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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Edit: Look people I'm in the middle of a couple of 12 hour days here at work. I need some more entertainment. Please. Or some beer.

I agree with tBS. I sit at my desk all day with nothing to do except check BP every 10 minutes and occasionally go talk smack on UT boards. I'm just glad we still have over 2 months until the game and it appears we're going to start having to discuss the health of the coaches as a factor... and in that case, UT has a distinct advantage.
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osurich27 said:
I agree with tBS. I sit at my desk all day with nothing to do except check BP every 10 minutes and occasionally go talk smack on UT boards. I'm just glad we still have over 2 months until the game and it appears we're going to start having to discuss the health of the coaches as a factor... and in that case, UT has a distinct advantage.
Does JT even have a pulse any more?
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Ok, I've heard about all the texas positions except one, fullback. Does texas have a fullback? You know, that guy who springs the RB to make a big play. I haven't heard much about that guy yet. It seems a good blocking FB is usually the difference between a good and a great running game. He'll occupy the linebacker who was supposed to stop the run for a short gain and spring the RB into open space in the secondary where speed and moves can really be utilized.
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It was birthed by the greediness of a fellow horn, as I prepared for my farewell post and almost certain lifetime bannishment from this forum, Engineerhorn's only thoughts were for himself and how he might gain at anothers demise by "PANHANDLING" the only thing left of value of my tenure here.

Well, might as well give'em away if they're going to waste....

Damn. I admit, that was pretty selfish, but not as bad as yesterday when I robbed a homeless person of his change while he was passed out drunk under a bridge.

The health of coaches? I do know one thing.....our strength and conditioning coach is more likely to suffer from diabetes and heart disease than yours is.
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Ok, I've heard about all the texas positions except one, fullback. Does texas have a fullback? You know, that guy who springs the RB to make a big play. I haven't heard much about that guy yet. It seems a good blocking FB is usually the difference between a good and a great running game. He'll occupy the linebacker who was supposed to stop the run for a short gain and spring the RB into open space in the secondary where speed and moves can really be utilized.

our fullback will most likley be marcus myers who is actually alumni of the same high school i went to
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I doubt a fullback will be used much, maybe 20 plays a game or so.

Marcus Myers, right? There's someone else but I can't think of our depth chart right now. He's been around a while, and he's big (I talked to him a while during my last year of undergrad), but I don't know how good he's gonna be. Came in as a linebacker, I think.
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