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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

If a receiver gets blanket coverage the way Ginn was last year, it would not have made a difference who your QB was. What upsets tOSU fans is the fact that Texas is the ONE team that can do just that. After the Texas game, Ginn and Gonzales numbers will increase and by the end of the year will compile impressive stats, and there is a good chance the same conversation as the end of last year will be the same, Well if we could play Texas now. Ive said from day one my concern is what happens on the ground between the tackles.

"That is why it is so important for us to shore up the secondary because people are going to have trouble running the ball. "


Admittedly, I don't know who said that...
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UTMNC said:
If a receiver gets blanket coverage the way Ginn was last year, it would not have made a difference who your QB was. What upsets tOSU fans is the fact that Texas is the ONE team that can do just that. After the Texas game, Ginn and Gonzales numbers will increase and by the end of the year will compile impressive stats, and there is a good chance the same conversation as the end of last year will be the same, Well if we could play Texas now. Ive said from day one my concern is what happens on the ground between the tackles.
yes because Smith and Zwick are almost exact copies of each other. they play the game in the same exact fashion....nobody would need to change their game plan depending on which QB was playing.
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yes because Smith and Zwick are almost exact copies of each other. they play the game in the same exact fashion....nobody would need to change their game plan depending on which QB was playing.

Thanks BN27: After everything that's happened in this thread this morning, that post broke the camel's back. The sarcasm-processor in my laptop just burst into flames.
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