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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

short answer is yes...but not as much
Going from Mack's quotes from the spring game, they ran basically the same stuff from the year before because they didn't want to show too much. Indicating that UT won't run the zone read as much this year. If we are going to rely on Selivn and Jamaal more on the non-option handoff, I would think that we would use a FB on more occasions this year. Considering UT ran almost all plays from the shotgun last year, running more plays from the two back set will add yet another challenge for the offense in fall practice.
I think that you will get a better feel for the offense in the UNT game than you would normally in week 1, as the offense is going to need as much time as possible to adjust to any new schemes, and to the new QBs. I think that is much more important than trying not to tip your hand to tOSU in the first week.
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I think that you will get a better feel for the offense in the UNT game than you would normally in week 1, as the offense is going to need as much time as possible to adjust to any new schemes, and to the new QBs. I think that is much more important than trying not to tip your hand to tOSU in the first week.

I agree with this

If we are going to rely on Selivn and Jamaal more on the non-option handoff, I would think that we would use a FB on more occasions this year.

but not really with this...I suspect that we will run more single back formations from under center
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During the first two practices they were under center about half the time. When they were in the shotgun there wasn't nearly as much zone read either. Colt tending to hand off from the zone read 9 times out of ten, while Snead ran it more. I suspect that Colt won't get as many zone read play calls.

From the looks of things I think the will be under center a lot when they huddle, but run the no huddle from the shotgun. As with last year, I expect the decision to switch to the no huddle, will be based on when Davis thinks the QB and other offensive players are comfortable with the flow of the game.
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but not really with this...I suspect that we will run more single back formations from under center

I agree, since we don't have a fullback who plays at the level of everyone else. When the want an extra blocker they will go with 2 TEs, which I suspect to see at least 25 plays a game, some with Finley splitting out wide. Davis also likes to bring the flanker through the backfield a lot, which gives them an extra blocker inside while keeping the DBs on their heals.

In general Davis would rather use a slot receiver or a dangerous receiving TE to discourage the defense from stacking the box, rather than use a fullback against an 8 man front.
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i don't disagree....more of a comment directed at Dallas Buckeye's previous series of posts on the cocky Texas players

I remain unimpressed with Texas players' comments. I don't expect a team to diss itself, but would have thought they'd be saying thing more along the lines of "Without Vince we're really going to have to step it up" etc.

but I'm okay with them bragging and being cocky. like Ali said "it ain't braggin' if you can do it." on September 9th we'll know if they have reason to be cocky . . . maybe they won't want to watch that big replay screen that night! :biggrin:
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On if there was a different feeling to the offseason workouts without Vince Young: It was a little bit different because Vince wasn't there cracking jokes, but as for working out, everybody was there every practice. If we want to go back to where we were last year, we've got to keep doing what we were doing, working out, getting harder, getting better. So, I don't really think anything changed except Vince being gone, I mean he was a great leader, but we have a lot of people stepping up. - Kasey Studdard

Something like this maybe? It was just the tone of the article.

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