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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Saw31 said:
OK...I'm sick of this...Jesus H. Christ I can't believe this is still going on....grad21 has repeatedly said that stats don't mean shit when it comes to evaluating talent...Need proof why this is so? How about Antonio Gates....He played college fucking basketball and is now "arguably" the best tight end in the NFL...Tell me what the fuck his stats had to do with anything...Jesus fucking Christ it's not that difficult to underfuckingstand...Stats mean nothing when moving from one level to the next...If some dude has 89 billion TD's, but is only 5'4" and 135 pounds, you think his stats mean something? STFU already....Where's the good Texas posters?...They have left this thread for some reason...
same reason we all left bucknuts? :biggrin:
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so was MoWells better than Adrian Peterson b/c he had more yards? See where this logic gets you?

I understand what your saying. I agree the post has flamed out. C. Wells is 2 times the RB Kindle was, and it was foolish of me to bring up such ridiculous things such as stats to substantiate such an idiotic notion that Texas might have not only a great LB, but a viable weapon on offense.
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I understand what your saying. I agree the post has flamed out. C. Wells is 2 times the RB Kindle was, and it was foolish of me to bring up such ridiculous things such as stats to substantiate such an idiotic notion that Texas might have not only a great LB, but a viable weapon on offense.
aka please believe me when I say "your right, have a good one"... but I'll be back in a few hours to argue the same point
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i stand by what i said. your just pissed because i dont think he will slice us up like he did notre dame.

Haha, why would anyone be remotely "pissed" that he won't put up the same numbers that he did against ND. We don't need those type of numbers against ya'll. As long as we play relatively good defense, and put up the numbers we know we're capable of on the offensive side of the ball, and hold on to the ball, then I don't see any way that you guys win the game this year.
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his route running was never the problem. tressel just didnt get him the ball very much until after the psu game

Brilliant! That's terrible analysis. His increased production came along with the improvement in Troy Smith's game. I'm sure you remember that last year we didn't have a number one QB the first two games of the season, and Troy Smith's game wasn't nearly as effective as it was, as the season concluded. I'm not dwelling on that, but if we had a solid QB the whole season, Ginn's production more than likely would have been much more efficient and consistent.

I agree with you, on the contrary, that Ginn will not have an Irish-esque game, but I don't find it unreasonable or farfetched that he might put up 200-250 all-purpose yards. After all, both of these teams are much differently rounded than they were last year, and will have to rely on certain things that they might not have had to last season.
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Ron Burgundy : Boy, that escalated quickly... I mean, that really got out of hand fast!
Champ Kind : It jumped up a notch!
Ron Burgundy : It did, didn't it?
Brick Tamland : Yeah, I stabbed a man in the heart!
Ron Burgundy : I saw that! Brick killed a guy! Did you throw a trident?
Brick Tamland : Yeah, there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident!
Ron Burgundy : Brick, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You should find yourself a safehouse or a relative close by. Lay low for a while, because you're probably wanted for murder.


Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends?
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Ron Burgundy : Boy, that escalated quickly... I mean, that really got out of hand fast!
Champ Kind : It jumped up a notch!
Ron Burgundy : It did, didn't it?
Brick Tamland : Yeah, I stabbed a man in the heart!
Ron Burgundy : I saw that! Brick killed a guy! Did you throw a trident?
Brick Tamland : Yeah, there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident!
Ron Burgundy : Brick, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You should find yourself a safehouse or a relative close by. Lay low for a while, because you're probably wanted for murder.


Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends?


I don't really know how this is very relevant to the topic of people taking this subject out of context, but needless to say this gave me a much needed laugh.
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All's I have to say is WOW, what are you Texas fans not getting through to your heads? Kendle a better running back than Chris Wells?? come on guys, fuckin christ, fine how about Chris Wells is better as a Linebacker than Sergio? Hell the recruiters said he'd be a bad ass linebacker? Guess what though? he's not a god damn linebacker, he's a 6'2" 235 pound running back (and yes he is that heavy). They're both damn good ball players but don't throw Sergio Garcia into the same lines as a kid who just dominated the BEST talent in high school football at the All American game, and I won't throw Chris Wells into the "best linebacker" category. Not to mention who has been turing serious heads at the COLLEGE level? Hint it's not your boy Kendle. Until Kendle moves to running back just drop it.

