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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

according to an fsn preview show that my buddy just watched, Selvin young is now down to 195lbs or so. doesn't really say much right now other than he is back to what was his most productive weight
Weren't 2002 & 2005 his most productive years though? 400+ yards and a 4.8 ypc average each of those two seasons.

When was the last time he was at 195? I just realized he is a 5th year guy, did he get an extra year of eligibility for 2004?
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Weren't 2002 & 2005 his most productive years though? 400+ yards and a 4.8 ypc average each of those two seasons.

When was the last time he was at 195? I just realized he is a 5th year guy, did he get an extra year of eligibility for 2004?
For 2005, a lot of people didn't thing he had regained his form prior to his severe ankle injury that kept him out of all but the first game of 2004 (and for which he was granted a medical redshirt). he was much bigger when he came back, but also appeared to have lost a step.

He backed up Cedric Benson in 2002 and 2003, but showed some flashes of greatness in limited playing time.
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this is what i was refering to. really just an eyeball test, but most hornfans will agree, young selvin looked much better than large selvin

Lydell Ross had the same issue in 2003 and 2004 for the Buckeyes. He was a lot better when he was under 200 lbs as a Freshman than when he was over 200 lbs. He definitely seemed to lose a step or two as a Junior when he started the season at over 200 lbs.

It is nice to have a 220 + pound back but if someone is playing productively at 180-190, it never seems to work out when that person gains 25+ pounds in one offseason.

Usually big backs that are successful in college, came in as freshman at over 215 lbs (Clarett, Dayne, hopefully Beanie Wells)
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I really wish our coaches would just quit the Henry Melton experiment at RB and move him full time to DE. Dude is agile and very fast for a 270 pounder.

He'll still be in the RB rotation, but it'll only be in short yardage situations and blowouts.
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I really wish our coaches would just quit the Henry Melton experiment at RB and move him full time to DE. Dude is agile and very fast for a 270 pounder.

He'll still be in the RB rotation, but it'll only be in short yardage situations and blowouts.

...thing is that we are loaded at DE too....I don't mind Melton as a running back, but he needs to be coached up on how to use his size to his advantage
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270 RB wowza. Too bad when he ran it vs. ohio state last year near the goal line he half-assed it. (If I remember correctly).

Shows bad attitude.

I don't think that half-assed is the right way to put it. He tried to jump over a defender at the goal line instead of plowing them over. I think that it tells more about his mindset and maybe a little about his football instincts than his attitude/ work ethic
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In the spring Melton was down to 255 or so. He was quicker and stronger and did a much better job picking his holes and keeping his shoulders low. He did play some DE the first week of spring, but that experiment ended when Ramonce was dismissed from the team. He is now the #3 RB and is more than just a short yardage specialist heading into summer drills.
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