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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

He's currently the backup at the WLB after being enrolled in the spring I believe.
Mmm, CFN doesn't have him anywhere in sight, though things do change. (And of course mackbrown's site is tight-lipped on the subject.
If he wasn't on the roster, this discussion becomes moot? I dont think so.
I have to completely disagree on that point. If he isn't seeing the field then the relevance of his accomplishments on either side of the ball become are totally peripheral to the core subject matter of the thread - what happens on September 9th in Austin, TX.
campies said:
Nonetheless, it wouldn't suprise me to see him get some significant looks at RB during 2-a-days, as it wouldn't for him to make a significant impact at some place on the field for our Sept 9th game, though thats something I'm less optimistic about.
If that were to happen then he would become a meet subject for discussion. We (through the media or the UT posters) would hear of his practice accomplishments and new place in the roster hierarchy, whether it would be on ST or defense or offense.
Till that happens though I conclude that Kindle's relevance to this thread remains zero, as in he is not a meet subject, most certainly moot.
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Well first you have to magically erase the last 10 years of my life, then have me move to a power house football school and have me play TE for my whole high school career. Then assume that I get recruited by Ohio State.

After that, the stats speak for themselves.

(Don't worry.....eventually you'll figure out I'm using hyperbole to make a point)

I like what you're saying, unfortunately, due to the 4th festivities et al, I'm not sure what you're trying to say. You mentioned how ridiculous it is to take him out of LB discounting other things just because he could be a good RB, I believe? Well, I provided ample reasoning for why he is an exceptional RB for HS and beyond, he has production to support that, and competition to validate it.

Sergio Kindle is not going to be a LB in college because its his natural position, he's disciplined, or has a LB-mentality above that of a RB. In fact, if anything, its very much in spite of those things. Most Texas fans will agree he's very raw at this stage; you can see some of that on his videos as a LB. However, his size/speed/athleticism/competitiveness so far outweigh those negatives, that he's able to be successful at the HS level, and projects to be dominant at the next level with the proper instruction and exposure. He's just too good of a talent to concede the coaching up it will take to get him to a dominant level, but thats where his ceiling is. He can become that, and has so far shown the desire, commitment, and maturity to do so.
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campies said:
I like what you're saying, unfortunately, due to the 4th festivities et al, I'm not sure what you're trying to say. You mentioned how ridiculous it is to take him out of LB discounting other things just because he could be a good RB, I believe? Well, I provided ample reasoning for why he is an exceptional RB for HS and beyond, he has production to support that, and competition to validate it.

Sergio Kindle is not going to be a LB in college because its his natural position, he's disciplined, or has a LB-mentality above that of a RB. In fact, if anything, its very much in spite of those things. Most Texas fans will agree he's very raw at this stage; you can see some of that on his videos as a LB. However, his size/speed/athleticism/competitiveness so far outweigh those negatives, that he's able to be successful at the HS level, and projects to be dominant at the next level with the proper instruction and exposure. He's just too good of a talent to concede the coaching up it will take to get him to a dominant level, but thats where his ceiling is. He can become that, and has so far shown the desire, commitment, and maturity to do so.
The argument was made (i think....it's so hard to understand any of UTMNC's posts anymore) that had he not played LB and focused entirely on RB, he would be the #1 RB in the country. I'm still laughing at the ridiculousness of the "had he been able to focus on just being a RB" assumption.
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By your posts, I know enough.

So, instead of showing just how good the competition is that Kindle faced, you choose to hide behind the generalization that Texas is a football power. So, every HS team in Texas is a powerhouse? No patsies? No mediocre teams? Riiiight...

You like stats? Here's a few for you:

Chris Wells scored three TDs in the All American game.
Kindle scored none (did he even get selected for the game?)
Chris Wells was the MVP for the All American game.

name a post where i said anything other than intelligent football talk. name a post that is before you started provoking me.
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If you know you're being provoked, why let it bother you?

because i wanna know why he's been at me in particular when i have hardly said a damn thing to him. i came here to talk about this game and get tosu fans perspectives. i had been reading this fourm for a month before i registered and it was all going smoothly now when i get here there is nothing but ignorance flying everywhere.
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because i wanna know why he's been at me in particular when i have hardly said a damn thing to him. i came here to talk about this game and get tosu fans perspectives. i had been reading this fourm for a month before i registered and it was all going smoothly now when i get here there is nothing but ignorance flying everywhere.

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The argument was made (i think....it's so hard to understand any of UTMNC's posts anymore) that had he not played LB and focused entirely on RB, he would be the #1 RB in the country. I'm still laughing at the ridiculousness of the "had he been able to focus on just being a RB" assumption.

What's so hard to understand about S. Kindle having less carries(due to fatigue), and his only rest being during offensive series, yet some freaking how, he manages more yards, and more TD's (86) than Wells(61) while playing full time both ways, which for the most part is not the case for larger schools, sure every team has multi-positional players, but rarely in the larger classification do you see a kid play as many downs a game as S. Kindle (he played all special teams). so yes, if Kindle were only a RB, and he stayed relatively fresh, he's numbers would very likely have been even better. Don't feel bad, Wells is an OK back, he just dosen't have Kindles numbers. As Campies mentioned, don't be suprised to see Kindle get a few touches Sept 9th. Yall battle this out, Im outa here.
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UTMNC said:
What's so hard to understand about S. Kindle having less carries(due to fatigue), and his only rest being during offensive series, yet some freaking how, he manages more yards, and more TD's (86) than Wells(61) while playing full time both ways, which for the most part is not the case for larger schools, sure every team has multi-positional players, but rarely in the larger classification do you see a kid play as many downs a game as S. Kindle (he played all special teams). so yes, if Kindle were only a RB, and he stayed relatively fresh, he's numbers would very likely have been even better. Don't feel bad, Wells is an OK back, he just dosen't have Kindles numbers. As Campies mentioned, don't be suprised to see Kindle get a few touches Sept 9th. Yall battle this out, Im outa here.
Whats so hard to understand about my post.........since you completely whiffed on it.
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