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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Question for Buckeyes regarding 2004 defensive team which preceded what was largely considered one of the best defenses ever in 2005: What kind of similarities did you see from that team that led you to expect such great things for the following year? Did that team perform in such a way that you could tell they were getting better on a great curve that could only lead to better things or were they already similarly dominating in that year as they were in 2005, that a return of all those key players could only mean that kind of performance again and then some?

Just trying to get a gauge on how we can expect the Texas defense to perform this following year, after an impressively strong, though still not complete, 2005 year. Ever since the overhaul of the defensive side of the football in 2004 following Carl Reese's departure and some disastrous defensive performances in previous years, Longhorn fans have been optimistic about our defenses finally "showing" their true colors and performing in a way befitting of their talent level and the expectations for a school like Texas. They have shown the improvements and the statistics to back up. Last year under Chizik only bolstered that assertion, and with the majority of returning starters, established quality depth, and influx of talented freshmen and sophmores, we have no reason to doubt that this year's unit will raise that bar even higher.
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What a great game this should be. I would think that millions of college fans will tune into the game. For me beating Texas is the first of several big games the bucks will play. And if you think the hype is bad now wait till Sept 8th haha.

:oh: :io:

You texas fans have provided me with great insight. Thanks!
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Question for Buckeyes regarding 2004 defensive team which preceded what was largely considered one of the best defenses ever in 2005: What kind of similarities did you see from that team that led you to expect such great things for the following year? Did that team perform in such a way that you could tell they were getting better on a great curve that could only lead to better things or were they already similarly dominating in that year as they were in 2005, that a return of all those key players could only mean that kind of performance again and then some?

While our 2005 defense was pretty good, it was nowhere near one of our best ever...our 2002 defense was far better overall. Now, for your question: The 2004 had similar challenges in that it faced the re-loading of starters (albeit not quite as many), but it didn't have an offense to bail it out...in fact, the first half of 2004 it didn't have an offense at all. This year is obviously different in that our offense is among the best in the country, so our defense won't get wore down by being on the field too much and it will be able to gamble more and play more aggressively because the offense can bail them out.
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Actually the 2002 Defense finished the year with a defensive ranking of 23rd, where as last years defense finished 5th. Im not saying that last years defense was better than 2002, but the margain was not as great as your making it out to be. The linebackers were better last year, but the 2002 Dline was amazing along with the secondary.

:oh: :io:
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Actually the 2002 Defense finished the year with a defensive ranking of 23rd, where as last years defense finished 5th. Im not saying that last years defense was better than 2002, but the margain was not as great as your making it out to be. The linebackers were better last year, but the 2002 Dline was amazing along with the secondary.

:oh: :io:

WE can argue all day about the individual merits of both teams players. But the real diffeerence probably was the strentgh of each team and i give the nod to the 2002 team. they played better all year long.

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While our 2005 defense was pretty good, it was nowhere near one of our best ever...our 2002 defense was far better overall.
hmm... not sure if the numbers agree...

the '05 D was slightly better against the run, giving up 73.4 YPG versus 77.7 YPG for '02.

the '05 D was significantly better against the pass, giving up 207.9 YPG versus 243.14 YPG (95th overall) for '02.

the '05 total D was significantly better in total D, giving up 281.33 YPG versus 320.86 for the '02 D.

however, the '02 was as clutch as it got, giving up only 13.1 PPG in scoring D, versus 15.3 PPG for the '05 squad.

the real difference between the two was in turnover margin, with the '05 team having a -9 turnover margin, and the '02 team having a +13 turnover margin. (the higher the number, the better.)

with equal turnover margins, the '05 D would easily be considered as good as, if not better than the '02 D... (does the Penn State game ring any bells?)
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campies, the 04 D was killed by poor DL play and too much time on the field (thx in part to short possessions by a struggling O). CB EJ Underwood was a liability early, but most of the back seven were pretty good players. Once the DL turned the corner, the rest of the defense began to turn it on (dominating performances against UM & OkSU).
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campies, the 04 D was killed by poor DL play and too much time on the field (thx in part to short possessions by a struggling O). CB EJ Underwood was a liability early, but most of the back seven were pretty good players. Once the DL turned the corner, the rest of the defense began to turn it on (dominating performances against UM & OkSU).

