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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

All right who would win in an arm-wrestling contest: Mack Brown vs Jim Tressel.

Who else would pay to see this.

If I'm gonna pay, there better be a couple midgets arm-wrestling as the main event. Mack vs. Jim would be the undercard.

By the way, I'd take Jim, but only because Mack would freek out when Jim comes out in his sweater vest and no under shirt.
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The health of coaches? I do know one thing.....our strength and conditioning coach is more likely to suffer from diabetes and heart disease than yours is.
Our strength and conditioning coach worked for the company that developed the Chuck Norris Total Gym and Tony Little's Gazelle Glider.

Really, I ask you how can Texas compete with Chuck Norris & Tony Little?


You can do it!!!
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I doubt a fullback will be used much, maybe 20 plays a game or so.

Marcus Myers, right? There's someone else but I can't think of our depth chart right now. He's been around a while, and he's big (I talked to him a while during my last year of undergrad), but I don't know how good he's gonna be. Came in as a linebacker, I think.
So Charles will be running into the D-Line and fairly quick LB corps without the benefit of a lead blocker most of the time? Sounds great to me.

ND had a fairly successful running game thanks to some good lead blocking, I'd be happy to avoid that situation again.
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