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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

I dont know if this has been touched on yet ( sorry didnt have time to read all 4500+posts) or not but here is the reason why I think we will win this game. Vince Young's leadership will be sorely missed for Texas. Vince was hands down the best leader in college football last year. Vince Young said we are going to win the NC and I am going to take you there. I have already heard reports from Titans beat writers on how good of a leader Vince Young is and he has only been a part of that organztion for a couple of months. This year Ohio State has one of the best leaders in all of college footbal, Troy Smith. He has that ability to calm people late in games and say hey follow me, we are going to get this done. That is why will win this game. LEADERSHIP.
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I dont know if this has been touched on yet ( sorry didnt have time to read all 4500+posts) or not but here is the reason why I think we will win this game. Vince Young's leadership will be sorely missed for Texas. Vince was hands down the best leader in college football last year. Vince Young said we are going to win the NC and I am going to take you there. I have already heard reports from Titans beat writers on how good of a leader Vince Young is and he has only been a part of that organztion for a couple of months. This year Ohio State has one of the best leaders in all of college footbal, Troy Smith. He has that ability to calm people late in games and say hey follow me, we are going to get this done. That is why will win this game. LEADERSHIP.
Vince Young was a pretty good leader, but having the ability to convert 3rd and 20s was a handy asset too. :tongue2:
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Here you go. they appear to have A and AA as well as far as message boards go. Like I said, every single district.
Damn good website.

Here's the Rivals site. It's decent.

And here's Dave Campbell's Texas football site, but it covers high school thru professional.

I'd stick with the first one.

Why am I typing green? Weird.

EngineerHorn, you are my hero. I need my 17-3A info every week.
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And i don't know if this has been posted in this thread yet, but I got a nice chuckle out of this. I knew that throwing motion looked familiar.

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Vince Young was a pretty good leader, but having the ability to convert 3rd and 20s was a handy asset too. :tongue2:

The 3rd quarter 3rd and 10 against Ok State was for me the ultimate VY moment of the year. That play had everything going for it. UT team was down, its 3rd and long, and he breaks open the piggy bank for an 80-yard TD jaunt with jukes, fakes and all manner of smoke and mirrors. Broke OK State's back, they were never back in the game after that point.
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I think an interesting battle in the game will be Texas' execution of the zone read offense against the Buckeye's newer defense. As much as people are probably underestimating the Buck's LB's and secondary for being "new," I think people are feeling the same way about the zone read option for Texas sans Vince Young. However, our new QB's, young as they are, are both exceptional, multi-sport athletes who ran shotgun spread/option offenses in high school, and should not hesitate to tuck it when some green opens up. They may not be elite athletes like Vince, but who is? The point is they don't have to be to be effective.

Wow. Where to begin?

1. Well, they were exceptional, multi-sport athletes--who ran shotgun spread/option offenses in high school. The "new" Ohio State defense is on the other side of the universe compared to anything these two saw in high school, talent-wise, speed-wise, and scheme-wise.

2. They don't have to be effective? Are you shitting me? If they aren't effective across the board--in their reads, checkoffs, and execution--they are flat out gonna get their asses handed to them.
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