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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Twenty pages. 20. Tuh-wenn-tee. That's how many pages I had to read since I last posted on Friday. Y'all are crazy.

Mixed in all that were several good posts and interesting queries, some of which did not have any responses. However, I am lazy (and have a job, apparently) so I don't want to go back over all this and respond to them, even though they deserve it. But, as always, it's the thought that counts.
One question that did not get answered was from xrayrandy, about eight pages ago:
xrayrandy said:
After reading a recent update on UTs summer practices I am curious how the tOSU voluntary summer workouts are going? Or maybe I should start by asking what tOUS does for summer workouts?
Unfortunately, there hasn't been much news regarding the workouts since the spring, aside from maybe the players' track meet at the end of May:

http://www.coachtressel.com/news/ar...ck Meet&IMAGE=trackmeet_06.jpg&DATE=5/24/2006

Seems OSU has been mum on the subject of what exactly is going on.

Over the past couple of weeks, I know the coaches have been involved in hosting the youth camps and following all of our sage recruiting advice, 108 current and former student-athletes received their degrees at spring commencement, seven football players included in that figure (Troy Smith, Ashton Youboty, Bobby Carpenter, Angelo Chattams, Will Conroy, Rob Harley, and Stephen Winner), and Tressel has brought Eric Lichter on board the staff as the new S&C coordinator/coach.

I know Lichter has been emphasizing speed/strength training for football skills at a position by position basis, as opposed to the general one-size-fits-all weight lifting and exercise programs. To that effect, he's spent the last couple of weeks meeting each player individually and drafting fitness training and nutrition programs for each player, essentially applying what he did as a NFL draft prep trainer to the entire team full-time. This summers' emphasis was on going full-bore early and easing into the fall so that the players could recoup and hit September at the proverbial 105%, as opposed to the generally accepted method of hitting two-a-days in the fall and pushing the team longer and harder, only leaving about 60-70% in the tank when the first game rolls around. The goal is to avoid the flat start and play game one like it's game eleven.

Apparently, another goal of 2006 is to send opponents home in body bags:

"The first thing I told these guys is that there is only really one mentality, and that's the mentality of a predator, of a lion chasing down its prey. When they come into the weight room they have to be focused, and they have to have that predatory mentality, because really they're training their bodies to become hunters, predators, efficient killers."

As for what, specifically, the players are doing in their summer workouts is anybodies guess. More players are graduating on time than are getting arrested, so we're off on the right foot, I guess. :biggrin:
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I am glad I read this post before reading those 20 pages myself. I breezed through and saw that somebody stated Kindle could have been the #1 RB recruit? Come on. He played against some weak defenses and tore them up. So his stats are a little misleading there. I don't know what else I missed over the weekend, and I am having trouble finding the need to read through those past twenty pages.

And to the post that say stats lie, I don't truly agree with that, it is how people rely on the stats to make outlandish claims. Without putting the stats in context, then they are often misleading.

Was this covered in the past 50 pages: Were you guys counting on anything from Haw before the transfer news?

Are you that familiar with District 10 4A. I lived in Mesquite Tx for 15 Years and have seen games involving teams from that district for quite some time. I have seen W.W. H.S. play over a dozen times in person over the last 3 years, including last years playoff loss to State ranked Wylie. Please feel free to explain the weaknesses (defensively) from teams like Lincoln - (Richeti Jones) Spruce, T. Jefferson, and don't forget to breakdown non-district foes like Carter(routinely leads DFW area in Div 1 recruite) Highland Park( Too many Div 1 to name) I can keep going, but what's the point. I will wait for you to expound on the "WEAK" competition that he "Tore Up"
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Over the past couple of weeks, I know the coaches have been involved in hosting the youth camps and following all of our sage recruiting advice, 108 current and former student-athletes received their degrees at spring commencement, seven football players included in that figure (Troy Smith, Ashton Youboty, Bobby Carpenter, Angelo Chattams, Will Conroy, Rob Harley, and Stephen Winner), and Tressel has brought Eric Lichter on board the staff as the new S&C coordinator/coach.

