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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

My two cents since I missed this a few pages ago.. Personally I see nothing wrong with that article and think DallasBuckeye is getting excited over nothing... as a matter of fact, I'd be a bit concerned if I heard someone say "Ya, we are at a loss for leadership now that Vince (or any other leader) is gone. I mean, no one wants to step up to fill his shoes and fail. I just don't want to be a leader because those message board fans can sure get ruthless."

OSU said the same kinds of things in 2003 after they won the NC and are saying them this year also. Nothing wrong with it, just confidence in your team. Besides every team in America says "Ya, we had a great offseason, hit the weights hard, got faster, and have been getting better. I'm excited about this season to show what we can do."
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OSU Media Day (New Uniforms, New Players, etc)

Photo Gallery : Ohio State Media Day (Bucknuts)
2006 Football Photo Day - Photo Gallery (O-zone)

Mr. Gholston is back from injury in a big way:

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I remain unimpressed with Texas players' comments. I don't expect a team to diss itself, but would have thought they'd be saying thing more along the lines of "Without Vince we're really going to have to step it up" etc.

but I'm okay with them bragging and being cocky. like Ali said "it ain't braggin' if you can do it." on September 9th we'll know if they have reason to be cocky . . . maybe they won't want to watch that big replay screen that night! :biggrin:

Here's a tidbit from Mack's Journal today

We have been really pleased with how much our guys worked in the summer. You can't make them do that, but when they do, it's a sign of commitment. They are proud of who they are, but I don't sense that they are "cocky." I like swagger. There is a fine line between healthy ego and diseased conceit.

I told the team last night that I had a long conversation with Coach Gene Stallings yesterday. He talked about his Alabama team, the year after they won the National Championship. All they were talking about when the next season started was repeating. They went 8-3. He said he felt like he made a mistake. We should use last year as a great message of what can happen, and use the momentum from it to continue to move forward. It's not about comparisons or expectations. We have to be the best team this team can be, and that's all we can ask. His point was, be proud of who you are, but don't put pressure on yourself to win all the games before you win the first one. In other words, don't be looking at the end of the season before it ever starts.

That's why it is so important for all of us to get back to the basics of improving every day, and following that same philosophy that worked so well last year. We have to take dead aim on every practice and every game, and all the other stuff will take care of itself.

The coaches have been working hard, and the players are responding. We have a lot of talent and a great attitude. This has a chance to be a very good team, but we have a lot of work to do.
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jwins mocked that up, I think it's in the jersey pictures thread. I moved the posts talking about jerseys into that thread.
saw it. repped him for it. thanks all around. :biggrin:

back to the subject at hand. i think that some UT fans are overlooking the fact that VY isn't the only guy they are replacing. they also lost five other All Americans.
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Here's a tidbit from Mack's Journal today

We have been really pleased with how much our guys worked in the summer. You can't make them do that, but when they do, it's a sign of commitment. They are proud of who they are, but I don't sense that they are "cocky." I like swagger. There is a fine line between healthy ego and diseased conceit.

I told the team last night that I had a long conversation with Coach Gene Stallings yesterday. He talked about his Alabama team, the year after they won the National Championship. All they were talking about when the next season started was repeating. They went 8-3. He said he felt like he made a mistake. We should use last year as a great message of what can happen, and use the momentum from it to continue to move forward. It's not about comparisons or expectations. We have to be the best team this team can be, and that's all we can ask. His point was, be proud of who you are, but don't put pressure on yourself to win all the games before you win the first one. In other words, don't be looking at the end of the season before it ever starts.

That's why it is so important for all of us to get back to the basics of improving every day, and following that same philosophy that worked so well last year. We have to take dead aim on every practice and every game, and all the other stuff will take care of itself.

The coaches have been working hard, and the players are responding. We have a lot of talent and a great attitude. This has a chance to be a very good team, but we have a lot of work to do.

After processing through the Google translator...

Uh, guys, don't be too hard on yourselves. Vince went to the NFL. :biggrin:
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saw it. repped him for it. thanks all around. :biggrin:

back to the subject at hand. i think that some UT fans are overlooking the fact that VY isn't the only guy they are replacing. they also lost five other All Americans.

Some may.

But we discussed those players a few thousand posts ago, I believe. It would seem, however, that we are spending an amount of time talking about VY that is proportional to his importance to the team.

David Thomas- second biggest loss to VY. Fast, strong, and caught everything. We'll miss him. Definite dropoff. Tweedie is servicable, a good blocker. And you saw us discussin Jermichael Finley, who's merely a freshman. By the time he's a junior, we expect him to be better than David Thomas, but obviously not right now.

Jon Scott- Very good multi-year starter at OT. His replacement, Tony Hills, has more potential (notice I didn't say "is better") and is a RS-JR. We don't expect much of a dropoff, if any at all.

Michael Huff- Little to no dropoff at SS as Mike Griffin is switching there from FS. He doesn't have the same man coverage skills, but that obviously isn't that necessary for a SS. Huff went top 10 in part because he can be lined up as corner. There will be a dropoff at FS however as Marcus Griffin will take over the starting role. How much of a dropoff, I have no idea.

Rod Wright- He was part of the rotation including Lokey, Miller, and Okam. Miller or Lokey will end up getting most of his snaps. Rod was injured for most of last year, which would explain his seventh round selection. If you gave me a choice between a healthy Rod Wright and a healthy Derek Lokey, I'd pick Rod. But obviously that was not the case last year. Compared to last year, I don't see any dropoff in production.

Harris- I think he ended up signing a FA contract somewhere. After a big '04, he kind of disappeared last year, which is probably due to scheme. Chizik likes fast linebackers, and Harris was not one (ran a 5.0 40 at the combine). If Harris was back for another year, he'd at best split time with Bobino. I am NOT saying we're going to be better at MLB. I would LOVE to have Harris back. Just saying he wasn't all that much better than Bobino last year.

Ced Griffin- Went 3rd round, which is where Aaron Ross, his replacement, will probably end up going in the '07 draft.

Or you can go back and look for a more in-depth discussion.
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