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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Nope...as we discussed earlier, a wheel involves a change of direction from lateral to vertical which allows the LB to be at full speed on the pursuit angle. In other words, when the LB reads the play early enough, advantage LB.

That does not take away from Kelson's speed...but using that example as a primary comparison is ridiculously shortsighted.

Oh yeah?

What do you know about it???

Look, it's simple.. Reggie Bush is fast. Kelson kept up with him. Football speed is football speed.

Incidently, I predict that by the 2nd Q Ohio State abandons all hope of scoring and just starts punting on 1st down. Which of course will lead to no less than 5 blocked kicks, and probably 3 safeties.
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can't wait until you throw out the obligatory niceties to pretend like you're here for a useful discussion. Sadly you don't even know that your team largely plays zone, not man-to-man.

The UT secondary plays alot of man coverage. The reason T. Ginn was not a threat at receiver last year is because 5 minutes into the game he knew one thing, he could not get seperation from his man. He's facing the same situation this year, and so is Gonzales. The loss of S. Holmes as far as yardage and TD production will be felt as much as the loss of VY. 11 TD's will be hard to make up.
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UTMNC said:
The UT secondary plays alot of man coverage. The reason T. Ginn was not a threat at receiver last year is because 5 minutes into the game he knew one thing, he could not get seperation from his man.
that and he had our 2nd string QB throwing to him.
UTMNC said:
He's facing the same situation this year, and so is Gonzales. The loss of S. Holmes as far as yardage and TD production will be felt as much as the loss of VY. 11 TD's will be hard to make up.
ok I'm just going to come right out and say it. you're a flipping retard.
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The UT secondary plays alot of man coverage. The reason T. Ginn was not a threat at receiver last year is because 5 minutes into the game he knew one thing, he could not get seperation from his man. He's facing the same situation this year, and so is Gonzales. The loss of S. Holmes as far as yardage and TD production will be felt as much as the loss of VY. 11 TD's will be hard to make up.

So going from S. Holmes to Ginn and Gonzalez is the same as going from VY to guys who haven't played a down... at quarterback.

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The UT secondary plays alot of man coverage. The reason T. Ginn was not a threat at receiver last year is because 5 minutes into the game he knew one thing, he could not get seperation from his man. He's facing the same situation this year, and so is Gonzales. The loss of S. Holmes as far as yardage and TD production will be felt as much as the loss of VY. 11 TD's will be hard to make up.

Phew, for a second there I thought you were going to say that the reason Ginn didn't touch the ball last year was because Tressel actually thought Zwick was going to be his QB.

Come on man. Nobody here is saying you didn't/don't have a fine team and a fine program, but don't tell me that last year's game was total domination.

This year's game could be equally close or it could be a blow out either way. But you didn't invent football and you don't own it.. you're just one of several very fine college programs and so are we.
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The reason T. Ginn was not a threat at receiver last year is because 5 minutes into the game he knew one thing, he could not get seperation from his man.
Yes, because he wasn't a very polished receiver, nor was he physical enough to get off the line of scrimmage if he was jammed. He was a true sophomore with little WR experience (he was CB in high school) who did not yet have even double-digit starts in college being defensed by future 1st and 2nd round draft picks.

What a difference a year makes. Ginn had no such problem as he grew into his role.
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The UT secondary plays alot of man coverage. The reason T. Ginn was not a threat at receiver last year is because 5 minutes into the game he knew one thing, he could not get seperation from his man. He's facing the same situation this year, and so is Gonzales. The loss of S. Holmes as far as yardage and TD production will be felt as much as the loss of VY. 11 TD's will be hard to make up.

we haven't played all that much man since Carl Reese was DC and we had Reed Boyd lined up over the center
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If a receiver gets blanket coverage the way Ginn was last year, it would not have made a difference who your QB was. What upsets tOSU fans is the fact that Texas is the ONE team that can do just that. After the Texas game, Ginn and Gonzales numbers will increase and by the end of the year will compile impressive stats, and there is a good chance the same conversation as the end of last year will be the same, Well if we could play Texas now. Ive said from day one my concern is what happens on the ground between the tackles.
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