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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Sweet!!! Will be one hell of a game in Austin on the 9th! Only 36 days away...can't freaking wait!!!!

On another note: Mack is opening practice to the public on Monday and Tuesday of next week. He closed practices early on last year becuase people were taking pics and leaking injury information (mainly around Shipley). Glad he's opening up at least the first two to give us a glimpse.

I'm sure you guys will jump at the chance to get in there if able. But won't both of those days be without pads?
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Wow, just browsed through about 1/10 of the thread, there's been come craziness on this one. There's been a lot of outrageous claims I'm sure will come back up after the game. I have to say I'm both slightly sad and extremely happy I missed the UTMNC era. LB's that can run with Ginn...that's just comedy you don't get everyday.:slappy:

I know its been covered more than adequately, so I'm just:horse: (sorry, had to use that!), but the QB's are the difference. I think most would agree that Texas would be a SUBSTANTIAL favorite had Vince returned (those who don't already think UT is a huge favorite:roll2:) but since their QB's haven't even played a down, let alone thrown a pass in live action that swings the advantage to tOSU.

On D tOSU keys on the run and forces McCoy/Snead to beat them through the air. JC will get lose a few times and do some damage, especially early. I think JC will push 100 yards and Texas will total 150-170 on the ground. The talent of the Texas WR's will allow them to make some plays as well, but the inexperienced QB's have a hard time getting them the ball.

On the other side, I think UT tries to force the pass also, but tOSU is versatile enough to be efficient, but not spectacular. Pittman wears down the D in the second half allowing tOSU to stay on the field and run clock, which in turn causes the young Texas QB's to try and force things and make more mistakes.

The number I keep coming back to is...
tOSU: 27
UT: 21
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I'm sure you guys will jump at the chance to get in there if able. But won't both of those days be without pads?

I will be there and I will let you know my impressions, through burnt orange goggles of course. You are right about no pads, not even shells the first two days. There won't be much to tell other than the overall fitness, and 7 on 7 passing drills.
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Wow, just browsed through about 1/10 of the thread, there's been come craziness on this one. There's been a lot of outrageous claims I'm sure will come back up after the game. I have to say I'm both slightly sad and extremely happy I missed the UTMNC era. LB's that can run with Ginn...that's just comedy you don't get everyday.:slappy:

I know its been covered more than adequately, so I'm just:horse: (sorry, had to use that!), but the QB's are the difference. I think most would agree that Texas would be a SUBSTANTIAL favorite had Vince returned (those who don't already think UT is a huge favorite:roll2:) but since their QB's haven't even played a down, let alone thrown a pass in live action that swings the advantage to tOSU.

On D tOSU keys on the run and forces McCoy/Snead to beat them through the air. JC will get lose a few times and do some damage, especially early. I think JC will push 100 yards and Texas will total 150-170 on the ground. The talent of the Texas WR's will allow them to make some plays as well, but the inexperienced QB's have a hard time getting them the ball.

On the other side, I think UT tries to force the pass also, but tOSU is versatile enough to be efficient, but not spectacular. Pittman wears down the D in the second half allowing tOSU to stay on the field and run clock, which in turn causes the young Texas QB's to try and force things and make more mistakes.

The number I keep coming back to is...
tOSU: 27
UT: 21

Sounds pretty reasonable. I can see that scenario happening.

Did you see the GOTP-fest a few dozen pages ago? That was one of the best collections of hot chicks I've ever seen on a message board. If there ever was a reason to read this thread, that would be it. Some of the posts ain't bad either.
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Sounds pretty reasonable. I can see that scenario happening.

Did you see the GOTP-fest a few dozen pages ago? That was one of the best collections of hot chicks I've ever seen on a message board. If there ever was a reason to read this thread, that would be it. Some of the posts ain't bad either.

I did catch that and in my opinion the GOTP is the single greatest message board innovation of all time:banger:

I was gonna add one with my post, but seeing as how I'm at work I didn't believe that to be wise.
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I did catch that and in my opinion the GOTP is the single greatest message board innovation of all time:banger:

I was gonna add one with my post, but seeing as how I'm at work I didn't believe that to be wise.

Well, you better turn off your monitor, because after seeing this will be #1 vs. #2, I feel like posting this again...


The greatest picture in BP history BTW
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