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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

But Grad, it's the off season...what the hell else are people suppose to do?

No doubt, debate like hell...but why degrade the another top tier program in the process?

We have tOSU fans getting annoyed by the new texas guys and their "everything is better at UT" approach...then, we turn around and do the exact same thing.

No discussion...just "my dad could beat up your dad" garbage.
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Credibility is certainly an issue anytime you use opinion and claim fact.

Provide them please...I want to see where a publication cited his versatile activity as the reason he did not receive the #1 ranking.

Read my original post, I said an "Argument could be made" that had he played offense only. If that being the case, he would have gooten many more touches with the ball. There were many games where he was so exhausted, he and W.W. football team would have been better served by a less talented, but fresher back.

Hometown: Dallas, TX (Woodrow Wilson) Prep All-American who was the only Texas player to earn all-state honors on both offense and defense ... a two-time all-state player who recorded 411 tackles and 55 TFL, while rushing for 5,632 yards and 86 TDs over his final three seasons ... averaged 9.5 yards per carry during his final two seasons ... a Parade All-America selection and Parade Player of the Year finalist as a senior ... named the Parade AFL Ironman (best two-way player nationally) ... earned the Old Spice Red Zone National Player of the Year award ... also named first-team All-American by USA Today ... tabbed first-team All-American by EA Sports

Notice it say's "THE" AFL IRONMAN, not one of the. I guess somebody could pull up C. Wells numbers since it is "Assumed" this Kindle post is being compared to, and let the dicussion go from there.
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I guess somebody could pull up C. Wells numbers since it is "Assumed" this Kindle post is being compared to, and let the dicussion go from there.

...and still you miss the point of my argument. You base this on stats alone...bad choice.

If Kindle was the #1 back in the country, he would be playing RB. However, like Teddy Ginn, the #1 CB in the nation, his talents were better suited on the other side of the ball.

Yet, as you have proven, the Texas portion of the argument must be better, bigger, faster, and more decorated.

If Kindle was the #1 back in the nation, he would have been named as much...Ginn was a QB and a CB...played both ways and returned punts and kicks. However, he was still named as the #1 CB in the nation.

The kid is a player and was an excellent player in HS...worthy of every accolade he received. However, there is no need to bestow even more upon him based on your opinion and "what if."

If he deserved it...he would get it based on talent. Just like Ginn.
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I'm cancelling my flight to Austin in September The Buckeyes have no chance in this game - I just learned that these are considered 'small' in Texas, where everything is bigger:

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Hometown: Dallas, TX (Woodrow Wilson) Prep All-American ... rushing for 5,632 yards and 86 TDs over his final three seasons ... averaged 9.5 yards per carry during his final two seasons ... a Parade All-America selection and Parade Player of the Year finalist as a senior ...

Wells was named the best running back by the same Parade publication you cited, and here's the article.
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If stats is what you want to go by then GREAT.

S. Kindle Career Rushing Yards- 5,632 VS Wells- 5,232

SR. Year:
S. Kindle: 218 rush att for 2,298 yrds 40 TD's -VS- C. Wells: 223 rush att for 2,134 yrds and 27 TD's

Career TD's
S. Kindle - 86 - VS - Wells - 61

I would say my "Arguments could be made" post has some validity to it.
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If stats is what you want to go by then GREAT.

S. Kindle Career Rushing Yards- 5,632 VS Wells- 5,232

SR. Year:
S. Kindle: 218 rush att for 2,298 yrds 40 TD's -VS- C. Wells: 223 rush att for 2,134 yrds and 27 TD's

Career TD's
S. Kindle - 86 - VS - Wells - 61

I would say my "Arguments could be made" post has some validity to it.

So then why wasn't Kindle the #1 RB in the country? How about level of competition?

Doesn't your chest hurt from all the thumping?
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So then why wasn't Kindle the #1 RB in the country? How about level of competition?

Doesn't your chest hurt from all the thumping?

The breakdown of the "level of competition" would involve a seperate thread all it's own, but suffice it to say that both states are known H.S. football powers. Again, my original comment was not that Kindle should have been, simply that with his stats, coupled with his National attention, he "could" have been the No.1 RB.

No, my chest dosen't hurt from thumping. Where in this is any evidence of hyper-bole, over-exuberante homerism. If logical, realistic,practical, and factual information is used to validate a simple opinion, where is the complaint.
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