Gotta love that. He's got every reason in the world to not give a shit, and he graduates well before his eligibility is used up. Good for him.

Same goes for Carpenter and Youboty.
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Are you that familiar with District 10 4A. I lived in Mesquite Tx for 15 Years and have seen games involving teams from that district for quite some time. I have seen W.W. H.S. play over a dozen times in person over the last 3 years, including last years playoff loss to State ranked Wylie. Please feel free to explain the weaknesses (defensively) from teams like Lincoln - (Richeti Jones) Spruce, T. Jefferson, and don't forget to breakdown non-district foes like Carter(routinely leads DFW area in Div 1 recruite) Highland Park( Too many Div 1 to name) I can keep going, but what's the point. I will wait for you to expound on the "WEAK" competition that he "Tore Up"
2005 Schedule: Carrolton Ranchview (one win last year), Red Oak (zero wins last year), Adamson (zero wins last year), Jefferson (zero wins last year), North Dallas(one win last year). I think that makes up a fairly weak schedule. I think they had about the same schedule in 2004 as they did in 2005. Not sure about his soph. year, but maybe they played Carter or Highland Park in that year. So I will revise my statement, he played against some WEAK competition LAST YEAR at least. Sorry for the confusion.
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Thanks for the response. At UT we have a tough time getting information too, unless they let a reporter in (and then it is usually released as pay information), or a buddy goes by practice and peeks through the fence. I've been too busy to try to catch practice, myself, but I have a few contacts.

It sounds like the Texas team is continuing what they did last summer, with full team "voluntary" workouts 2 or 3 times a week. Most of the action is 7 on 7, but the linemen work out too (not that they do much in shorts). This is of course in addition to their S&C training.

The short version update on offense is that Colt is still ahead of Snead, Ramonce is still practicing like he intends to play, Shipley still looks like the best WR on the team, Selvin has regained his speed and quickness to the point that he may start ahead of Charles (with a little coaches favoritism in the mix), Finley is the go to receiver at TE, and Blalock is in the best shape of his life. The one negative is that the QBs are still prone to throw an INT or 2 a night.

I am assured that as homerish as all that sounds, that the across the board improvement is truely remarkable.
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2005 Schedule: Carrolton Ranchview (one win last year), Red Oak (zero wins last year), Adamson (zero wins last year), Jefferson (zero wins last year), North Dallas(one win last year). I think that makes up a fairly weak schedule. I think they had about the same schedule in 2004 as they did in 2005. Not sure about his soph. year, but maybe they played Carter or Highland Park in that year. So I will revise my statement, he played against some WEAK competition LAST YEAR at least. Sorry for the confusion.

If that doesn't deserve a Great Post Award, I don't know what does...
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After lying low for a while on this board I'll weigh in on the runningback question. After watching the Army All-American game there was no question in my mind that Chris Wells was the best runningback prospect out of highschool last year.

As a UT fan I'm just glad we won't have to face him except as a freshman. (Unless we end up in a national championship game down the road, which is a possibility.)
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My God this feels sooo different. It's a shame to see a thread go so far out. Let's play taps, mumble a few words of prayer and get back to it...

Don't know who lost more, OSU in Hawk, Carp and Schlegel or UT in Young. In all honesty I think UT fans are not aware of just what VY brought to last year's team/season. It was painful to watch in Columbus and delightful to watch in the Rose Bowl, like watching Mantle or Yaz (in 67 especially) pick a team up and carry it to greatness on his back.

But... the 05 Rose Bowl and the Shoe shootout came down to the kicking game. We've been blessed in the Tressel era to have some incredible kickers/punters and therein lies much of the difference between the Cooper teams of promise and no cigars to the Tressel Teams.

And frankly your game helped you in the 'shoe and cost you against USC. What's up with your kicking game this year?
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