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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

In Tressel's short tenure here at Ohio State, we have been the benchmark for defensive excellence in college football. Every single year, our defense is at or near the top in total defense, run defense, scoring defense. There is NFL talent, even first round talent, at damn near every position on the field.

To say that anything Snead or McCoy will be doing in practice is comparable to what they see on Sept. 9th is both idiotic and ignorant. Of course Texas has great players on defense and has NFL and first round talent at every position too, but there is a difference between practicing and playing. What I'm getting at is, if a DE gets a clean shot at your QB in practice, he doesn't end up driven into the ground by angry 270 pound men.
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Well, this game just might get some attention. The USAToday Coaches poll is out:

Team (1st-place votes) Record Points
1. Ohio State (28)...........10-2....1,487
2. Texas.......(11)............13-0...1,378
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But no better than what they practice against every day.
Randy, I swear, do you actually know anything about the game? Very little of practice is #1's against #1's. A team MIGHT scrimage 3 or 4 times against the #1's in fall camp. And I emphasize the word MIGHT. Most of practice is against what is called the scout team. These are the guys who are walk ons, true freshman that are locks for a redshirt guys that are not on the 2 deep. So no clown boy, your rookie quarterbacks are NOT seeing athletes the caliber of the starting defense of Ohio State. PERIOD
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Well, this game just might get some attention. The USAToday Coaches poll is out:

Team (1st-place votes) Record Points
1. Ohio State (28)...........10-2....1,487
2. Texas.......(11)............13-0...1,378

Great stuff!


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Well, this game just might get some attention. The USAToday Coaches poll is out:

Team (1st-place votes) Record Points
1. Ohio State (28)...........10-2....1,487
2. Texas.......(11)............13-0...1,378

Sweet!!! Will be one hell of a game in Austin on the 9th! Only 36 days away...can't freaking wait!!!!

On another note: Mack is opening practice to the public on Monday and Tuesday of next week. He closed practices early on last year becuase people were taking pics and leaking injury information (mainly around Shipley). Glad he's opening up at least the first two to give us a glimpse.
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