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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

<TABLE class=tablehead cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=3 border=0><TBODY><TR class=colhead align=right ?><TD align=left>YEAR</TD><TD>CMP</TD><TD>ATT</TD><TD>YDS</TD><TD>CMP%</TD><TD>YPA</TD><TD>LNG</TD><TD>TD</TD><TD>INT</TD><TD>SACK</TD><TD>RAT</TD></TR><TR class=oddrow align=right><TD align=left>2004</TD><TD>240</TD><TD>399</TD><TD>2743</TD><TD>60.2</TD><TD>6.88</TD><TD>69</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>12</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>132.56</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
This B10 Freshman QB was one lucky (or unlucky) field goal away from producing a 2-loss + BCS bowl victory season.


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Henne threw jump balls to Braylon all season, who could not be stopped until OSU. Then Texas kindly left their D & ST (edit: coverage) units in Austin before the rose bowl.
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jwinslow said:
Henne threw jump balls to Braylon all season, who could not be stopped until OSU. Then Texas kindly left their D & ST (edit: coverage) units in Austin before the rose bowl.
And we have Sweed, Pittman, Shipley, Cosby & RT (he's working out, he'll be back). You remember Sweed, don't you?

Edwards had 60% of Henne's TD's but only 40% of the receptions.
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And we have Sweed, Pittman, Shipley, Cosby & RT (he's working out, he'll be back). You remember Sweed, don't you?

Edwards had 60% of Henne's TD's but only 40% of the receptions.
yes I remember sweed... and he's not close to braylon. What exactly are you trying to argue about Henne? Braylon was definitely a huge security blanket, tho once again statistics can be used to tell a different story. Texas will have plenty of talent to surround your new QB, but you aren't the first defending champion to do so... even if it's the first time for texas to have this much talent.

Texas fans, has your attitude changed towards Ramonce? Before it seemed like many of you guys would miss his plays, but thought he deserved to be off of the team. If he is 'innocent' in this case, doe sthat change things in your opinion? Is he qualified?
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jwinslow said:
yes I remember sweed... and he's not close to braylon. What exactly are you trying to argue about Henne? Braylon was definitely a huge security blanket, tho once again statistics can be used to tell a different story. Texas will have plenty of talent to surround your new QB, but you aren't the first defending champion to do so... even if it's the first time for texas to have this much talent.

Texas fans, has your attitude changed towards Ramonce? Before it seemed like many of you guys would miss his plays, but thought he deserved to be off of the team. If he is 'innocent' in this case, doe sthat change things in your opinion? Is he qualified?
If the charges are dropped, he deserves another chance with the team. If that happens, he'll be on a very short leash. Hopefully this is serving as a massive reality check for the kid, he was on top of the world with a promising career. Get rid of the thug from <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Waco</st1:place></st1:City> attitude and play some ball.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
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Has any freshmen QB ever had this much talent surrounding on offense, and a defense that will not let any game get out of hand? Probably not.
Probably so, and even further, there are a whole bunch more sophomore, junior, senior, and 5th year senior QB-lead teams that had as much talent surrounding on offense, and a defense that would not let any game get out of hand, and they didn't win national titles either.

Off the top of my head: 1995 Ohio State, 1996 Ohio State, 1998 Ohio State. :(

There are 117 teams and only one crystal football. You should cherish that 2005 national title, because the odds are, and history has proven, that's it more likely you're not going to get another one for another 10, 20, or 40 years as it is that you'll win it all all over again in 2006.

I'm not saying Texas isn't talented, but national titles aren't birthrights either. For all the talent on every national championship winning team, every single one of them caught a break at one point or another. There is a tremendous amount of luck involved too.
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Texas fans, has your attitude changed towards Ramonce? Before it seemed like many of you guys would miss his plays, but thought he deserved to be off of the team. If he is 'innocent' in this case, doe sthat change things in your opinion? Is he qualified?

Even though it looks like he'll be found innocent, that doesn't excuse his behavior and tendency to put himself in bad situations. He is practicing with the team, but they're of course voluntary workouts. I'm certain Mack knows this, but I don't see any official way he can prevent RT from practicing.

There's also the matter of RT's academic problems. I haven't heard anything about them recently, so I assume that's still an issue.

I'll be surprised if RT is back on the team in the fall. Not saying it won't happen, but I don't think it's very likely at this point. Maybe someone more in the know can correct me if I"m wrong.
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BuckeyeNation27 said:
How can you be innocent if somebody found 5 pounds of weed in his car? That's pretty open and shut to me.
I think this was covered earlier but here's the local news report.


I don't know if anyone is stupid enough (save M Clarret - j/k) to call the police and then drive to the corner store to meet them while carrying enough dope to hold Ricky over in the off season.
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I think this was covered earlier but here's the local news report.


I don't know if anyone is stupid enough (save M Clarret - j/k) to call the police and then drive to the corner store to meet them while carrying enough dope to hold Ricky over in the off season.

5 pounds would not hold RW over for the whole offseason... that's just absurd. :biggrin:
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I don't know if the guy should be convicted... but I was under the impression that the leash was already very short. Being involved in that scenario would seem to push him over the top imo.

I haven't followed the situation at all. All I knew before BN27's post was that he was in trouble. But how can the guy not be convicted for possessing 5 pounds of weed? Of course, there's always a chance that the judge, attorneys, etc. are Texas fans, and want the guy to play.

If I were a coach, I'd like to think that every single one of my players would already be on a short leash. Especially on a national championship team. The players are in the national spotlight, and the media would love to jump all over whatever table scraps the players are willing to give them. This case may be a crumb that fell on the floor, that the media has turned into a 12-ounce steak. If that's the case, the coach needs to take the guy aside and figure out what to do. Maybe kicking the guy off the team isn't the right thing, but doing nothing may not be right, either. Maybe severely limited playing time. I guess that's up to the coach.
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}LonghornFan{ said:
I think this was covered earlier but here's the local news report.


I don't know if anyone is stupid enough (save M Clarret - j/k) to call the police and then drive to the corner store to meet them while carrying enough dope to hold Ricky over in the off season.
I've heard his grades are no longer an issue (or won't be by two-a-days)...saw something last week on that, need to dig it up again.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
Ced Benson loved the bud too, even got caught breaking and entering (to steal his stolen Plasma TV - funny story) but Mack welcomed him back both times.

Back to RT - it's believed that everyone knows who the drugs belong to, but the kid's on probation already and won't come clean. Hopefully this is teaching Taylor a good lesson about who he runs with. If he's cleared and the grades are in check, he's on the team but doesn't get playing time until OSU.
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