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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

And I wonder why? Hmmm, could it be that with Kindle being the No.1 LB prospect in the nation, and knowing that defense is where he would be playing had anything to do with that. Still, with that being said, don't get mad at me because his numbers are better than Wells. P.S. something tells me,(logic), that if S. Kindle had gone to tOSU, somewhere, somehow, someway in this thread, his offensive prowess would liter the majority of rebutal post, and "Stats" would be bookmarked in anticipation of any Texas fan with even a hint of the intention of promoting an incoming Frosh RB for UT. Gentlemen, your argument is not with me, but with God, for it is he who created this Parade AFL Ironman.


Good stuff.

...but I'm laughing at you instead of with you.

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And I wonder why? Hmmm, could it be that with Kindle being the No.1 LB prospect in the nation, and knowing that defense is where he would be playing had anything to do with that.
If Kindle was not only the No.1 LB prospect in the nation, but also potentially the #1 RB prospect... then he surely would have been ranked ahead of Wells in one of the two national rankings.
Still, with that being said, don't get mad at me because his numbers are better than Wells.
you're still obsessed with statistics? Well Maurice Wells destroyed both of them, rushing for 3000+ yds and 30+ tds as a junior... against tough competition. He must be the best RB in years, right?
P.S. something tells me,(logic), that if S. Kindle had gone to tOSU, somewhere, somehow, someway in this thread, his offensive prowess would liter the majority of rebutal post, and "Stats" would be bookmarked in anticipation of any Texas fan with even a hint of the intention of promoting an incoming Frosh RB for UT.
logic? :lol: It's too bad you can't blame these posts on the scotch... b/c this has to be your most hilarious post yet.
Gentlemen, your argument is not with me, but with God, for it is he who created this Parade AFL Ironman.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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If Kindle was not only the No.1 LB prospect in the nation, but also potentially the #1 RB prospect... then he surely would have been ranked ahead of Wells in one of the two national rankings.
you're still obsessed with statistics? Well Maurice Wells destroyed both of them, rushing for 3000+ yds and 30+ tds as a junior... against tough competition. He must be the best RB in years, right?
logic? :lol: It's too bad you can't blame these posts on the scotch... b/c this has to be your most hilarious post yet.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Your Right. Everybody have a good 4th.
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Perhaps it would be a good idea if we all read some impartial assessments of just how good both teams are, and what the likely starting line-ups will be. Handily, there is an excellent set of such reading material, very well organized, courtesy of CFN. There is need for hyperbole and, certainly, no need for hurling of insults to build the rep for this game.
Indeed. It seems like Texas is rated a even or slightly better at all categories except QB. If I had to pick the 1 category to win in, that'd be it though. :)

It'd be nice if us BPers acknowledged that Texas is a very, very good team as we did last year. It seems that all these rediculous comparisons are Texas fans just trying to say "Hey, we're really good too. It should be a helluva game come September, y'all"
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This debate is stupid. UTMNC is making a legitimate and valid point. It is beyond "arguable" that S. Kindle as full-time RB could have been the number 1 running back in the country, but we'd have to start back a few years for at least his junior and senior seasons. In those 2 seasons as it is, his yardage totals and TD's by a RB have been some of the best in the country, all against a LEGITIMATE and tough DFW 4A division thats probably the best in the classification, all while starting at OLB and recording some 270+ tackles in those years. Stats alone are far from fully indicative of a player's potential, but when those stats are attatched to physical specimens who are 6'4 225 in HS, running sub 4.5, being played against the best competition in the state, then yes, stats become VERY indicative of what kind of player you're getting.

Aside from all this crap though, would it satisfy everyone if he was merely in the top 3 of running backs instead of #1? Is that less offensive to Mr. Wells? That position would still validate UTMNC's claim regarding Sergio Kindle's ability while being more reasonable for the skeptics.
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Indeed. It seems like Texas is rated a even or slightly better at all categories except QB. If I had to pick the 1 category to win in, that'd be it though. :)

It'd be nice if us BPers acknowledged that Texas is a very, very good team as we did last year. It seems that all these rediculous comparisons are Texas fans just trying to say "Hey, we're really good too. It should be a helluva game come September, y'all"

No argument here, Give me V.Y. this year, and you can take away 2-3 of Texas best defensive players, and I would still like our chances.
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campies said:
This debate is stupid. UTMNC is making a legitimate and valid point. It is beyond "arguable" that S. Kindle as full-time RB could have been the number 1 running back in the country, but we'd have to start back a few years for at least his junior and senior seasons. In those 2 seasons as it is, his yardage totals and TD's by a RB have been some of the best in the country, all against a LEGITIMATE and tough DFW 4A division thats probably the best in the classification, all while starting at OLB and recording some 270+ tackles in those years. Stats alone are far from fully indicative of a player's potential, but when those stats are attatched to physical specimens who are 6'4 225 in HS, running sub 4.5, being played against the best competition in the state, then yes, stats become VERY indicative of what kind of player you're getting.

Aside from all this crap though, would it satisfy everyone if he was merely in the top 3 of running backs instead of #1? Is that less offensive to Mr. Wells? That position would still validate UTMNC's claim regarding Sergio Kindle's ability while being more reasonable for the skeptics.
It's no where near "arguable" when the first part of the premise is that we take one of the best LBs in the country (high school) and stop him from playing LB just so he can play RB.

How about I say that Michael Jordan would have been better than Pujols at baseball if he hadn't bothered with that basketball crap.
look how foolish I am said:
No argument here, Give me V.Y. this year, and you can take away 2-3 of Texas best defensive players, and I would still like our chances.
too bad not all Texas fans feel this way....I wouldn't have to put up with this "you lost 9 defensive starters" bull shit.
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This debate is stupid. UTMNC is making a legitimate and valid point. It is beyond "arguable" that S. Kindle as full-time RB could have been the number 1 running back in the country, but we'd have to start back a few years for at least his junior and senior seasons. In those 2 seasons as it is, his yardage totals and TD's by a RB have been some of the best in the country, all against a LEGITIMATE and tough DFW 4A division thats probably the best in the classification, all while starting at OLB and recording some 270+ tackles in those years. Stats alone are far from fully indicative of a player's potential, but when those stats are attatched to physical specimens who are 6'4 225 in HS, running sub 4.5, being played against the best competition in the state, then yes, stats become VERY indicative of what kind of player you're getting.

Aside from all this crap though, would it satisfy everyone if he was merely in the top 3 of running backs instead of #1? Is that less offensive to Mr. Wells? That position would still validate UTMNC's claim regarding Sergio Kindle's ability while being more reasonable for the skeptics.

Stats...again...worthless. He is a LB for a reason. Arguable, sure. Just like saying VY could have been the #1 WR in the nation if he played there...or Reggie Bush would have been one heck of a CB...maybe, what if, ummm...sorry doesn't work that way.

Learn football friend...look beyond numbers when it comes to recruiting.

I really have no other way to explain it to you...not trying to be condescending, but it doesn't get much more simple guys.

Stats mean jack when evaluating a high school player...
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Stats...again...worthless. He is a LB for a reason. Arguable, sure. Just like saying VY could have been the #1 WR in the nation if he played there...or Reggie Bush would have been one heck of a CB...maybe, what if, ummm...sorry doesn't work that way.

Learn football friend...look beyond numbers when it comes to recruiting.

I really have no other way to explain it to you...not trying to be condescending, but it doesn't get much more simple guys.

Stats mean jack when evaluating a high school player...

I believe that's what my original post on Kindle said, very simply, "It's Arguable"
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