On a side note I graduated from a school in Virginia that saw a 5'7" 150 pound QB pass for over 2,000 yards in only 7 games, and was also our leading rusher/TD. Does that make him a top of the line QB??? Hell no he couldn't even START DIVISION THREE. The reason why most players put up crazy stats is they're HIGH SCHOOL KIDS. Most of them don't even know what a cover 2 is or forget the snap count 50 percent of the time. Hell I bet most of the kids I played again in high school were smaller than me and I was only 205 pounds, and no where near D-1 talent. Texas/Ohio both have awesome high school talent but when you're both bigger/faster/stronger than everyone else it becomes quite simple. As evidence to both Chris'/Kendle's numbers.

You don't want to admit to a tosu victory on september 9th but what do you expect coming onto an tosy message board and make claims like you have about Kendle/Wells? Are we suppose to accept that he's better? We'll never know so why try and make that point. Jus let it go..
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Here's the problem with the way you Bucks are reading everything we Texas fans say: you assume we can't evaluate our players the same way you do. By this, I mean with you unwavering passion for Buckeye football, you are accutely aware of every positive thing one of you own possesses (i.e. measurables, high rankings, great performances in showcase events, et al) that don't necessarily have to do with stats, therefore, in a discussion about your boys, you are able to cite your "first-hand experience" or "independent evaluation" based on those attributes, and stats become irrelavent.

Well, here at Texas, we do just the same in evaluating our players. Heck, I can't imagine any reasonable person not using both objective and subjective data when evaluating some kind of performance. However, its much more difficult to give accurate or credible first-hand experience as a means of validation to people who don't come in contact with the object of attention. Thats part of why statistics exist. They're a common measuring stick for evaluation, and they don't lie. Thats why they're not irrelavent. Kindle has the size (6'4 225), speed (sub 4.5), and running back ability to check all the other boxes. Stats are all thats left.

Dont blame Texas fans for using a standard unit of measurement for qualifying and quantifying something outside your scope of first-hand experience. We're trying to give you something you can tangiblize. Also noted, but not that I'm indicting all, many here have given the impression of being so infatuated with the good things of tOSU on a subjective level, that the objective comparison becomes almost obsolete. I like to think that as a fan, despite my passion, college football is not life and my rationality does not follow my emotions alone.

I dont know why its so hard to understand that there are only so many ways to evaluate and discuss a player. We're doing our best. Tell, on what basis do you accept that Chris Wells is indeed a good back. My guess is it'd have something to do with his size, speed, and RB skills, plus what you've seen of him in person. Hmm, I dont know, but that sounds like exactly what Texas fans have been saying about Sergio Kindle. We just happen to list some objective measurements so you dont' have to take it all on " Hey, you're not going to believe THIS kid!! ..." Recruiting sites and such only confirm what you think, not determine it, though they're informative.
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Here's the problem with the way you Bucks are reading everything we Texas fans say:
No. Most here are having a problem because the new Texas guys feel a need to proclaim everything from Texas as the end-all, God's Gift of football...excuse the hyperbole.

Thats part of why statistics exist. They're a common measuring stick for evaluation, and they don't lie. Thats why they're not irrelavent. Kindle has the size (6'4 225), speed (sub 4.5), and running back ability to check all the other boxes. Stats are all thats left.
This is all I need to know about your football knowledge...you are likely an attentive fan, but sorry friend, you are typically clueless when it comes to intricacies in the evaluation process. How in the world do stats measure running back ability? First step, vision, pad level, ball control, etc? Stats do not tell ANY of that. For all we know, he is a big kid with some wheels that ran hard in a straight line. All the stats say is he gained yards...nothing more about ability. That is why coaches want gamefilm and not just highlight films...they want to see the little things and the things that need work. Barry Sanders had some of the most amazing 5 yard losses I have ever witnessed...amazing ability but not so friendly on the stat line. Understand?

Come on down to practice tonight with me...first we'll look at the stat sheet and you highlight the D-1 players in your opinion. Then we'll do a look test and you can pinpoint them. Then, we'll watch some drill work and you can again choose the prospects. Finally, we will watch some 7-on-7 and 1-on-1 work and do the same again.

I'll guarantee you that the stat sheet and look test is the most unreliable method of the bunch.

Why is that hard to understand? I have never taken anything away from Kindle nor have I compared him to Wells...but the manner in which he has been evaluated is useless. That is not an opinion, it is a fact. Stats mean jack...otherwise, the OL with the most pancakes would get recruited by every D1 school in America regardless if he is 5'8" 240 lbs like LloydSev.

This really is not that hard...
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Besides drink a little ice cold beer, NO.

But, as pointed out early on in this conversation, you're (not 'your,' as you keep insisting) not drinking beer. You're drinking Light... Need I bring out the professors from the Philosophy Department of the University of New South Wales to point out the similarity between making love in a canoe and Lite beer?
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