Al of that equals ; The 02 team had a better team and played better together all year long. As i stated earlier it was teamwork that made the 02 team the better one.

:oh: :io:
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lvbuckeye said:
hmm... not sure if the numbers agree...

the '05 D was slightly better against the run, giving up 73.4 YPG versus 77.7 YPG for '02.

the '05 D was significantly better against the pass, giving up 207.9 YPG versus 243.14 YPG (95th overall) for '02.

the '05 total D was significantly better in total D, giving up 281.33 YPG versus 320.86 for the '02 D.

however, the '02 was as clutch as it got, giving up only 13.1 PPG in scoring D, versus 15.3 PPG for the '05 squad.

the real difference between the two was in turnover margin, with the '05 team having a -9 turnover margin, and the '02 team having a +13 turnover margin. (the higher the number, the better.)

with equal turnover margins, the '05 D would easily be considered as good as, if not better than the '02 D... (does the Penn State game ring any bells?)
That and the offensive talent the 05 D played was far better than the 02 D.
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hmm... not sure if the numbers agree...

the '05 D was slightly better against the run, giving up 73.4 YPG versus 77.7 YPG for '02.

the '05 D was significantly better against the pass, giving up 207.9 YPG versus 243.14 YPG (95th overall) for '02.

the '05 total D was significantly better in total D, giving up 281.33 YPG versus 320.86 for the '02 D.

however, the '02 was as clutch as it got, giving up only 13.1 PPG in scoring D, versus 15.3 PPG for the '05 squad.

the real difference between the two was in turnover margin, with the '05 team having a -.75 turnover margin, and the '02 team having a .93 turnover margin. (the higher the number, the better.)

with equal turnover margins, the '05 D would easily be considered as good as, if not better than the '02 D... (does the Penn State game ring any bells?)

Here's another example of where stats mean shit. Check this out: After Larry Johnson scored Penn State's lone TD at the end of the first quarter, our defense gave up only one more TD--that's one more TD--the rest of the regular season. Here's how that breaks down:

Penn State: 1 TD (shut out the last three quarters)
Minnesota: 1 FG
Purdue: 2 FGs
Illinois: 1 TD, 3 FGs
Michigan: 3 FGs

That's 1 TD in 19 quarters. The defense also didn't allow that 1 TD until the third quarter of the Illinois game, going 13 straight quarters without allowing a TD. Fucking amazing. The 2005 defense gave up almost as many points at Minnesota alone (31) than the 2002 defense gave up over the last 19 quarters of 2002 (34).

Sorry, but while last year's defense was excellent the 2002 defense ranks among our all-time best. Just think how well the 2002 defense would've shined if we had this year's offense instead of 2002's...
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I think everyone also forgets that 04 D-line only had one starter from 03 back. Whereas this year we have two starters back and one with decent playing time. Comparing the 04 to 06 defence shouldnt matter and we should compare the 04 to 06 teams and the 06 is much better because of the offense.
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I think everyone also forgets that 04 D-line only had one starter from 03 back. Whereas this year we have two starters back and one with decent playing time. Comparing the 04 to 06 defence shouldnt matter and we should compare the 04 to 06 teams and the 06 is much better because of the offense.

The thing is, we have 5 guys who have logged a lot of time on the dline. And I honestly think last year's (05) defense was the third best out of the last four years. Don't underestimate how good that 03 d was. It almost single handily got us back to the championship game that year. And what was all that defensive success in '03 predicated on? That's right, a spectacular defensive line. Interestingly enough, that line also had to replace two starters and had Darrion Scott moving inside to tackle, much like David Patterson this year.
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