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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

i came here to talk about this game and get tosu fans perspectives. i had been reading this fourm for a month before i registered and it was all going smoothly now when i get here there is nothing but ignorance flying everywhere.


Point one: If you want to know what WE in Buckeyeland think of the game all you have to do is lurk.

Point two: "i had been reading this fourm for a month before i registered and it was all going smoothly..." and then?

Point three: Look at some of the other UT folks who have been with us for a while. You don't see us going off on their posts.

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This is all I need to know about your football knowledge...you are likely an attentive fan, but sorry friend, you are typically clueless when it comes to intricacies in the evaluation process. How in the world do stats measure running back ability?

I guess thats all I need to know about your reading comprehension. How in the "world" do you get the idea that I am relating running back ability to stats??? From my quoted passage, you underline the running back ability as if being the last point mentioned from one catagory autonomously connects it to the beginning of the next one. :confused:

My point was very simple. There are certain ways to evaluate players, but only SO many. The first group of attributes includes things many people associate with a good running back/football player: Size, Speed, and positional skills (e.g. running back ability). After that group of criterion, all of which should be observed first-hand before trusting, there is a 2nd catagory of purely objective analysis: Stats. Those are really the only games in town for talent evaluation, subjective first-hand observation (which includes a multitude of possible desired traits), and objective production evidence (i.e. stats). I fully get that you can't mush them together when evaluating, and neither is the end all be all, you have to account for both.

Take feelings out of it; You could watch a kid blow it up in every concievable way during one game, be sold on him in every way, but given limited exposure, might miss the 10 others in which he did nothing and drug the team down because of attitude or inconsistency. Conversely, a kid that rushes for 2,000+ yards in a season, I dont care what was going, did something right. So basically, both are valid, though I would agree, first-hand is always the most important and telling. I appreciate the fact that you're a coach who has experience with this stuff and knows what he's talking about. I enjoy the insight, and am on the same page with you on most of the stuff.
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Now then: I was impressed by what I saw of Vince Young in the 05 (Michigan) Rose Bowl game. He was clearly the best athlete on the field... nonetheless, it was a very even game and could have gone either way.

In my pre game post of last year I stated that one of the things that had me concerned was that as a QB, Young, Texas' best athlete, touched the ball on every play, whereas Ginn, OSU's best athlete, only touched the ball six or seven times a game. You can... and Texas did... keep the ball out of the hands of a receiver, but you can't keep the ball out of the hands of a QB. The result was a very close game that could have gone either way right down to the final few minutes of the game.

Both programs are part of that old sports writers' patter, "At ______ they don't rebuild, they reload." There are only a few colleges that you can use to fill in the blank. OSU and Texas are two of them.

That being said, there are plenty of reasons to expect this year's game to be every bit as good and every bit as close.

Despite what you may hear from other Buckeye fans, you don't loose five or six NFL draft choices from your defense and just reload. You especially don't reload three linebackers of the quality we had last year and certainly not by the second game of the season.

If I were a Texas fan I would be concerned by the loss of Young. There's no doubt in my mind that he should have been the Heisman Trophy winner last year. You don't reload that kind of once-every-two-decades kind of talent.

IF OSU's young linebackers can stop the Texas running game...
IF Texas can keep the ball out of Ginn's hands...
IF OSU can run the ball...
IF Texas can pass the ball...

Those seem to me to be the keys to just about any game and especially this one. I can honestly see this game getting out of hand either way or I can see it going right down to the wire as it did last year at which point in time we may all find ourselves wondering why we didn't talk more about the kicking game.

Now can y'all live with that?
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I guess thats all I need to know about your reading comprehension. How in the "world" do you get the idea that I am relating running back ability to stats??? From my quoted passage, you underline the running back ability as if being the last point mentioned from one catagory autonomously connects it to the beginning of the next one. :confused:
..because you said this...

Thats part of why statistics exist. They're a common measuring stick for evaluation, and they don't lie. Thats why they're not irrelavent. Kindle has the size (6'4 225), speed (sub 4.5), and running back ability to check all the other boxes. Stats are all thats left.

Yes, they do lie...and no they are not a measuring stick for evaluation of your amibiguous blanket of "running back skills." That is my only point...and I cannot say it any other way.

No worries...I'm going to do my best to drop this one...hopefully. Agree to disagree or agree to agree...either or.

Edit: ..and I apologize for the way my last post came across...not much of a mornign person to begin with and lumped you in with the rash of recent knuckleheads. No harm intended and your response was deserved.
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OK, since I was the one that turned the heat up, let me clarify my frustration...

We have seen Texas fans claiming their LB's can run step for step with our receivers and presumably saying it in all seriousness. That's nothing but "smack board" bullshit. Take it to a "smack board", this isn't one.

Now we have Texas fans claiming their LB's are better RB's than actual RB's...I don't give a shit if you're talking about Texas/tOSU, USC/UCLA, LSU/Georgia...It has nothing to do with what you're saying about Chris Wells' ability...It has to do with the complete football stupidity this shows or it is just more "smack board" bullshit...

So the trend I see for this thread is next there will be a claim by a Texas fan that one of their LB's is a better QB than someones QB...Again, I don't care if you're saying this against my team or anybody else's...It's fucking stupid "smack talk".

Why are we not talking about how good a LB he is, but instead talking about how good of a RB he is?...for what? 6 fucking pages...Unless perhaps you Texas fans think your talent evaluators are fucked in the head and missed the boat on this guy and he should really be playing at RB. Then let's talk about that. That would at least be somewhat interesting and that would make a little more sense and not sound like a bunch of smack...
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Twenty pages. 20. Tuh-wenn-tee. That's how many pages I had to read since I last posted on Friday. Y'all are crazy.

Mixed in all that were several good posts and interesting queries, some of which did not have any responses. However, I am lazy (and have a job, apparently) so I don't want to go back over all this and respond to them, even though they deserve it. But, as always, it's the thought that counts.
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But, as pointed out early on in this conversation, you're (not 'your,' as you keep insisting) not drinking beer. You're drinking Light... Need I bring out the professors from the Philosophy Department of the University of New South Wales to point out the similarity between making love in a canoe and Lite beer?

That's the University of Wollamalloo to you Bruce (who teaches logical positivism, and is also in charge of the Sheep Dip).

Maybe I'm just feeling a little crook though.:wink2:
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Twenty pages. 20. Tuh-wenn-tee. That's how many pages I had to read since I last posted on Friday. Y'all are crazy.

Mixed in all that were several good posts and interesting queries, some of which did not have any responses. However, I am lazy (and have a job, apparently) so I don't want to go back over all this and respond to them, even though they deserve it. But, as always, it's the thought that counts.
I am glad I read this post before reading those 20 pages myself. I breezed through and saw that somebody stated Kindle could have been the #1 RB recruit? Come on. He played against some weak defenses and tore them up. So his stats are a little misleading there. I don't know what else I missed over the weekend, and I am having trouble finding the need to read through those past twenty pages.

And to the post that say stats lie, I don't truly agree with that, it is how people rely on the stats to make outlandish claims. Without putting the stats in context, then they are often misleading.

Was this covered in the past 50 pages: Were you guys counting on anything from Haw before the transfer news?
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