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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

No, my chest dosen't hurt from thumping. Where in this is any evidence of hyper-bole, over-exuberante homerism. If logical, realistic,practical, and factual information is used to validate a simple opinion, where is the complaint.

One more time....

Stats are not a reliable indicator of a player's college potential....

Therefore, any usage of stats in your argument carries zero weight.

I coach a LB right now that was 3rd on my team in tackles...had less than 15 receptions all year, 4th on the team in rushing, and only scored 4 TDs all year. However, he also holds 16 major D-1 offers while the guys with better stats do not hold any.

As I said, stats do not mean jack in evaluating players.
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you dont even know me. your the one that started this beef with me.

By your posts, I know enough.

The breakdown of the "level of competition" would involve a seperate thread all it's own, but suffice it to say that both states are known H.S. football powers.

So, instead of showing just how good the competition is that Kindle faced, you choose to hide behind the generalization that Texas is a football power. So, every HS team in Texas is a powerhouse? No patsies? No mediocre teams? Riiiight...

You like stats? Here's a few for you:

Chris Wells scored three TDs in the All American game.
Kindle scored none (did he even get selected for the game?)
Chris Wells was the MVP for the All American game.
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By your posts, I know enough.

So, instead of showing just how good the competition is that Kindle faced, you choose to hide behind the generalization that Texas is a football power. So, every HS team in Texas is a powerhouse? No patsies? No mediocre teams? Riiiight...

You like stats? Here's a few for you:

Chris Wells scored three TDs in the All American game.
Kindle scored none (did he even get selected for the game?)
Chris Wells was the MVP for the All American game.

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Sweet Jesus. You'd think with all this hate, that this fighting would actually affect the outcome of the game...

I'm pretty disappointed to see all this name calling, black listing and hurling of personal insults. I like to think of BP as my home, and fans from other teams as my guests.

It’d sure be nice to see some hospitality here. Every fan in this forum supports a proud, tradition rich team that has a really good shot at winning.

Everyone just take 5 deep breaths before you respond, and remember when this thread used to be fun. :cool:

Great post. This is getting WAY too serious. Some guys on BOTH sides need to chill out, kick back, share the love for college ball, and most importantly, make this a FUN place for people to go to for a little diversion from their everyday lives.
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If stats is what you want to go by then GREAT.

S. Kindle Career Rushing Yards- 5,632 VS Wells- 5,232

SR. Year:
S. Kindle: 218 rush att for 2,298 yrds 40 TD's -VS- C. Wells: 223 rush att for 2,134 yrds and 27 TD's

Career TD's
S. Kindle - 86 - VS - Wells - 61

I would say my "Arguments could be made" post has some validity to it.

Only in the mind of a Texas fan.

I will say it again, NO major recruiting service even remotely considered him a running back prospect. He would not have even sniffed the #1 spot. Put Spiller or Wells on that team and your boy would have never made the feild as a running back unless it was the 4th quarter of a blow out. PERIOD END OF STORY
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Only in the mind of a Texas fan.

I will say it again, NO major recruiting service even remotely considered him a running back prospect. He would not have even sniffed the #1 spot. Put Spiller or Wells on that team and your boy would have never made the feild as a running back unless it was the 4th quarter of a blow out. PERIOD END OF STORY

And I wonder why? Hmmm, could it be that with Kindle being the No.1 LB prospect in the nation, and knowing that defense is where he would be playing had anything to do with that. Still, with that being said, don't get mad at me because his numbers are better than Wells. P.S. something tells me,(logic), that if S. Kindle had gone to tOSU, somewhere, somehow, someway in this thread, his offensive prowess would liter the majority of rebutal post, and "Stats" would be bookmarked in anticipation of any Texas fan with even a hint of the intention of promoting an incoming Frosh RB for UT. Gentlemen, your argument is not with me, but with God, for it is he who created this Parade AFL Ironman.
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I feel this conversation has strayed considerably off course.

Getting embroiled in a Kindle as RB vs Wells is, in my opinion, a new low point in the quality of debate. There are very good things to be said for both teams chances next season, and specifically, in the game on September 9th.

Perhaps it would be a good idea if we all read some impartial assessments of just how good both teams are, and what the likely starting line-ups will be. Handily, there is an excellent set of such reading material, very well organized, courtesy of CFN. There is need for hyperbole and, certainly, no need for hurling of insults to build the rep for this game.

Here is their Buckeye Write up.
<table id="table2" border="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td width="397">[FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif][SIZE=-1][FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif]Ohio State Buckeyes[/FONT]
Preview 2006
[/SIZE][/FONT]</td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff">- 2006 OSU Offense Breakdown
- 2006 OSU Defense Breakdown
- 2006 OSU Depth Chart
- 2006 OSU Further Analysis
- 2005 OSU Preview
And, here is the ledger for Texas.
<table id="table2" border="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td width="397">[FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif][SIZE=-1] [FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif]Texas Longhorns[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif]
Preview 2006
</td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff">- 2006 Texas Preview
- 2006 Texas Offense Breakdown
- 2006 Texas Defense Breakdown
- 2006 Texas Depth Chart
- 2006 Texas Further Analysis
- 2005 Texas Preview

Personally, I feel in my gut that this game plays out like last years, that is with the visiting team having the edge. A large reason for that is the lack of Vince Young as the signal caller. The resulting uncertainty at QB in such a high profile, season-making game, parallels the question marks that hovered over OSU's offense last year. Meanwhile Young lived up to the reputation he earned in '04 by (finally) beating Oklahoma, and then running rough-shod over the Michigan D at the prior year's Rose Bowl. The best defense Young played against last year was the Buckeyes, and I dare say that Troy will be able to make that same exact claim after the season ends next year (hopefully in Glendale).
I'm looking for running / passing QB star redux this time around, with the more settled offensive unit wearing the away whites and gray. This won't mean that Smith destroys, crushes, or humiliates Texas. That team, on defense, is more than good enough to keep this game close. Smith though is good enough to play well against anyone in the country. He is that seasoned Senior leader Texas yearned to see with a returning Young. And, Smith's supporting cast is better now at running back than it was last year - plus our WR Corps is still very solid, with the potential to be very great.
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