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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Panhandling............and now conjuring up raunchy mental imagery with geographical references.

This thread is fantastic.

I have a few:
Idaho is horny for British Columbia, except it still has its stones.
California is spooning Nevada.
There's probably some potential for the whole Virginia/Kentucky/Tennessee/N Carolina border, but I'm not feeling particularly creative today.
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Panhandling............and now conjuring up raunchy mental imagery with geographical references.

This thread is fantastic.

I have a few:
Idaho is horny for British Columbia, except it still has its stones.
California is spooning Nevada.
There's probably some potential for the whole Virginia/Kentucky/Tennessee/N Carolina border, but I'm not feeling particularly creative today.

.......... how exactly did you guys get to this topic?
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