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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

I see Texas fans are now allowed to say "what if" and just give themselves a 50+ point performance. Apparently there aren't any "what if"s that would have given OSU the game.

And this, after I said that the post was not about "ifs" but about but about offense execution being more than just a QB issue.
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What else could it possibly be then?

On at least one occasion, Bevo has been eaten. "It is taboo to…eat or kill the totem, except in ritual sacrificial ceremonies, in which the animal is elaborately praised and lamented.” Bevo I was “fattened up and became the barbecued main course for the January 1920 football banquet." He was sacrificially eaten, and then his “head and horns were mounted and hung in the U.T. athletic office”. Although Bevo was eaten, it was with great ceremony.
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Heysoos Frickin' Christo. What part of "game plan" and "Ginn was developing as a WR" can't you fathom? We spread the ball to five other receivers other than Holmes against Texas to our best receiver (Holmes) open. And the game plan was to run more than pass (which we did: 36 rushes to 26 passes) because of the QB situation, so Ginn wasn't a major part of the plan for that game. In fact, Ginn wasn't a major portion of our game plans on offense until the end of the season when he started running better, cleaner routes.

Ok, thats makes a little more sense. However, can you just answer this one question for me? Why are you so hung up on defending a guy not being "shut down" when apparently he wasn't important enough to be gameplanned into the offense? Do you feel the need to defend that Texas didn't "shut down" Erik Haw or Ryan Hamby? Probably not since they weren't even close to being a featured item in the gameplan. Why don't you just come out and admit one way or the other that Ginn was a developing scrub for whom it shouldn't have mattered if he was shut down or not, hence negating the need for your heated, defensive post, or he was in fact "shut down" by the efforts made at him by the Texas defense? You can't have it both ways.
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Ok, thats makes a little more sense. However, can you just answer this one question for me? Why are you so hung up on defending a guy not being "shut down" when apparently he wasn't important enough to be gameplanned into the offense?

Because I'm sick and tired of bandwagon chest-thumpers bragging about how the mighty, "inVINCEable" Texas defense shut down Ginn.
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Sergio Kindle #02
Height: 6-4
Weight: 225
Class: Fr.-HS
Hometown: Dallas, TX (Woodrow Wilson) Prep All-American who was the only Texas player to earn all-state honors on both offense and defense ... a two-time all-state player who recorded 411 tackles and 55 TFL, while rushing for 5,632 yards and 86 TDs over his final three seasons ... averaged 9.5 yards per carry during his final two seasons ... a Parade All-America selection and Parade Player of the Year finalist as a senior ... named the Parade AFL Ironman (best two-way player nationally) ... earned the Old Spice Red Zone National Player of the Year award ... also named first-team All-American by USA Today ... tabbed first-team All-American by EA Sports ... named 4A Defensive Player of the Year by The Associated Press and the Texas Sports Writers Association ... tabbed the Dallas Morning News all-area defensive MVP ... named region defensive MVP and all-region first team ... secured unanimous district MVP honors (10-4A) ... posted 218 carries for 2,298 yards (10.5 ypc) and 40 TDs ... also recorded 157 tackles, 36 TFL and one touchdown at linebacker ... while fighting a stomach virus, notched 247 yards on 31 carries in a playoff win over Lake Dallas ... earned Associated Press and Texas Sports Writers Association honorable mention 4A all-state running back honors as a junior ... named district 10-4A's offensive MVP and was named first-team all-district on both offense and defense ... wracked up 1,825 yards and 25 TDs on 214 rushing attempts (8.5 ypc) and posted 107 tackles and 19 TFL ... named district 9-4A Player of the Year as a sophomore ... rushed for 1,509 yards and 21 TDs while recording 147 tackles ... named district 9-4A Defensive Player of the Year as a freshman ... also blocked five punts and two field goals while playing on special teams ... was the starting center on the basketball team ... ran the 400m, 4x400-meter relay and competed in the long jump ... full name is Sergio Valent'e Kindle ... born on Sept. 20, 1987

The argument can be made, that had S. Kindle played offense only, he would had been the highest ranked RB in the Nation.
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Sergio Kindle #02
Height: 6-4
Weight: 225
Class: Fr.-HS
Hometown: Dallas, TX (Woodrow Wilson) Prep All-American who was the only Texas player to earn all-state honors on both offense and defense ... a two-time all-state player who recorded 411 tackles and 55 TFL, while rushing for 5,632 yards and 86 TDs over his final three seasons ... averaged 9.5 yards per carry during his final two seasons ... a Parade All-America selection and Parade Player of the Year finalist as a senior ... named the Parade AFL Ironman (best two-way player nationally) ... earned the Old Spice Red Zone National Player of the Year award ... also named first-team All-American by USA Today ... tabbed first-team All-American by EA Sports ... named 4A Defensive Player of the Year by The Associated Press and the Texas Sports Writers Association ... tabbed the Dallas Morning News all-area defensive MVP ... named region defensive MVP and all-region first team ... secured unanimous district MVP honors (10-4A) ... posted 218 carries for 2,298 yards (10.5 ypc) and 40 TDs ... also recorded 157 tackles, 36 TFL and one touchdown at linebacker ... while fighting a stomach virus, notched 247 yards on 31 carries in a playoff win over Lake Dallas ... earned Associated Press and Texas Sports Writers Association honorable mention 4A all-state running back honors as a junior ... named district 10-4A's offensive MVP and was named first-team all-district on both offense and defense ... wracked up 1,825 yards and 25 TDs on 214 rushing attempts (8.5 ypc) and posted 107 tackles and 19 TFL ... named district 9-4A Player of the Year as a sophomore ... rushed for 1,509 yards and 21 TDs while recording 147 tackles ... named district 9-4A Defensive Player of the Year as a freshman ... also blocked five punts and two field goals while playing on special teams ... was the starting center on the basketball team ... ran the 400m, 4x400-meter relay and competed in the long jump ... full name is Sergio Valent'e Kindle ... born on Sept. 20, 1987

The argument can be made, that had S. Kindle played offense only, he would had been the highest ranked RB in the Nation.

Sorry, but you are smoking crack. I've seen film on him, and most of the clips were with him at tailback...wasnt impressive at all.
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based on?

...based on that these guys were not around here last year and thereby do appear to be bandwagon guys.

They could be on 900 other message boards, but there certainly was not this level of "holier-than-thou" posts with the UT folks last year.

I'll stick with the guys who have been around and proven they are gracious in discussion and in competition.
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I think it's hilarious how the tone of this thread has changed. If you go back to the beginning it's mostly reasonable posts and patting eachother on the back. Now we're at eachother's throats!

Who is more likely to rush for 100 yards or more, Antonio Pittman or Jamal Charles?
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