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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

MililaniBuckeye said:
Not even close...Texas lost more in Young.
I agree. As good as our linebackers were they are replaceable. To me Vince Young was a once in a generation type quarterback.

Edit: I'll expound.
There is probably(arguably) already a lb as good in the B10(poluz what's his nuts). While we OSU fans really like Troy Smith I'm not ready to annoint him in the next Vince Young in the full sense of Vince Young. I don't think we will have another VY in College football for along while.
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Well, just getting caught up on this thread. Quite disappointing I must say. Until this recent change in tenor, I was considering locking this thread for a few days.

I'd say Texas lost more with Young. In fact, I think some (not all) of the Texas fans have already taken his performance (last year) for granted.

V Young:
97% of the Passing Game (Leading Passer)
33% of the Rushing Game (Leading Rusher)
50% of the Total TDs (Leading Scorer)
When's the last time Texas had a QB with a rating of 160 for the season?
Team leader in every sense.
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Well, just getting caught up on this thread. Quite disappointing I must say. Until this recent change in tenor, I was considering locking this thread for a few days.

I'd say Texas lost more with Young. In fact, I think some (not all) of the Texas fans have already taken his performance (last year) for granted.

V Young:
97% of the Passing Game (Leading Passer)
33% of the Rushing Game (Leading Rusher)
50% of the Total TDs (Leading Scorer)
When's the last time Texas had a QB with a rating of 160 for the season?
Team leader in every sense.
I also think its Vince that is a bigger loss. I get the feeling that myself and other horns fans are hoping that much of Vince's attitude and leadership will be carried on by the returning players, but there is no way that one player can replace the production or leadership that Vince gave last year. I think it's one of the more exciting things about Longhorn football this year though, to see who steps up.

I know that Carpenter and Hawk played with a lot of heart and led by actions on the field, and they also seemed to offer several soundbites throughout the year, from y'all's prespective, were they the leaders of the defense in the huddle and in the locker room? It also seemed as if Mangold was somewhat of a leader (great quality in a center), but that Troy was also quite the motivator, and the players seemed to respond well to him.

If anything, you guys lost your leaders on defense, and UT may very well of lost their leaders on both sides in Young, Huff and Harris. I am still hoping that Vince's roommate from last year, Selvin, takes a leadership role this year, and it would be nice to see one of our young LBs step up. I don't really see MiGriffin as being much of a leader as he is kind of an odd bird.
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For the curious, the official Texas website has been running position by position preveiws this week. http://www.mackbrown-texasfootball.com/

The one today is on WRs/DBs and it mentions Ramonce. Maybe he does have a chance to make it back on the team. Anyway it's homerish, but worth a look.

The chances of me still having access to this forum are GREATER than the chance of R. Taylor playing for Texas this year.
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The answer is Vince...its not close...I can't think of one player in the last (insert arbitrary number of years) that meant more to his team than VY did for the 2005 Texas Longhorns. He was a transcendent player and has been for as long as I can remember watching him. Don't believe me? go look at his following on the Titans boards...
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There is probably(arguably) already a lb as good in the B10(poluz what's his nuts).

I believe his name is spelled Posluzxlvznzlzy, which is Polish for "a whale's vagina"

I was just thinking about replacing Vince......but I think "replacing" is a bad word to use in this case. "Helping to mitigate the negative effects of his departure through changes in scheme and philosphy" would be better. If history is any indication, Mack and Greg Davis have shown a willingness to be copycats. Ironically, who better to look at than the 2002 Buckeyes? I'm certainly not trying to compare Snead or McCoy to Krenzel here, but there are many similarities. Very good defense, good at the skill positions, and good special teams (I'm counting on ours being good, obviously). I'm hoping our O-line will allow Snead/McCoy or one of our skill position players to provide the kind of clutch plays that Krenzel made so often.
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EngineerHorn said:
I believe his name is spelled Posluzxlvznzlzy, which is Polish for "a whale's vagina"

I was just thinking about replacing Vince......but I think "replacing" is a bad word to use in this case. "Helping to mitigate the negative effects of his departure through changes in scheme and philosphy" would be better. If history is any indication, Mack and Greg Davis have shown a willingness to be copycats. Ironically, who better to look at than the 2002 Buckeyes? I'm certainly not trying to compare Snead or McCoy to Krenzel here, but there are many similarities. Very good defense, good at the skill positions, and good special teams (I'm counting on ours being good, obviously). I'm hoping our O-line will allow Snead/McCoy or one of our skill position players to provide the kind of clutch plays that Krenzel made so often.
Even so Krenzel already had snaps the year before.

Edit: that was funny. "a Whales Vagina"
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I'm hoping our O-line will allow Snead/McCoy or one of our skill position players to provide the kind of clutch plays that Krenzel made so often.

Not trying to slam, but that's a tall order. Krenzel was already a junior when he took the reigns, and at least had a couple of 2001 games (including our upset win up at Ann Arbor) under his belt when he took over in 2002. Add in the fact that he was cool under pressure and extremely intelligent (Draddy Award winner), and it's tough to even hope a true freshman and a redshirt freshman could perform at that level, at least right out of the gate...
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Like I said, I'm not trying to compare them. Just that we might be able to rely on one of the other skill positions to provide that clutch plays that Krenzel always pulled out of his ass. Hopefully by the end of the year Snead or McCoy can. Against OSU it'll have to be Jamaal Charles, Sweed, etc or as a unit, the offensive line.

On that 2002 team, it seemed like Krenzel got half his stats from the 4th quarter. I got the impression that JT just kind of ran the offense through him until he was really needed. But that's based on just a few games.
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As a benchmark I think Texas can win with a freshman QBs with a minimum of:

~140 QB efficiency rating
~59% completion percentage
~150 yards per game passing
~25 yards per game rushing
~1 TD per game
~0.5 INT per game

I actually expect UTs starter will have more yards passing, more TDs and a higher effieciency than that. The completion percentage and yards rushing should be close, but I expect a few more INTs.

Who is the benchmark? Krenzel, 2002.
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Who is the benchmark? Krenzel, 2002.

There was a ton more to Krenzel than just stats. He made crucial, clutch plays time and time again, mostly with his scrambling (the late game-winning TD run at Cincy, his 14-yard run in OT on 3rd and 10 in OT at Illinois to set up the winning TD, stepping through a small gap in the line to avoid the blitz on 4th and 1 to throw the famous "Holy Buckeye!" game-winning TD pass at Purdue, are a few that come to mind). To expect those sort of plays from freshmen is a bit much...
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