Finley will be no match for a DB in the open field.
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The loss of D. Thomas at TE will be missed, but the upside with J. Finley is Texas will have a TE that is a threat to take it to the house from anywhere on the field much like a Winslow or Shockey while at UM. J. Finley will be no match for a DB in the open field.

Experienced receivers are one thing.
A talented guy with little game experience is another.
He won't be a factor.
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The loss of D. Thomas at TE will be missed, but the upside with J. Finley is Texas will have a TE that is a threat to take it to the house from anywhere on the field much like a Winslow or Shockey while at UM. J. Finley will be no match for a DB in the open field.
since when were winslow and shockey home-run threats? I missed their reverses and k/p returns :roll2:
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Shockey and Winslow both could turn 7-8 yard receptions into long yardage plays. While D. Thomas ran perfect routes and caught everything in sight, and always seemed to lean and stretch for a couple extra yards, there was never a fear of him getting loose and outrunning DB's. J. Finley has the same great hands, power, and way more speed than any Texas TE since L. Sampleton. Since when did a reverse or a k/P return become the only way to score? As much hype and potential that Wells has, J. Finley has the same.

I dont like to put too much into the results of the "spring game", but J. Finley gave the starting defense for Texas alot of problems.
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